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11th Annual Electrochemistry Seminar of Iran
11th Annual Electrochemistry Seminar of Iran In date 2015-11-18 by ,Electrochemical Society of Iranانجمن الكتروشيمي ايران in City Tehran was held. please refer to the following link to download all the papers of conference proceedings: Proceedings 11th Annual Electrochemistry Seminar of Iran
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Accepted papers in 11th Annual Electrochemistry Seminar of Iran
Physioelectrochemical Study on the Inhibition of Copper Corrosion inAcidic Solution by Newly Synthesized Organic Compound
Application of genetic algorithms for pixel selection in multivariate image analysis for a QSPR study of half-wave potentials for benzoxazinescompounds
Review on Recent Trends on electrochemistry of lead, aluminum and nikel
A review of corrosion resistance of metals coated with graphene
Corrosion performance of epoxy containing Na-MMT/CoFe2O4 nanopowder on 3105 aluminium and the study of molecular dynamics simulation
Thermodynamics and Electrochemical Studies of Corrosion at Stainless Steel 316 by Aurin tricarboxylic acid ammonium salt in hydrochloric acid
Evaluation of the properties of nanoclay/ ZnFe2O4 as epoxy coating of 3105 aluminium
Corrosion behavior of nanocomposite PEO coatings on titanium fabricated in electrolyte containing penicillin
Synthesis and characterization of soluble polyanline for Corrosion Protection of Carbon steel
Electrochemical study of a novel schiff bases as a corrosion inhibitor for galvanized steel in 1M hydrochloric acid
Electrochemical study of corrosion behavior of Zr-1%Nb in LiOH and KOH solutions
EIS study of nanoAlumina-polyester nanocomposite coatings and the effect of curing type on the corrosion properties
Investigation of corrosion protection properties of SiAlON-epoxy nanocomposite coatings
Electropolymerized coatings of polyaniline-CNT on stainless steel 310 and their corrosion protection performance in chloride environment
Effect of ultrafine-grained structure on the electrochemical behavior of 1050 aluminum alloy
Simultaneous Removal of Heavy Metals from water: Effect of pH and Removal Time
The influence of high nitrogen austenitic surface layer formation on the corrosion resistance of Fe-23Cr-2.4Mo ferritic stainless steel
Hydride cracking of zirconium alloys
Influence of Multi- walled Carbon Nanotube Addition on the Zinc-Rich Paint Coating Corrosion in NaCl solution
Influence of composition and process conditions on corrosion of Pb-Sn-Ca Alloys in Lead- Acid battery positive grid
Study of effect of super hydrophobicity on corrosion resistance
A Study upon the Corrosion Behavior of MoC-Co-Nb Alloys in the Bromide Media
Study of cathodic disbondment mechanism from the electrochemistry point of view
Spontaneous Deposition of Pd Nanoparticles on Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes as an Electrocatalyst for Methanol Fuel Cell
Electrochemical Supercapacitor Studies of GO – MWCNTs
Supercapacitive performance of NiO Nanospheres Prepared by Electrodeposition-Heat treatment method
Electrocatalytic oxidation of formaldehyde on novel composite of nickel/ triton-x100/poly(o-aminophenol-co-aniline) modified carbon paste electrode
Electro-oxidation of formaldehyde on nickel oxide nanoparticle-modified glassy carbon electrode as a promising electrode material to enhance the performance of a fuel cell anode
Effect of different dicarboxylic acid additives on electrochemical behavior of Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries
Sn-Ni alloy nanoparticles as anode of lithium ion battery
Preparation of Cu-Pd bimetallic nanoporous carbon composite and its application as electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction
بهبود ریزساختار و مورفولوژی نانوپودرهای اکسیدسریم، سنتز شده به روش ژل احتراقی به منظور استفاده در پیلهای سوختی حالت جامد
Study of Platinum Electrodeposition with Cyclic Voltammetery Method for Using as Electrocatalyst in Methanol Oxidation Reaction
Effect of constant potential on the electrodeposition of platinum on the oxygen reduction reaction in PEM Fuel cell
The synthesis and ionic characteristic of hydroxide conductive polymer membrane for solid alkaline fuel cell
Study of water content properties in anion exchange membranes for fuel cell applications
Optimization of grid configuration by investigating its effect on positive plate of lead-acid batteries via numerical modeling
A Facile Electrochemical Synthesis of NiCo₂O₄ Nanosheets for High Performance Supercapacitor Applications
Study of Atomic Structure and Composition of intermetallic Pt3Co Nanoparticles on MWCNT in Enhanced Elrctroactivity of Methanol Oxidation
Nanoporous graphene/CuO composite as high-performance supercapacitor electrode material
