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Number of Articles: 105Number of Proceeding pages: 594
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Iran International Aluminum Conference
Iran International Aluminum Conference In date 2012-05-15 by ,مركز تحقيقات آلومينيوم ايران in City Arak was held. please refer to the following link to download all the papers of conference proceedings: Proceedings Iran International Aluminum Conference
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Accepted papers in Iran International Aluminum Conference
Intermetallic Formation by Heat Treatment of Explosively Welded Al-Ti Layers
The effects of oxide film characteristics on the bubble damage defect in Al5Mg and Al7SiMg alloys
Effect of Shielding Gas Composition on Structural and Mechanical Properties of Al5083H321Gas Metal Arc Welding
Comparison of microstructure and mechanical properties of A356 aluminum alloy/Al2O3 Composites fabricated by stir and compo-casting processes
Extruding of Al-Al2O3 composites fabricated by stir-casting process
Manufacturing Al/Cup composites produced by accumulative roll-bonding (ARB) process
Evolution of microstructure and properties in 6063 aluminium by twist extrusion
Influence of heat treatment parameters on Machinability of Al-Si-Cu Casting Alloys
Managing the Effects of Iranian National Subsidy Reform in Primary Aluminum Industry
Practical Experiment in Confronting / Dealing with a Sick Cell in an Aluminum Production Smelter
The Best Possible Energy Management in Primary Aluminum Industry by Constructing Waste Heat Recovery Plant – A Detailed Investigation
Effects of Cu and Solution Heat Treatment on Microstructure and Hardness of In-Situ Aluminium Metal Matrix Composite Containing Al4Sr Phase
Refinement Effects of Strontium on Structure of Aluminium-10Magnesium (A520) Alloy
The effect of friction surfacing parameters on surface quality and microstructure of Al-13°/oSi Cladding layer on pure Aluminium
A new approach for recycling of alumin urn machining chips into the form of an All Ah03 composite
Investigation of Precipitation Hardening of LM22 by Nondestructive Methods
Formation of ultrafine grained in solution treated Al-6061 by twodimensionalmachining
Effect of Al2O3 Particles on the Hardness,Tensile Strength and Microstructure of dissimilar A2024 Aluminum Alloy to pure Copper FSW joint
The effect of Ce-TZP/Al2O3 nanocomposite particle amount on properties of Al- Ce-TZP/Al2O3 nanocomposite
Investigation of structure and mechanical properties of multi-layer Al/AlN composite produced by accumulative roll bonding (ARB) process using nanosized AlN particles
Investigation of Ni effect on the microstructure and tensile properties of Al-12Zn-2.5Mg-2.5Cu aluminum alloy
Effect of Annealing on Microstructure and Microhardness of Melt-Spun Al–20Si–5Fe Ribbons
Effect of reinforcement particle size and weight percent on the compressive strength of Al-4.5 wt.% Cu + TiC nanocomposite
Investigation of microstructure and wear properties of Al–4.5 wt.% TiC nanocomposites produced by mechanical milling
An investigation on Bauschinger effect of yielding behaviour of aluminium alloy 7XXX using instrumented indentation
The Production of Al/Al2O3Composite Strips Using a New Method
Effect of Magnesium and Silicon Concentration on Elongation and Electrical Conductivity of 6101 Aluminum Alloy
Microstructure and hot deformation behavior of AlMg6 alloy produced by equal-channel angular pressing
Grain growth analysis during annealing of ECAPed 2024 Al alloy by Monte-Carlo technique in the time scale of Days
Applying Nano Technology To Remove Toxic H2S Gases Compounds From Exhaust Gases In Primary Aluminium Industry (Monte Carlo Simulation)
specular reflectivity of aluminum 6063
Effect of annealing temperature on synthesis of aluminum carbide with mechanical alloying process
Effects of Zr on grain refinement, microstructure and tensile properties of an Al–20Mg Alloy
Fabrication of Mg2Si/AL In-Situ copmosite in a hyper-eutectic Al-Si alloy with rheocasting method
Investigating the formation of intermetallic compounds and the variation of bond strength between Al-Cu layers after annealing in presence of nickel coating on copper
Effect of age hardening parameteres on mechanical properties of aluminium alloys series A2024 and A6061
Evaluation of Time Effect on Mechanical Properties of Al-ZrO2 Nano-Composites Produced by Microwave Sintering
Structural and mechanical properties of powder metallurgical AA5056/15 vol% MoSi2 composites: Effect of the processing route
Structure development of Al-Zn-Cu/Al3Mg2 composite fabricated by mechanical alloying
Effects of the addition of Sr modifier and Al-5Ti-1B grain refiner and the combined addition on the microstructure of hypoeutectic Al-Si alloys
Impact of energy on the production of aluminum and the geographical distribution of primary aluminum plants
Effect of nickel coating on steel wire reinforcement on mechanical properties of aluminum matrix composites produced via lost foam casting
Aluminium Market Drivers; Will they Steer a Winning or Losing Future for the Metal?
