The First National Conference on Student Scholarships Narrative, مهر ماه ۱۳۹۵

The First National Conference on Student Scholarships Narrative

The First National Conference on Student Scholarships Narrative

Poster of The First National Conference on Student Scholarships Narrative

The First National Conference on Student Scholarships Narrative In date 2016-10-19 by ,Iran Academy of Literary Criticismانجمن علمي نقد ادبي ايران . مركز تحقيقات زبان و ادبيات فارسي دانشگاه تربيت مدرس . دانشگاه فرهنگيان،پرديس شهيد هاشمي نژاد مشهد in City Mashhad was held.This conference is held by Civilica Sponsoring and articles and will be indexed in CIVILICA