Discoloration of C.I. Reactive Yellow 145 solution using TiO2 nanoparticles coupled with Sonoelectrochemistry process
Molecular Dynamic Study of [EMIM]+[PF6]- Ionic Liquid near a Monolayer Graphene Surface
Preparation of GrapheneNanosheets/CarbonNanotube/Pt/Polyaniline Nanocomposite with high specific capacitance as Electrode Material forSupercapacitors
Fabrication of MEA on carbon supported PtSnO2 and Pt for ethanol oxidation in DEFC
Synthesis of Nanocomposite with Carbon-SnO2-Ga2O3 on TiO2 Nanotubes and Application in Lithium Ion Batteries
Impact of process parameters of positive paste on Charge-Acceptance of SLI batteries
Verification upon the Rechargeable Batteries, The Pulse-Current Electrodeposition , for Platinum Electrodes
The use of Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) as Electrocatalyst in Lithium/Thionyl Chloride (Li/SOCl2) cells
Study of Electrolytes effect on corrosion of oxide layer created on magnesium alloys by PEO
Electrochemical synthesis and characterization of graphene /polyaniline nanofibers composites as electrode for supercapacitors
Investigation of metal free electro-catalysts based on halogen doped RGO for oxygen reduction reaction
A comparison of three Li/SOCl2 batteries with Different duration of using which used as the power source in gas meters
Membrane Electrode Assembly health detection in a 4 cells stack using linear sweep voltammetery
The Effect of Anodic Reactant Relative Humidity on the Performance and EIS Response of PEM Fuel Cell
Sonochemical synthesis of graphene-manganese oxide nanohybrid as an electrode material for supercapacitor
Increased cycle life of lithium ion battery anode assisted by metal oxide nanoparticles
Effect of Nano-Grained Structure on the Electrochemical Behavior of Pure Copper in an alkaline solution
Effect of Surfactants on Electrocatalytic Performance of Copper Nanoparticles for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction
Synthesis of Graphene/Metal Nanoparticle Composite via Quasi-Two-Step Reduction at Room Temperature for Electro-Oxidation of Ethanol inAlkaline Medium
Highly active metal organic framework composite for oxygen reduction reaction in alkaline medium
Nanocomposite membranes based sulfonated poly (ether ether ketone) for proton exchange membrane fuel cell application
Preparation of Electrode Material for Supercapacitor based on Electropolymerized Poly (ortho-Methoxyaniline)/MWCNT Composite Film
Study of electrochemical performance of LiFePO4 and graphite electrodes with EC/DMC electrolyte in Li-ion batteries
Physical and electrochemical investigation of SPEEK/ZrO2 nanocomposite membrane for PEMFC applications
Preparation and comparison of physical and electrochemical properties of Nafion and Nafion/ZrO2 nanocomposite membranes
Characterization of Sn/Graphene composite as anode in lithium ion batteries
Electrochemical Study of Anti-Corrosion Property of Fe3O4/Polyaniline Nanocomposite
Enhance electrochemical performance of LiFePO4-C nanocomposite with V2O5 addition in lithium-ion battery cathode
Ionic conductivity of Li1.3Al0.3Ti1.7 (PO4)3 solid electrolyte synthesized by solution-based method
Effect of caustic treatment of reduced graphene oxide on its structure and performance toward ORR
A review for fundamental aspects, electrosynthesis, characterisation and physioelectrochemical properties of highly efficient hybrid supercapacitors
Potential application of nitrogen-doped graphene nanosheets as an efficient cathode electrocatalyst in alkaline PDMFC
Synthesis of cobalt catalyst supported on nitrogen doped graphene for oxygen reduction reaction
Synthesis and studying of active and durable support based on graphene for PEMFC
Synthesis of Nano Composite TiO2 Nanotube/C as Anode Materials for Li Ion Batteries
Parametric Analysis of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Performance under Different Operation Condition by Using a Neural Network
Effect of support on activity and stability of Pt–Pd catalyst for oxygen reduction reaction in proton exchange membranefuel cells
Synthesis of the LiFePO4/graphene composite and its enhanced properties as cathode materials for lithium ion batteries
Synthesis of CeO2 nano-powders using gel-combustion method in order to make SOFCs
Review of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs): Roadmap, advantages,application, and mechanism
A comparison of different carbon used as the positive electrode (cathode) in Lithium/Thionyl Chloride (Li/SOCl2) cells
Effect of surfactants on electrochemical hydrogen production
Ionic liquid-functionalized carbon nanotube composite in bioanode for enzymatic fuel cell
Direct electron transfer of Myriococcum Thermophilum Cellobiose Dehydrogenase on gold nanoparticles
High performance glucose/O2 compartment-less biofuel cell using DNA/CNTs as platform for immobilizing BOD as novel biocathode and integrated NH2-CNTs/ DEN/GDH/ NB as anode
