International Conference on New Research Findings in Science, Engineering and Technology with a Focus on Need-Based Research, اسفند ماه ۱۳۹۴

International Conference on New Research Findings in Science, Engineering and Technology with a Focus on Need-Based Research

International Conference on New Research Findings in Science, Engineering and Technology with a Focus on Need-Based Research

Poster of International Conference on New Research Findings in Science, Engineering and Technology with a Focus on Need-Based Research

International Conference on New Research Findings in Science, Engineering and Technology with a Focus on Need-Based Research In date 2016-03-01 by ,مؤسسه فراز انديشان دانش بين الملل in City Mashhad was held. please refer to the following link to download all the papers of conference proceedings: _PROCEEDINGS International Conference on New Research Findings in Science, Engineering and Technology with a Focus on Need-Based Research

Accepted papers in International Conference on New Research Findings in Science, Engineering and Technology with a Focus on Need-Based Research