7th International Conference on Modern Research Achievements in Management, Humanities and Social and Cultural Studies, مهر ماه ۱۳۹۹

7th International Conference on Modern Research Achievements in Management, Humanities and Social and Cultural Studies

7th International Conference on Modern Research Achievements in Management, Humanities and Social and Cultural Studies

Poster of 7th International Conference on Modern Research Achievements in Management, Humanities and Social and Cultural Studies

7th International Conference on Modern Research Achievements in Management, Humanities and Social and Cultural Studies In date 2020-10-07 by ,سازمان همياري شهرداري ها و مركز توسعه خلاقيت و نوآوري علوم نوين in City Isfahan was held. please refer to the following link to download all the papers of conference proceedings: Proceedings 7th International Conference on Modern Research Achievements in Management, Humanities and Social and Cultural Studies

Other Courses of the Conference

International Conference on New Advances in Research in Humanities and Social and Cultural Studies (2018)

International Conference on New Advances in Research in Humanities and Social and Cultural Studies (2018)

Third International Conference on New Research Achievements in Humanities and Social and Cultural Studies (2019)

Fourth International Conference on New Advances in Research in Humanities and Social and Cultural Studie (2019)

Fourth International Conference on New Advances in Research in Humanities and Social and Cultural Studie (2019)

Sixth International Conference on New Advances in Research in Humanities and Social and Cultural Studie (2019)

8th International Conference on Modern Research Achievements in jurisprudence, law and Humanities (2021)

9th International Conference on Modern Research Achievements in jurisprudence, law and Humanities (2022)

10th International Conference on Modern Research Achievements in jurisprudence, law and Humanities (2022)

11th International Conference on Modern Research Achievements in jurisprudence, law and Humanities (2023)

12th International Conference on Modern Research Achievements in jurisprudence, law and Humanities (2023)

13th International Conference on Modern Research Achievements in jurisprudence, law and Humanities (2024)

14th International Conference on Modern Research Achievements in jurisprudence, law and Humanities (2024)

15th International Conference on Modern Research Achievements in jurisprudence, law and Humanities (2025)

16th International Conference on Modern Research Achievements in jurisprudence, law and Humanities (2025)

Accepted papers in 7th International Conference on Modern Research Achievements in Management, Humanities and Social and Cultural Studies