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13th International Congress on Breast Cancer
13th International Congress on Breast Cancer In date 2018-02-14 by Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences and Health Services,Iran's scientific community Surgeons in City Tehran was held. please refer to the following link to download all the papers of conference proceedings: Proceedings 13th International Congress on Breast Cancer
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Accepted papers in 13th International Congress on Breast Cancer
Risk Factors for Breast Cancer in Low Socioeconomic Women; a Screening Population-based Study
Potential Value of miR-221 as Diagnostic, Prognostic, and Therapeutic Biomarkers for Breast Cancer
The evaluation of involvement of axillary lymph nodes with Ki-67 expression in patients with breast cancer
The Anticancer Effect of Bromelain on Human Breast Cancer; MCF7 Cells; in vitro Study
The Relationship between Dignity Status and Quality of Life in Iranian Terminally Ill Patients with Cancer
Study of miR-30-3p expression profile in human breast cancer
The associatin of sex protein receptors and Sex Steroid metabolic enzymes genes polymorphisms with breast cancer risk
Competition of miR-125a-5p in Breast Cancer using RT-qPCR
Induction of Apoptosis in MCF7 Breast Cancer Cells Using Nanoparticle-DeliveredSuicide Gene
Investigating the viewpoint of women on the gender of the examiner and breast Surgeon
Evaluation the effect of Nano-Transfrozomal Hydroxyurea on Breast Cancer Cell Line (4T1)
Epigenetic silencing of SFRP1 gene by upregulation of mir-582-3p and hyper methylation of its promoter region in breast cancer
Measuring the spiritual health of patients with breast cancer in Zahedan
Evaluating the effects of Cucurbitacin D on Apoptotic and Autophagic genes expression in breast cancer cell line MDA-MB 468
Association between human papillomavirus polymorphism and breast cancer
The relationship between internal health locus of control and breast self-examination of women in Tehran
Evaluation of drug-loaded electrospun nanofibers in cancer research
Novel agents for induced apoptosis and treatment techniques in controlling breast tumor growth and progression
Association between adiponectin gene (rs2241426) polymorphism and male breast cancer in Ardabil City
Epidemiology of Breast Cancer in Zahedan City
Breast cancer risk assessment based on Gail model: preliminary results from a Isfahan Cohort study
Evaluation of knowledge and insight of nurses of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences regarding breast self-examination on the performance of women in the age of breast cancer risk
Breast metastasis of gastric carcinoma: a case report
The evaluation of chronic dermatologic complications of breast cancer in patients with breast cancer
Evaluating the association of CD82 gene polymorphism with bresat cancer in woman at Ardebil Province
The prediction of recurrence of breast cancer by using of Technical Data mining
Effect of spirituality on breast cancer screening practice of women in Tehran
The importance of the heterogeneity effect in TPS dose calculation in HDR 192Ir Brachytherapy of Breast cancer
Evaluation of sexual dysfunction in women with breast cancer and healthy women
Assessment of Knowledge and women who qualified for CBE (Clinical breast Examination (in Tabriz health centers in 2016
Health Related Quality of Life in Women with Breast Cancer Treated with Chemotherapy
Involvement of Pak1 gene expression in cytotoxicity of verbascoside on MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells
Down-regulation of Mesoderm Specific Transcript gene is associated with Breast carcinoma tumorigenesis
Epidemiologic study and the incidence of breast cancer in Kohgilouyeh & Boyerahmad province from 2013 to 2014
The association of chronic diseases with breast cancer
Effect of peer-lead instruction on life quality of mastectomy patients referred to the Clinics affiliated to Shiraz University of Medical Sciences- 2017
The Effectiveness of Screening Ultrasonography for Breast Cancer
Model of Spiritual Health Promotion Based On Brain Education in Cancer Prevention
The apoptotic effects of thymoquinone on PC3 cancer cell line: An in vitro and computer-simulated environment study
Association between dietary intake of Trans fatty acids and breast cancer risk: a systematic review and meta-analysis
5 Years’ Time Trend Analysis of Breast Cancer in East Azerbaijan: Results from Cancer registry Data
Breast Cancer in East Azerbaijan, Iran: 5 years Population Based Survival Analysis of Cancer Registry Data
Developing an Iranian protocol for breaking bad news to cancer patients: A modified Delphi study
The Relationship between Level of Education and Women s Knowledge and Practice of Breast Self-Examination
Synergistic antitumor effects of lithium and mitomycin C on MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells
The role of midwives of the health team in identifying mast mass using CBE In the city of Godarifin in the province of Azarbayjan in the year
Eligible women s knowledge about the importance of breast self-examination and education in Tabriz health centers in 2015
Application of Next Generation Sequencing in Breast Cancer
A Descriptive Study of Patients with Breast Cancer
A Descriptive Report on Some Factors in Patients with Breast Cancer
Whole-exome sequencing in consanguineous familial breast cancer families