Evaluation of kinetic and thermodynamic parameters of Rizatriptan using nano-biosensor
Development of a highly sensitive DNA FFTSW voltammetric genosensor based on CeO2 NPs-RGO nanocomposite
Using 2-[(thiophene-2-yl-methylene)-amino]-isoindole-1,3-dione as a new selector element to develop the potentiometric iron (III) - selective electrode
Gadolinium (III) PVC-Membrane Sensor based on N'-(2-oxo-1, 2-di (pyridine-2-yl) ethylidene) furan-2-carbohydrazide
Electrochemical Investigation of Releasing of dopamine from dopamineloaded liposomes
The recent advances in electrochemical biosensors for miRNA quantification
Development of anew electrochemical aptasensor for Sensing of epirubicin
Development of a new aptasensor based on functionalized SBA-15 modified screen-printed electrode for determination of chloramphenicol
Study of Electrochemical Deposition of Platinum Nanoelectrocatalyst for Glucose Oxidation Reaction in Biofuel Cell
Hydroquinone diphosphate/Ag+ as an enzymatic substrate for alkaline phosphatase catalyzed silver deposition
A selective and regenerative elechtrochemical biosensor based aptamers for determination of homocysteine in biological samples
Detection of dopamine with a modified-graphene oxide nano sheets paste electrode using voltammetry
Fabrication of a modified carbon paste electrode for enhanced electrocatalytic activity toward the detection of toxic hydrazine in water samples
Application of graphene oxide nanosheets to construct a modified carbon paste electrode as a hydroxylamine electrochemical sensor
Evaluation of electrocoagulation process for the removal of reactive red 196 dye from textile industry Wastewater
Optimization of Electro-Fenton Process Efficiency for Removal of Antibiotic Tetracycline from Hospital Wastewater
Determination of Losartan in Real Samples Using Liquid Membrance Graphite Electrode Based on Molecularly Imprinted Polymer
Electrodeposited Gold Nanoparticles on Glassy carbon Electrode: Correlation between Electrodeposition Time and the Amount of Immobilized Gold Nanoparticle
Voltammetric determination of bisphenol using a nanostructure based electrochemical sensor
Synthesis of a novel Magnetite/Nitrogen-doped Reduced Graphene Oxide nanocomposite as High Performance Supercapacitor
Enhanced performance of a duel chambered microbial fuel cell with ssDNA/CPE as bio-cathode
The Application of Ion Selective Electrode Modified with Molecularly Imprinted Polymer based on Liquid Membrane for the Determination ofMethylmercury in Real Samples
Designing of Liquid Membranc Electrode Based on Molecularly Imprinted Polymer and its Applicability to Determination of P-nitrophenol in thePharmaceutical Samples
Electrochemical Characterization of Au/ZnO/PPy/graphene nanocomposite and its application for simultaneous determination of ascorbic acid (AA), epinephrine (EP) and uric acid (UA)
A novel biosensor for simultaneous determination of two neurotransmitter Dopamine and serotonin in the presence of ascorbic acid using GCE/RGO/PPy/Pt NPs
Determination of Silver Ion in Water Wamples Using Potentiometric Sensor Based on Molecularly Imprinted Polymer
Combination of electro membrane assisted solid phase micro extraction with electrochemical detection a new strategy for selective and sensitive electroanalysis
Determination of methyldopa by a novel enzymatic biosensor; detection of methyldopa in medical and pharmaceutical samples
One-step Electrochemical Preparation of Fe3O4 Particles/PVA Composite as High Performance Electrode Materials for Supercapacitors
Determination of Pb+2 ions in environmental samples using graphite electrode modified with liquid membrane based on molecularly imprintedpolymer
Designing of Potentiometric Sensor Modified with Liquid Membrane Base on Surface Molecularly Imprinted Polymer for the Determination Methyldopa in Real Samples
Determination of dopamine in the presence of uric acid and folic acid based on dopamine electrocatalytic oxidation by CuO nanoparticle/hemoglobin
Evolution of reduced graphene oxide modified carbon screen printed electrode for determination of buprenorphine
Simultaneously electrochemical determination of dihydroxybenzen isomers using nano carbon paste electrode modified with Cu (II) complex
Simultaneous determination of epinephrine and uric acid using glass carbon electrode modified with nanoparticles
Preparation of a cation selective Nano-Composite carbon paste electrode based on N, N'-dipyridoxyl (1,3--propanediamine)
Nonenzymatic glucose detection based on copper oxide-Palladium/CNT nanocomposite
Determination of ascorbic acid using Cu (II) complex-modified glass carbon electrode
Method of Recovering Metals from Lithium Batteries
Adrenaline biosensor based on carbon nanotube modified electrode
