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Number of Articles: 14Number of Proceeding pages: 161
Papers View: 2226
The first international conference on energy resilience and sustainability
The first international conference on energy resilience and sustainability In date 2024-04-18 by Sharif University of Technology, in City Tehran was held. please refer to the following link to download all the papers of conference proceedings: Proceedings The first international conference on energy resilience and sustainability
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Accepted papers in The first international conference on energy resilience and sustainability
A Review of Vehicle-to-Grid (V۲G) Technology as a Solution to Increasing Renewable Integration and Electrification
Evaluation of capital supply in the electricity industry: comparing the two methods of mutual sale and guaranteed purchase
Economic study of the idea of selling the capacity certificate in financing the energy sector
Energy Conservation and Sustainability Methodology to predict the alternative future Iranian Energy
Russia’s cyber security policy for atomic energy sector
Optimizing energy efficiency in building sector through the use of solar energy: Case study of daylight control systems
Presentation of Iran's Proposed MRV Model Based on National Conditions and a Comparative Study of the World's MRV Systems
Computational comparison among different biomass feedstocks
Integrated Resource Management under Climate Change: A Strategy Framework for an Arid Central Iranian Watershed
Leveraging Natural Gas for Enhanced Energy Security: A Comprehensive Analysis of Iran's Role in the Global Energy Landscape
Corporate Social Responsibility in the Energy Management and Sustainability
The Role of Energy Governance in the National Security of Oil Producing Countries
Developing Energy Hub as a Key to Improve Energy Governance
Energy Policy in Iran: The proper path to the clean energies