Title:The effect of Complementary and Alternative Medicines on Quality of Life in patients with Breast Cancer: A systematic review
Reactivation of Hepatitis B Virus in Breast Cancer Patients on Chemotherapy
Aquatic Garlic Extract Decreases Cell Viability and Induces Apoptosis of Human Breast Cancer Cell line (MCF-7) In Vitro
potential of tumor suppressor miR-145 to reduce the expression of KLF4 in order to control the progression of breast cancer
Investigating the relation between educational level and occupation with women s attitudes toward breast cancer screening
HBM effect of education on risk of breast cancer in women referred to Tabriz educational hospitals: a randomized clinical trial
Water soluble β-cyclodextrin polymer as nanocarrier agentforenhancing in vitro cytotoxicity ofdoxorubicin against MCF-7 breast cancer cells
Dose distribution Verification of forward IMRT plans
Estimation of survival in women diagnosed with breast cancer with cure survival in West-Azerbaijan and East-Azerbaijan Provinces
Studying the effect of the cyanobacter extract on explanation of the caspase 9 gene in 4tl cancer cells of breast cancer through Real Time PCR
Challenges for Providing Care in Breast Cancer
Evaluation of cost effectiveness of proton therapy versus photon therapy in the management of patient with Breast Cancer
An algorithm for automatic ROI generation for detection of breast tumors in ultrasound images
The Effect of Breastfeeding and Diabetes on Breast Cancer in Women with Breast Cancer Referring to Cancer Research Center of Shahid Beheshti University during 2012-16
Multi-dimensional model of hospital and healthcare environment for patients with breast cancer and their family
The Effects of Marine Algae on Cancer: Review
The Impact of Lifestyle in Women with Breast Cancer: A Review
Effect of the hyperthermia on the treatment of MCF-7 breast cancer cell line in the presence of gold nanoparticles
A case report of breast cancer in pregnancy in Imam Sajjad hospital in Ramsar in 1395
Structural Challenges of Providing Palliative Care for Patients with Breast Cancer
Screening of the Interaction Tubulin andTubulin Ligands and Determination of the Best Anticarcinoma Medicinal Candidate
Transition of breast cancer diagnosis in Iranian women: a qualitative study
Comparing Apoptosis and Necrosis Effects of ArctiumLappa Root Extract and Doxorubicin on MCF7 and MDA-MB-231 Cell Lines
Evaluation of Mothers willingnessabout Preventive Measures in Breast Cancer in 2017
A novel self-nanoemulsifying formulation for sunitinib: evaluation of anticancer efficacy
Preparation of 17-AAG loaded poly(ε-caprolactone)-poly(ethylene glycol) Nanofibers for Targeting Hsp90 Gene Expressionin T47D Breast Cancer Cells
Socio-personal predictors of perceived stress in women under treatment for breast cancer
Exsanguinating Hemorrhage during Open Biopsy in a Primary Breast Angiosarcoma: A Case Report
The study of Cucurbitacin I antitumor effects on Breast Cancer cell line MDA-MB468
Targeting HSP90 gene expressionby 17-DMAG loaded poly(ε-caprolactone)-poly(ethylene glycol) electrospunnanofibrous scaffolds in T47D breast cancer cells
A Study on the Effectiveness of Spiritual Intervention on Perception of God and Attitude toward Death in Women with Breast Cancer
Improvement in patient-reported outcomes after group poetry therapy in women with breast cancer
The effect of verbascoside on HIF-1α expression as valuable metastasis and angiogenesis factor in HT-29 colon cancer cells
Knowledge and Practice of Breast Self-Examination among Female staff of educational hospitals of Shahrekord
The role of phytoestrogens in prevention of breast cancer
The Relationship between Resilience and Quality of Life among Women with Breast Cancer
Triple Negative Breast Cancer in IranianWomen: Clinical Profile andSurvival Study
The antitumor efficiency of Combined Bromelain and Irradiation Therapy on Mouse Breast Cancer, 4T1
Clinical Outcome and Prognostic Factors for Very Young Patients with Breast Cancer: A Comparative Matched Single Institution Study in Iran
The effect of teaching using problem-based learning on symptom scales of quality of life in patients with breast cancer
In vivo transplantation of endothelial cells derived from stem cells inhibits breast tumor growth and expression of tumor VEGFR2 and c-Myc
Socio-economic Factors Related to Estimated Risk of Affecting to Breast Cancer by Gail Model in Women Older than 35 Years Referring to Health Centers of Zahedan City in 2016
Association between mir-143 rs4705342 polymorphism and risk of recurrence in breast cancer patients
Association of the Involvement of Axillary Lymph Nodes in HER-2/neu overexpression in Patients with Breast Cancer
A Comparative Analysis to Evaluate the Drug Response of Breast Cancer Cell Cultured in 2D and Scaffold-Based 3D Cell Culture System
Association between CASP8 Gene Polymorphism and Breast Cancer in a Northeastern Iranian population
Dietary Total Antioxidant Capacity and odds of breast cancer: a case- control study
Assessment of Knowledge and women who qualified for CBE (Clinical breast Examination (in Tabriz health centers in 2016
Study of the Relationship between Smoking and OCP Pills with Breast Cancer Risk in Women with Breast Cancer Referring to Shohada Hospital from 2010 to 2013
Transcriptom Study of Breast Cancer Cells (T47D) Treated With Curcumin and Analysis of Signaling Pathways Variations by RNA-Seq.