Electrocatalytic oxidation of L-Dopa by novel biosensor based on immobilization of HRP on nucleophilic-functionalized MWCNT composite
Fabrication of adehyde oxidase and xanthine oxidase electrochemical biosensors based on Fe3O4/Go/CHIT and inhibition studies of purines, perymidines and flavonoides
Electrochemical behavior study and determination of isoniazidon the solgel electrode modified with carbon nanotubes
Comparative Study of Carbon Nanotube Dispersion Using Surfactants
Application of an Electrochemical Sensor Based on Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Modified Platinum Electrode for Determination of Doxorubicin in Biological Fluids and Preliminary Study on Drug-DNA Interactions
Electrochemical determination of anti-HIV drug Nevirapine with a nanocomposite modified graphite electrode by gold nanoparticles and poly(methylene blue) on multi wall carbon nanotube substrate
Electrochemical polymerization of Methylene blue on a electrode and Its utilization for improved Sensor Performances
Determination of Phenylephrine by Nano Structure Electrochemical Sensor in Pharmaceutical Sample
Supercapacitive Behavior of Co3O4 Nanoplates Prepared via Pulse Electrosynthesis Followed by Heat-treatment
Design and Development of a Nanostructure Sensor for Determination of TBQ with MIP using Central Composite Design
Electrochemical sensor for Hematoxylin based on carbon paste electrode modified with molecularly imprinted polymer and multiwall carbonnanotube
Demulsification of Crude Oil-in-Water Emulsions Driven by Graphene Oxide Nanosheets
Effect of Demulsifier on Water Destabilization in Oil/water Emulsions
Determination of Sudan I in food samples using a modified nanostructure paste electrode
Electrocatalytic determination of captopril using a ferrocene-derivative modified nanostructure carbon paste electrode
Electrochemical Determination of Tetracycline using Glassy Carbon Electrode Modified with β-Cyclodextrin Functionalised Graphene NanoSheet as a Host Gust Molecule
Electrochemical Performance for Methanol Oxidation of Pt/Carbon Quantum Dot Nanocomposites in Acid Media
Voltammetric determination of naloxone at pencil lead electrode modified with graphene oxide and gold nanoparticles: Application to the analysis of biological samples
Simultaneous determination of ascorbic acid and NADH in pharmaceutical and biological samples using voltammetric sensor
Determination of Streptomycin Based on Grapheneoxide Oracet blue Silver Nanoparticles modified Screen Printed Electrode
Electrodeposition of PbS nanostructure on stainless steel 304 substrate in nitric acid solution and cyclic voltammetry and chemical impedancespectroscopy studies
Fabrication of Sensitive Electrochemical Arsenic (III) Aptasensor
Preparation of Poly (vinyl alcohol)/cupric acetate Nanofibers by Electrospinning Method: Application for Hydrazine Hydrate Electrooxidation
Fabrication of sensitive electrochemical aptasensor for detection of mercury ion using graphene based nanomaterials
Electrocatalytic oxidation of warfarin using poly ionic liquid/Ni complex nanocomposite and nafion
Electrocatalytic Glucose Oxidation Based on Nickel Nanoparticles/PEDOT: PSS Nanocomposite
Electrochemical Evaluation of Liquid Electrolyte for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSCs) by Cyclic Voltammetry
Electrocatalytic Oxidation of Glucose on the Ni-Al LDH/GQD/RGO Nanocomposite: Electrochemical determination
Sensitive electrochemical detection of risperidone with a poly ionic liquid/Ni complex nanocomposite and nafion modified glassy carbon electrode
Voltammetric determination of butylated hydroxytoluene using modified nanostructure carbon paste electrode
Functionalization of Graphene Nanosheets with 4-Amino Benzoic Acid and its Application in Pb2+ Sensing
Determination of epinephrine using a carbone paste electrode modified with core shell nanocomposite and modifier
Modification of carbon paste electrode with synthesized aluminum oxide nanoparticles for determination of gallic acid by cyclic voltammetry
Simultaneous measurement of uric acid and dopamine using electrode modified with the carbon Nano tube and copper- Quinizarine nanoparticles
Iron oxide nanoparticles modified carbon paste electrode as an effective electrochemical sensor for sensitive voltammetric determination of ascorbic acid
Pt.Ni nanoparticles supported on Graphene as an effective catalyst for oxygen reduction
Positively Charged Sulfonamide Carbon Nanoparticles /SDS Modified Carbon Paste Electrode: A Voltametric Sensor for Ciprofloxacin
Evaluation of different fuel cell catalyst nano particle loading on carbon nanotube as catalyst layer support using homemade half cell
TBHQ analysis as an antioxidant food additive using modified CdO/CNTs ionic liquids carbon paste electrode
