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Number of Articles: 99Number of Proceeding pages: 520
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The first electronic conference on food processing innovation
The first electronic conference on food processing innovation In date 2013-02-26 by Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, in City Mashhad was held. please refer to the following link to download all the papers of conference proceedings: Proceedings The first electronic conference on food processing innovation
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Accepted papers in The first electronic conference on food processing innovation
Mathematical Modeling of Shrinkage of Quince During Hot Air Drying
Nano particle encapsulation of blueberry by Inulin and β-cyclodextrin
The Effect of solvent extraction techniques on fatty acid composition of pistachio oil
A Study on Morphology and Characterization of Polyethylene Terephthalate-Synthetic Mica Nanocomposites: Food Packaging Applications
Encapsulated bioactive food compounds using double emulsions
Mass modeling of green bell pepper fruit with some physical characteristics
A kinetic study of the release of aroma compounds encapsulated in edible films
A case study on the relationships between selected crumb image and dough rheological features of Barbari flat bread as influenced by dough mixing and proofing time
Color quality variation of french fries during frying using image processing
Investigation on aroma release of model low fat Iranian white brined cheese containing K-carrgeenan and WPC
Effect of whey protein based edible coating on the microbial properties of mutton during cold storage
Nanoparticles and food Packaging A review of novel way to control pathogens
Effect of Steaming on Textural Properties of Date Paste (C.V. Kabkab)
Design of a molecular distillatory and study of temperature, flow rate of feed and methylation on Extraction of DHA and EPA from fish oil
Effect of whey powder and carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) on the rheological characteristics of dough bread by using response surface methodology
Effect of atmosphere and vacuum condition on the physicochemical properties of canola oil during frying
Physico-chemical properties of two type of Shahrodi grape seed oil (Lal and Khalili)
Evaluation and comparison the physicochemical properties and fatty acid profile of Kermanian sunflower and Golestanian soybean oil
A liquid improver for Flat bread: Interrelationship between texture, dough rheology and image features
Study the viability of Lactobacillus acidophilus in a soy based frozen yoghurt
Foaming properties of plants gum
Characterization of an unknown exudate gum from Iran: Persian gum
The quality and purity of the proteins extracted from the Lathyrus sativus seeds and optimization by the response surface methodology (RSM)
Nanoencapsulation of α-tocopherol by Complex Coacervation and its Stability
Influence of enzymatic treatment on stabilization of traditional Iranian yoghurt drink, Doogh
Application of Microencapsulation on Probiotic cheddar cheese ripening
Physicochemical and textural properties of reduced fat mozzarella cheese formulated with fat replacers
Examination of the effect of mint extract on sunflower oil stability
Evaluation of amino acid profile of cheddar cheese formulated with xanthan gum and/or sodium caseinate as fat replacers
Comparative of fermentation in red and yellow watermelon juice by lactic acid bacteria
Comparative study on effect of pectin, gelatin and modified starch replacement with fish gelatin in textural properties and graininess of Non-fat yogurt
Active film and coating from chitosan as a functional food
Investigation on the emulsifying properties of Persian gum as a novel food emulsifier
Comparison of microwave-assisted hydrodistillation with the traditional hydrodistillation method in the extraction of essential oils from Ziziphora clinopodioides Lam
Heat and Mass Transfer Modeling of Part-Baked Sangak Bread Packaged in Modified Atmosphere
The Effect of Baking Time and Baking Temperature on Porosity, Density and Thermal conductivity of the Part-Baked Sangak Bread, during Baking
Theoretical aspects of deep-fat frying
Application of Peleg Model to Study Water Absorption in Bean and Chickpea During Soaking
Effects of adjunct starter cultures on proteolysis of reduced fat mozzarella cheese during storage time
Investigation of kinetics of mass transfer parameters during deep fat frying of native gum coated potato chips
Modeling of Water Absorption of Chickpea During Soaking
Assessment of citrus flavor nanocapsules efficiency
Application of Viscoelastic Model in the Chickpea Soaking
Evaluation the rheological properties of a stabilizer in corresponding solutions and emulsions
Effect of blanching – hot air drying combination process on physicochemical properties of dried Persimmon slices (Diospyrus kaki L.)