Improvement of coating adhesion to aluminum alloys by the application of anodic film interlayer
Fabrication of hybrid composites of Aluminum/Alumina/Silicon carbide by accumulative roll bonding and evaluation of their microstructure and mechanical properties
Investigation of microstructure and mechanical properties of hybrid composite of Aluminum/Alumina/Titanium carbide produced by rolling processes
Effect of Friction Stir Welding Parameters on the Micristructure and Hard ness of compocast Al-7Si-2Mg/10% SiCp metal matrix copposites
Retrofit Upgrade of Center Break Cell Technology to Point Feeding Cell Technology Implementing Required Mechanical and Automation Changes
Thermo-Electrical Modeling of an Aluminum Reduction Cell
Effect of rotational and traversal speeds on microstructure and mechanical properties of friction stir-welded 7075-T6 aluminium alloy
An Investigation of aluminum foam produced by sintering evaporation process
Microstructure and charpy impact energy of aluminum based composites reinforced with 20% sio2 particles in friction stir welding
Production of nanostructured composities from multilayered Al pure (1100) and Al-Mg(5083) Al alloys by ARB process: Microstructure evaluation and mechanical properties
Study on microstructure and mechanical properties of rolled alloy 5083 H112 after heat treating at different temperatures
The Effect of heat treating on nano-structure sheet produced by Accumulative Roll Bonding
Evolution of microstructure texture for multilayered Al (1100)/Al (5083) composites by accumulative roll bonding process
The Microstructure and Tensile Properties of T6-Heat Treated Al-Mg2Si Composite with Zn addition
Investigations on the effects of Be and Li on the microstructure and tensile properties of Al319 alloy
The influence of Fe-rich intermetallics on the tensile properties and fracture behaviour of Al-Mg2Si metal matrix composite
Numerical investigation of the effects of constraint design on 5XXX Al Alloy GTA Welding
Effect of Ni on microstructure and hardness of Al- 15%Mg2Si metal matrix composite
Roadmap of Iranian Aluminum Industries Development, Considering New Energy Cost Situation
Thermite Welding of Aluminum Conductor by Addition of Copper
Effects of ARB cycles and holding temperature on density of aluminum foam
Investigating the Formation of Intermetallic Compounds during Friction Stir Welding of magnesium alloy to aluminium alloy in Air and under Liquid Nitrogen
Combustion synthesize of TiC composite in Nickel Aluminide matrix
Mechanism of Hot Corrosion of Ni-6Al-10Cu-11Fe-15Cr Nickel Base Supperalloy in Molten Cryolite
Evaluation of heat transfer coefficient and solidified structure of Al-9Si3Cu alloy using thermal Analysis and inverse modeling method
Theoretical investigation of roll bonding process of clad sheets by finite element method
An EWMA –Based Method for Monitoring Polytomous Logistic Profiles (Case Study: Alloy Fasteners' Manufacturing Process)
Determination of crystallite size and influence of coke calcinations level on CO2 reactivity and specific electrical resistance of coke
The effect of Manganese and cooling rate on the microstructure of piston`s alloy in the excess percentage of iron
Processing And Properties Of Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes Reinforced Aluminum Matrix Composites
Mechanical properties of In situ Al-Li/Mg2Si composite materials with different additives
Effect of Deformation on the Microstructure and Hardness of A356 Aluminum Alloy during SIMA Process
Synthesis and characterization of amorphous Al80Fe10 Ti5Nb3B2 by mechanical alloying
A numerical study on the effect of air gap on the solidification of A356 alloy
Friction Stir Welding Al-TiC Composite Produced by Accumulative Roll Bonding
Friction Stir welding of AA7075 by Adding SiC nano particles at the Interface
Mechanical (tensile, hardness and fatigue ) behavior of the Al-Al2O3p composites fabricated by stir casting method
Evaluating of sintered Al- zn-Mg-Cu from mixed powder by measuring resonant frequency
Optimization of the gallium solvent extraction from Jajarm Bayer liquor process
Synthesis and characterization of Al-CNT-TiO2 nano composite and some of its properties
Fading of inoculant particles in 8011 aluminum melt in a Twin Roll Casting production line
Effect of production route and heat treatment on the microstructure and mechanical properties of AA2124/vol%25MoSi2 composites
Investigation of Grain Refining in Aluminum Casting Alloys by Thermal Analysis
Improving the Forming Pressure Curves in Tube Hydroforming Process for AA1050 Alloy at Various Temperatures
Influence Of Die Temperature On Adhesion Of The Paints On Die Casted Aluminium Parts: A Case History
Feasibility of Joining Al-20%Mg2Si In-Situ Composite By TIG Welding
The effect of Cryolite Na3AlF6 and sodium fluoride NaF on the corrosion and wetting by molten aluminum alloys of andalusite based refractories
Aluminum nano particles as high energetic materials
Study of Rapid Heating effects on Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Aluminum Alloys
Simulation of heat transfer and phase change in laser welding of aluminum alloy 6061T6
Process Development for the Removal of Cr(VI) from Effluents Using Red Mud, an Aluminium Industry waste: Batch Studies
Study on Anode Baking Parameters in Open-Top and Closed-Type Ring Furnaces
Potline Start up without anode effect frequency
Establishing Fundamentals for Calculating Aluminum Factory's Product Final Price by Implementing Level3 Automation
Aluminium Extrusions for Industrial Applications - Vast Potential Ahead -
Alumina for Aluminium Smelting
Grain refining aluminium foundry alloys
Preparation of Pharmaceutical Dried Aluminium Hydroxide Gel from Iranian Nepheline Syenite
AlPSim®: Simulation Software for Modeling of Aluminum Electrolysis Cell
Characterization of the graded distribution of primary particles in A390 Alloy with various Mg contents fabricated by centrifugal casting