Application of RGO-Chitosan Nanocomposite for Fabrication Sensitive Aflatoxin B1 Electrochemical Aptasensor
Flower-like gold nanoparticles linked to gold DVD platform via L-cysteine self-assembly monolayer: A novel voltammetric sensor for detection ofhydrazine
Excellent electrocatalytic activity of Au nano-flowers towards oxidation of sulfite: Application to electrochemical detection of sulfite in environmental samples
An electrochemical sensor for voltammetric determination of ascorbic acid using modified carbon paste electrode
Voltammetric analysis of diphenhydramine in pharmaceutical samples using a nanostructure based sensor
Electrochemical sensor for isoproterenol based on a carbon paste electrode modified with carbon nanotube and modifier
Changing Electro-deposition Parameters to Enhance Co Nanoflakes as Electro-catalyst
Determination of tryptophan in food and pharmaceutical samples using a nanostructure electrochemical sensor
WO3 nanoparticles based electrochemical sensor for trace determination of theophylline by adsorptive stripping differential pulse voltammetry
Electrochemical Hydrogen Peroxide Sensing Based on Nano-Sized Byphenylic Ni Complex
Simultaneous and sensitive determination of ascorbic acid and tryptophan on ionic liquid/nanocomposite modified carbon paste electrode
Fabrication of NiO nanoparticle onto the surface of a modified screenprinted electrode for simultaneous determination of dopamine and uricacid
Construction of selective potentiometric sensor for Isoniazid by modified carbon paste electrode with Iron magnetic nanoparticles
Analysis of 4-chlorophenol in environmental samples using NiO nanoparticles ionic liquids carbon paste electrode
Determination of Ni (II) by carbon past electrode modified with clinoptilolite nanoparticles-dimethyl glyoxime (NClino-DMG)
The novel synthesis of Nb2O5 nanoparticles via surfactant free methods applicable for electrochemical energy devices
Enhanced electrocatalytic oxidation of methanol at rGO-NiO nanocomposite modified carbon ceramic electrode in alkaline medium
Ascorbic acid determination in food and pharmaceutical samples using modified carbon paste electrode
Nickel nanoparticle supported on ZrO2 nanotubes as a new high active electrodes for methanol electrooxidation
Electrocatalytic determination of isoproterenol, acetaminophen, tryptophan and thophylline using a carbon paste electrode modified with graphene and modifier
Voltammetric determination of levodopa, acetaminophen and tyrosine using a carbon paste electrode modified with graphene and modifier
Preparation and Electrochemical Performance of Hematite (α-Fe2O3) Nanoparticles as Supercapacitor Electrode Material
Theoretical study on the functionalized graphene nanostructures with carbendazim
Sonoelectrochemical Oxidation for Decolorization of Basic Blue 41 based on Central Composite Design
In situ activation of Ni alloy with Mo for hydrogen evolution reaction
Development of a New Electrochemical Imprinted Sensor Based on Polypyrrole Sol-gel And Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes for Tramadol Analysis
Developments on the modification of graphite electrodes with nanoparticles
Deposition of ZnS thin film and modyfing optical properties by Ag nanoparticles
Sensetive electrochemical immunosensor for human chorionic gonadotropin based on gold nanoparticle/graphene-ionic liquid-chitosan nanocomposite film modified glassy carbon electrode
Effect of Applied Potential on Removal of Cobalt from Polluted Water
Influence of Applied Voltage on Electrooxidation of Iron in the Cell Containing -cyclodextrine
Synthesis and characterization of NaX nanozeolite using stem sweep and application of Ag-modified nanozeolite in electrocatalytic reduction of H2O2
Electrochemical Study of Corrosion Inhibition Properties of Polyvinyl Alcohol/Graphene Nanocomposites on Carbon Steel
A voltammetric sensor for determination of curcumin in food samples using nanostructure based electrochemical sensor
Trace Amount Detection of Glucose Based On CoOx/CdS/rGO Photoelectroctrochemical Sensor
Fabrication of a new nanosensor based on PVC membrane for determination of ammonium ions
Modified carbon paste electrode by multi-walled carbon nanotubes for Potentiometric determination of alprazolam in pharmaceutical formulations, human plasma and urine
Sensitive electrochemical determination of 4-hydroxybenzoic acid at the surface of a new nano ceramic modified electrode
Fabrication of an Electrochemical Sensor Based On Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Modified Gold Electrode for Determination of Ascorbic Acid
Electron transfer rate and electrocatalytic performance of ionic liquid/graphene quantum dots nanocomposite modified electrode
Direct Electrosynthesis of Polyaniline–Zeolite Nanocomposite Coatings on 304 Stainless Steel and Their Corrosion Protection Performance