The challenge to desication of probiotic living cells
A review on bacteriocins as food biopreservatives
Effects of Alovera and Sesame Oil Coating on physicochemical properties and shelf life of Bell Pepper
The effect of applying guar gum, wheat fiber, and citric acid on the shelf-life,specific volume and sensory evaluation of Iranian croissant
Microencapsulation of Anthocyanins by Spray Drying; a Review
The effect of applying apple pomace and sodium stearoyl -2-lactylate on rheological properties and shelf life of Taftoon bread
Enrichment of bread by adding oat flour and using transglutaminase enzyme
Using shear reversible gels to stabilize the Flixweed (Descurainia sophia L.) syrup
Chemical Modification of Insoluble Fraction of Persian Gum (Mountain Almond tree gum)
Designing a cold plasma generator and its effect on decontamination of inocualated egg shells and aluminum foil
Comparison of different commercial fruit beverage characteristics in Iran
effect of herbal bioactive compounds on foods microbial spoilage
Production of high quality loaf breads with using whey products
The influence of Alginat_Whey protein encapsulation on survivability of Lactobacillus casei
Improvement of baking parameters of frozen part baked Barbari bread by using gums and enzymes
Effect of amylase and lipase combination on rheological and quality properties of frozen part baked BarBari bread
The effect of different concentrations of three types of emulsifier on color of an industrial-made dark chocolate
Modeling of terminal velocity of orange to characterize suitable sorting process
On stabilization of acidified milk drinks – a review
Development of a functional sponge cake using oat fiber
Production of phenolic antioxidants from apple residue using Rhizopus oligosporus
Mass modeling of sour orange fruit with some physical characteristics
Optimize the extraction of phenolic compounds of jujube (Ziziphus Jujube) using ultrasound-assisted extraction method
Mathematical modeling of drying kinetics of the kiwifruit pastille
The Effect of Psyllium seed gum as an edible coating and in comparison to Chitosan on the textural properties and color changes of Red Delicious Apple
Mathematical Modeling of Oven Drying kinetics and Study on Effective Moisture Diffusivity of Spirulina platensis Biomass
Influence of Interfacial Composition on Droplets Flocculation of Oil-in-Water Emulsions Stabilized By Garden Cress Seed Gum
Changes in the physicochemical properties of wheat starch as affected by power ultrasound
Effects of corn resistant starch on physicochemical properties of cake
The effect of applying gluten, wheat fiber and vinegar on the shelf-life, specific volume and sensory evaluation of Iranian strudels
Determination of antiradical properties of some essential oils after thermal processing
Checking of population of Listeria monocytogenes in feta cheese during its ripening by cellular automata
Checking of antibacterial effect of nano-encapsulated nisin on listeria monocytogenes population in feta cheese
Effect of silver nanoparticles and gum Arabic coatings on physicochemical and microbial properties of green bell pepper (Capsicum annuum)
Effects of Addition Lentil Flour on the Batter Formulation on Quality of Simulated Fried Crust by Using a Deep-Fried Model System
Evaluation of hygiene Lighvan cheese aspects regarding Lactococcus garvieae bacteria relying on culture-based and molecular methods
Fast monitoring of sucrose using CuO/MWCNTs nanocomposite modified glassy carbon electrode
Effect of pH and calcium salt simultaneous changes on rheological behavior of xanthan gum- carboxymethyl cellulose blends
Nanoencapsulation of α-tocopherol by Complex Coacervation Using Factorial design
Artificial Neural Network Modeling of Moisture and Oil Content of Pretreated Deep-Fat-Fried Kurdish Cheese Nuggets
Changes in volume, porosity and viscoelastic properties of packaged donut during storage
Evaluating the effect of Tamarind extract on chemical properties of Salmon in cold storage conditions (2 ±1˚C) in a 15-day period
Isolation and Chracterisation of phytase by Aureobasidium pullulans
Effects of Three Different drying Methods on Protein Solubility and Color Parameters of Fenugreek Protein Isolate
Effect of pH on rheological properties of sodium alginate -methyl cellulose mixtures
Using image processing for optical properties of corn starch nanocomposites
Evaluation of the effect of grape concentrate instead invert syrup in soymilk pastille formulation an nutritional values and sensory properties
Optimization of Process Parameters for Foaming of potato puree with Response surface methodology
Consideration to the effects of gender on some quality characteristics of ostrich meat during aging
Ice cream microstructure
Examination of the Effect of Spirulina platensis Microalgae on Drying Kinetics and the Color Change of Kiwifruit Pastille
Identification of antimicrobial producing Enterococci isolated from Iranian raw milk cheeses using cultural methods
Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Modeling of Moisture and Oil Content of Fried Mushroom
Nanotechnology In Food Packaging