The apoptotic effect of methoxyflavone xanthomicrol on breast cancer cell in vitro
Health-related quality of life changes in a Sample of Iranian women with Breast Cancer and their Spouses during Radiotherapy
The Deaths Caused by Breast Cancer in East Azarbayjan Province between 2014-2017
FGF10:typeIII epithelial mesenchymal transition and invasion in breast cancer cell lines
Survey of knowledge, attitude and performance toward breast self-examination in students of Shahid Chamran University
Hope Promotion Factors In women with breast cancer
Investigation the metastatic long noncoding RNA as a biomarker to early detection of breast cancer
Assessment of ultrasound / radio-guided occult lesion localization in non-palpable breast lesions
Ranking of 30 Provinces Based on Five Factors Affecting Breast Cancer by Topsis
The study of miR-145 overexpression effect on NANOG homeobox protein gene in breast cancer cell line
Scanning Induction IPS Marker Sox2 in MCF-7 Cell Line Breast with using of Nano oleuropein
Study of miR888 and E-cadherin gene expression levels in ductal carcinoma breast cancer as possible candidate cancer biomarker
Comprehensive Nurse-led program and quality of life in newly breast cancer women post breast conserving therapy
Docking Developing Tubulin Inhibitors Drugs and Introducing Candidate of the Best Anti-Carcinoma Drugs
Study of GBP2 and AKAP4 promoter methylation pattern in tumors of breast cancer patients
The Effect of Breast Reconstruction Prosthesis on Photon Dose Distribution in Breast Cancer Radiotherapy Running Tittle: Prosthesis Effect on Photon Dose Distribution
Comparison of patient satisfaction and body image after Breast Conserving Surgery and Immediate Breast Reconstruction with prosthesis after mastectomy
PIK3CA Gene: define as Good Prognostic Marker with High mutation rate in Breast Tumors
A Study on the Effectiveness of Spiritual Intervention on Perception of God and Attitude toward Death in Women with Breast Cancer
Evaluation of Iranian women s knowledge about breast cancer and its self-examination methods: An overview of existing evidence
Addition of scapulothoracic exercise to the Combined Decongestive Therapy in breast cancer survivors after mastectomy
The relation of socio-personal profile with role subdomain of life quality in women under treatment for breast cancer
Talking about sexuality after breast cancer :Barriers from survivors perspective views
Studying the effect of the aqueous and Acetone extract of the Nigella Sativa on inhibition, survive and growth rate and the MCF-7 Cell grade of keratin
The role of lactate dehydrogenase in the progression of breast cancer cell lines MCF-7 & MDA-MB231 and its inhibition by oxamate
Association between mir-146a rs2910164 gene polymorphism and breast cancer recurrence
Barriers to mammography screening in the Health Care System
The effect of massaging on hand secondary lymphedema after breast surgery: clinical trial
Treatment of metastasis breast cancer stem cells with g47 delta oncolytic virus, targeted therapy in RAS Signaling pathway
Effect of ten session massage & Exercise on pain and quality of life in women with Breast Cancer- related Lymphoedema
The impact of education on breast cancer screening in Northeast of Iran population
Evaluation of the expression of miR-4270 gene in plasma of breast cancerPatients in northwest of Iran
Additional sonography in the diagnosis of breast cancer in young women: a clinical trial
Trend analysis of breast cancer incidence rate in Tehran
Effect of Peer Education on fatalism of Breast Cancer
Sentinel lymph node biopsy in the evaluation of breast cancer : a randomized clinical trial
Breast Cancer Care Nursing in Iran
Sexual violence and its effects on sexual function in women with breast cancer
Preparation of Electrospun Poly(vinyl alcohol)/ Poly(caprolactone) Hybrid Nanofibers for anti-cancer drugs
Survey the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice on Breast cancer in Health personnel in health center of Mashhad number 3 in 1396
Epidemiologic study of breast cancer in patients referred to Cancer Prevention Center in Gerash city
Functional impairment following arm-lymphedema after breast cancer treatment: A mixed method study of associated factors
Study of Cellular Effects of Quercetin for Non-canonical Autophagy Induction in dff45 knockdown Breast Cancer Cells (MCF-7 Cell Line)
Evaluation of survival rate of patients with breast cancer using mixture cure model
SCAI as a predicted target of miR-495-3p in Breast Cancer
Risk Factors for Breast Cancer in Zahedan City
Investigating the Stromal cell derived factor-1/ CXC chemokine receptor-4 axis association with prognosis and survival in Iranian patients of breast cancer
The Relationship between Quality of Life and Sexual Quality of Life in Women with Breast Cancer