Square Wave Voltammetric determination of Sulfadiazine in pharmaceutical formulation using Ceria NPs decorated graphene nanocomposite carbon paste electrode
MoS2(001) Supported Pt Nanoparticles as an high performance electrocatalyst:Density Functional Theory Study
Study of Inhibitory Effect of Walnut Leaf Extract on Corrosion of Carbon Steel in NaCl 3.5%
Voltammetric Citalopram Nanosensor
Electrochemical Approach for Preconcentration and Determination of Anti Cancer Drug Capecitabine by a Novel Organic Solvent Mediated HF-PGE electrode
Selective electrochemical sensor based on graphene nanoplatelets modified platinum electrode for determination of sunset yellow as a food coloring
Reviewing the structure of modern nano-electrodes and their application in electrochemistry
Stripping Voltametric Determination of Vitamin B6 Using Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode with β-Cyclodextrin Functionalised Graphene NanoSheets
Novel multi walled carbon nanotubes/ionic liquid based carbonpaste electrode for potentiometric determination of analapril in pharmaceuticaland biological fluids
Electrochemical Determination of Anti Cancer Drug Imatinib, Using Nickel Nanopararticle Modifide Carbon Paste Electrode
Synthesis and Characterization of Metal Organic Framework UiO-66 and using in NCPEs in the Lithium Battery
Synthesis and Characterization of Metal Organic Framework (cu-dub- BDC) and Study in the nanocomposite Polymer Electrolytes
Preparation and characterization of ZnO/PVA hybrid film for application in electrochemical sensing
Polyvinylpyrrolidone/Fe3O4 (PVP/Fe3O4) as a Coating on Carbon Steel for Increasing Its Corrosion Resistance in NaCl 3.5%
Application of anodic stripping voltammetry to sorption performance assess of soluble eggshell membrane protein/MWCNT nonocomposite forheavy metal removal
Anodic stripping voltammetry and analysis of Hg(II) in water samples after preconcentration with rGO doped soluble eggshell membrane protein
Electron Microscopy of Samples in Liquid and Applications in Electrochemical Studies
Investigating the Effect of Thickness on the Performance of ZnO-based DSSC by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Technique
Alumina nanoparticles Modified carbon paste electrode as a new voltammetric sensor for determination of Dopamine
Synthesis of polypyrrole / TiO2-Fe2O3 nanocomposite and use it to identify drug fexofenadine hydrochloride
Preparation of polyoxometalate/graphene nanocomposites with covalent interaction
Fabrication of an electrochemical sensor based on graphene nanoplatelets modified platinum electrode for study the molecular interaction between sunset yellow and DNA
Evaluation and optimization of the factors affecting the performance of glucose biosensor
Surface modification and functionalization for dopamine and ascorbic acid detection
Evaluation of corrosion inhibition role of conventional surfactants for zinc in alkaline battery solution
Preparation and electrochemical characterization of ZnO/Polymer hybrid film
A novel electrochemical nanosensor for sensitive detection of paracetamol based on multivariate optimization methodology
Sensitive electrochemical analysis of carbendazim as a benzimidazol fungicide on a nano-structured modified electrode
Investigation of potentiometric Behavior of Amoxicillin by Ion-Selective Electrode with Nano Clinoptilolite Doped with Cu2+Ion
Voltammetric determination of acetaminophen in the presence of NADH using ionic liquid /ZnO nanoparticle carbon paste electrode
Preparation of carbon paste electrode with polypyrrole / titanium dioxide modified by Deferasirox and its application as nanosensor
Synthesis of MWCNT-Fe3O4@PDA-Ag nanocomposite and application for simultaneous determination of DNA purine bases by characterization of a novel electrochemical sensor
Ultra-trace electrochemical impedance determination of bovine serum albumin by a two dimensional silica network citrate-capped gold nanoparticles modified gold electrode
Comparison of PAMAM dendrimer and dendrimer functionalized reduced graphene oxide modified pencil graphite electrodes for electrochemicaldetermination of anticancer drug
Pt nanoparticles /Fe/Al -Layered Double Hydroxide Modified Glassy Carbon for Sensitive Determination of Warfarin
Hot Corrosion and oxidation Investigation of the sermaLoy j coating on the Rene 41 Nickel based superalloy
Design and construction of a new electrochemical nanobiosensor based on nanocomposite of polypyrrole and graphene for enantioselective detection of mandelic acid
Simultaneous Determination of Epinephrine, Acetaminophen and Tryptophan Using Pt-nanoparticles/Poly 4-(2,4- dihydroxyphenyl) Azohydroxylbenzene Film Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode
Voltammetric determination of N-acetyl-L-cysteine at the surface of glassy carbon electrode modified with Prussian blue nanoparticles
Glassy carbon electrode incorporating Prussian blue nanoparticles for voltammetric determination of D-penicillamine
Photocatalytic Degradation of Diclofenac Sodium in Aqueous Solution Using N, S, and C-doped ZnO
DPV Study on Platinum Core-Shell Nanoclusters
The effect of the added conventional surfactant to the gemini surfactant solutions, a Monte Carlo simulation
Simulation of CO2 Corrosion for Copper Pipes in Different PH and Temperatures
Structural and Dynamic Investigation of [EMIM]+[PF6]-Electrolyte: An Atomistic Simulation
Analyzing the battery chargers and analyzers with aviation application
Electrochemical Study of a Novel High Performance Supercapacitor Based on MnO2/Nitrogen-Doped Graphene Nanocomposite
Electrocatalytic determination of hydrazine and phenol using a carbon paste electrode modified with ionic liquids and nano composites
Fabrication of CoHCF-PAni and MWCNTs hybrid modified CPE for electrochemical determination of thioridazine by voltametric method
The fabrication of a Cu (II) complex and its application for the determination of dopamine with modified glass carbon electrode
Preparation Of CdTe Based Photoelectroatalysts By Electrochemical Method And Study Of its photoelectrocatalytic Activity
Application of bimetallic Pt-Pd /graphene nanosheets for determination of environmental pollution such as hydrazine
Electrochemical investigation of Ti/ IrO2–Ta2O5 DSA electrodes for the oxygen evolution reaction
Pencil lead electrode modified with graphene oxide and gold nanoparticles as a novel sensor for the determination of tramadol in biological samples
A New potentiometric Sensor for Determination of Vitamin B6 Based on Nano silver Modified Carbon Paste Electrode
Synthesis and characterization of copper oxide nanoparticles by microwave and modified carbon paste electrode with synthesized nanoparticles as a sensor for determination of ascorbic acid
Synthesis of functionalized graphene d and its application for oxygen reduction catalyst
Vitamin C analysis in food and pharmaceutical samples using a nanostructure electrochemical sensor
A High sensitive voltammetric sensor for bisphenol A using a nanostructure modified electrode
A nanostructure based electrochemical sensor for determination of epinephrine
Electrodeposition of functionalized multiwalled carbon nanotubes and graphene oxide onto TiO2 nanotubes for supercapacitor applications
Synthesis of Carbon-supported Pt-Ni nanoparticles as anode catalyst for high performance of direct borohydride-hydrogen peroxide fuel cell
Preparation of epoxy-zeolite nanocomposite coating and investigation of immersion time effect on its corrosion protection on mild steel in NaClmedia
Electrodeposition of band gap reduced p-type ZnO nanorods on FTO; effect of Cu ion doping on its structural and electronic properties
Application of multielectrode systems
Electrodeposition of Cu2O nanoflower on the surface of FTO; Cu2O/FTO application in hydrodynamic amperometric determination of glucose
the study of surface fractality composite film poly pyrrol with different surfactants on copper plate with electrochemical technic
Platinum–manganese oxide as catalysts for DMFC and the importance of order of electrodeposition
Preparation and characterization of a novel nanosensor based on iron oxide nanoparticles for electrochemical studies of epinephrine
A Facile Preparation of Palladium nanoparticles Supported on polypyrrole functionalized CNTs with enhanced electrocatalytic performance for ethanol electrooxidation
Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Supported PtRuPd as a Electrocatalyst for Ethylene glycol oxidation reaction in Fuel Cells
Application of Copper (II)-based Metal Organic Framework Synthesized by Electrochemical Method for Oxygen Reduction Reaction
Manufacturing of a new nanocomposite bipolar plate by graphite powder from proton exchange fuel cells
Exploring the effect of structural defect on the performance of P-doped (6, 6) CNT-based supercapacitors
Synthesis and electrochemical performance lithium cobalt oxide as cathode materials of lithium-ion battery
Determination of Nitrate by Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and potentiometric Techniques
Effect of sintering temperature on the lithium storage performance of LiFePO4-C nanocomposite powders synthesized by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis technique
Theoretical analysis of the electrochemical oxidation of some pbenzoqoinone derivatives in aqueous solution
A nanostructure based sensor for determination of BHA in food samples
Synthesize and functionalization of Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles for drug delivery to cancer cells
Hydroquinone analysis in liposome carrier using a voltammetric sensor