Silencing of bach1 gene by small interfering RNA–mediation regulates invasive and expression level of miR-21 and MMP-3 in breast cancer cells
Association between human papillomavirus polymorphism and breast cancer
Methods for Diagnosis and Treatment of Breast Cancer
Studying the Proteomic Pattern of Cancerous Tissue in Patients With Breast Cancer and Its’ Comparing With Healthy Breast
The study of some influential factors on breast cancer in rural women screening
Decreased expression of ARSD gene in high grade tumor tissue of breast cancer
A systematic Review of Human Papilloma Virus and Breast Malignant Tumor
Breast Cancer Survival and its Relationship with Effects of Breastfeeding: Results of Parous Women with Breast Cancer Registered SBMU CRC
Oncotype DX in breast cancer Should we use it in our country
Provides a new method for increasing the accuracy of detection in digital mammography images
Sulforaphane inhibits metastatic potential of human breast cancer cells by modulating EMT markers and Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway
Recalibration of Gail’s Model for Risk Assessment of Breast Cancer Among Female Adult Population in Iran: a case-control Study
Study of Changes in Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction Radiation-induced In Referred Patients with Breast Cancer to Radiotherapy Centers: 2011-2017
Evaluation of the knowledge, attitude and performance of Female nurses employed in Ahvaz University of Medical Sciences hospitals about breast cancer
A systematic Review of Human Papilloma Virus and Breast Malignant Tumor
Effect of Fibroblast Growth Factor Antagonist Peptide on mouse Breast Tumor Growth and Serum Levels of Interleukin-8 and Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha
Study of breast cancer risk factors in women of Markazi province
Unsaturated fatty acids intake and breast cancer risk: A narrative review
Women s awareness of the breast cancer screening behavior in Bandar Abbas
Study the effect of IL-6 and BET inhibitor interaction on Cancer Stem Cell population in the human breast cancer cell lines MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231
Type D personality and its relationship with perceived stress in women with breast cancer
Estimating Population Breast Cancer Mortality Fractions in Ardebil (northwest of Iran) from in-Hospital Mortality; based on Murray s Method
Relation between a Single Base Substitution on MMP-9 promoter Region and Tumor formation in Breast Tissue
Determine effective prognostic factors on survival of breast cancer patients by using weibull distribution with non-constant shape parameter
Variants of Uncertain Significance Add Complexity to Breast Cancer
Theophylline enhances berberine induced cell death through inducing G2/M cell cycle arrest in MDA-MB-231 cells
The Relationship between Resilience and Quality of Life among Women with Breast Cancer
Association ofrs4782447and risk of breast cancer in a cohort of Iranian breast cancer patients
EGFR Expression as a Promising Druggable Target in Cancer: Comparison of Triple Negative Breast Tumors with Luminals
Evaluation of breast cancer screening status in Tabriz University of Medical Sciences in the first nine months of 1396
Microarray data meta-Analysis of several cancer cell lines grown under spheroids and adherent conditions
Effectiveness of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy on depression in female patients with breast cancer
LRP6 overexpression in human breast cancer is associated with higher grades, and poor prognosis
AKAP4 and GBP2 gene expression as two candidate breast cancer diagnostic markers
The Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy on Self-efficacy and body image among women with breast cancer.(Case Study in Omid Hospital in Urmia- Iran)
Tie2 mRNA expression level Analysis in serum of breast cancer Patient
Epidemiology of death from breast cancer in Ardabil – Iran
Investigating the relationship between ApaI polymorphism of vitamin D receptor gene (VDR) and the risk of breast cancer in central Markazi women
Feasibility study of breast tumor treatment based BNCT beam line of TRR
A Study on the Effectiveness of Spiritual Intervention on Perception of God and Attitude toward Death in Women with Breast Cancer
A Pilot Study on Effects of a Persian medicine suggested meal on fatigue in Breast Cancer patients
Programming for Deathin theEnd StagePatients with Breast Cancer
Posttraumatic stressand posttraumatic growthSimultaneouslyin patients with breast cancer
Extended Supramedial Flap, An excellent option for oncoplastic repair of large breast defects in outer quadrants
Effects of anthropometric measures on breast cancer occurrence in central Iran
Extended Supramedial Flap, An excellent option for oncoplastic repair of large breast defects in outer quadrants