Electrochemical behavior of sulphydryl compounds at surface of carbon paste electrode modified with ferrocene/carbon nanotubes
Electrochemical behavior of silver nanoparticles synthesized at different temperatures
A DFT exploration of the adsorption of benzene and phenol on the industrial nanostructruredcatayst (ZSM-5)
The impact of nanomaterials on signal amplification in a miRNA electrochemical sensor
Electrochemical oxidation investigation of acetaminophen drug in the presence of diethylamine by electrochemical methods
A modified ZnO/CNTs nanocomposite ionic liquid carbon paste electrode as a sensor for nitrite determination
Vertically-aligned Mn3O4 Nanorods: Electrochemical Preparation and Characterization
The factor affective quality and quantity of copper electrowinning process
PEDOT:PSS-Graphene-Nickel Nanoparticles Composite as Electro catalyst for urea oxidation
Simultaneous determination of epinephrine and acetaminophen concentrations using a modified glassy carbon electrode prepared by Graphene and NiO nanoparticles
A CuFe2O4 nanoparticle ionic liquids carbon paste electrode as a sensor for uric acid analysis
Electrocatalytic Activities of Ni-P-La electrode for hydrogen evolution reaction in alkaline solution by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
Electrochemical impedance studies of ethanol oxidation on synthesized poly methylene blue - poly pyrole films doped with nickel nano-particles
Kojic acid determination in pharmaceutical samples using NiO nanoparticles ionic liquids carbon paste electrode
One-Step Electrochemical Synthesis of Polypyrrole-Graphene Nanocomposite Film on the Copper and Its Corrosion Protection Performance
Sn/Co electrodeposition on Ni substrate as anode and its application in Lithium ion batteries
Investigation of Electrochemical Behavior of Alizarin yellow GG on glassy carbon electrode
Electrochemical oxidation of Naphthalene-2,3-diol at various condition: Experimental and theoretical investigation
Electrochemical Study on the Inhibition of Aluminum Corrosion in Acidic Medium by Newly Synthesized Adsorbable Organic Compound
Electrochemical deposition of Cu2ZnSnS4 as a thin film solar cells absorption layer
Silver salts effects on the TiO2 Photoanodes in the Water splitting system under visible irradiations
Voltammetric sensor for determination of N-acetylcysteine based on electrochemical oxidation of 4,4' biphenol as a mediator
The Influence of Applying Constant Potential on the Optical Properties of Nickel Oxide Thin Films Deposited by Electrodeposition
PdNi electrocatalysts with enhanced catalytic activity for oxygen reduction in acid media
Pd-Ni and Pd-Co nanoparticles supported on carbon as an effective catalyst for oxygen reduction
Electrochemical immunoassay based on a 96-well screen-printed ELISA plate
Synthesis of nano zinc oxide by anodic dissolution method
Fabrication of Nano-porous silicon by electrochemical etch of high resistivity silicon wafer
Polymeric membrane electrode for citrate ion selective by potentiometry and Impedance technique
Non-enzymatic ethanol sensor based on a nanostructured disposable screen-printed electrode
Application of ZnO nanoparticles ionic liquids modified electrode as a sensor for determination of promazine
Synthesized of MgO nanoparticles and its application in preparation of electrochemical sensor in vanillin analysis
Determination of vanillin in food samples based on an ionic liquid/CuFe2O4 nanoparticle carbon paste electrode
Sol-gel electrode modified with carbon nanotubes as a novel sensor for the voltammetric determination of gallic acid
Amperometric sensing of anti-HIV drug, Nevirapine, on nanocomposite modified glassy carbon electrode
Electrochemical Preparation and Characterization of α/γ-Fe2O3 Nanoparticles
Electrochemical Synthesis of Poly (o-phenetidine) coating on 304 Stainless Steel and Investigation of Their Corrosion Inhibition Properties in HClMedium
Electrochemical oxidation of some dihydroxybenzoic acid derivatives in the presence of various nucleophiles: Experimental and theoretical analysis
Electrochemical study of micellization of Ester-Containing Gemini Surfactants in Water-Ethylene glycol system
Efficient Factors on the Hydrolysis Reaction Rate of Some Para-diamines Derivatives: Experimental and Theoretical Studies
Introduction of New Electrochemical Biosensor for Detection of DNA Hybridization
Electrochemical oxidation of acetaminophen in the presence of diclofenac
The Investigation of Surfactants Morphology Changes with the Graphene Sheet Using Molecular Dynamic Simulation
Electrochemical characterizations of Iron oxide/Au core/sell nano particles by embedding of them on GCE/MWCNTs electrode surface
Preparation of bimetallic nanozeolite-supported Pt-Cu nanoparticles modified carbon paste electrode for enhanced formaldehyde electrooxidation