Articles Stat:
Number of Articles: 3Number of Proceeding pages: 93
Papers View: 1488
Twelfth Insurance and Development Seminar "The country's insurance industry and accession to the World Trade Organization"
Twelfth Insurance and Development Seminar "The country's insurance industry and accession to the World Trade Organization" In date 2005-11-22 by Insurance Research Center,پژوهشكده بيمه in City Tehran was held. please refer to the following link to download all the papers of conference proceedings: Proceedings Twelfth Insurance and Development Seminar "The country's insurance industry and accession to the World Trade Organization"
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Accepted papers in Twelfth Insurance and Development Seminar "The country's insurance industry and accession to the World Trade Organization"
مطالعه مقدماتی درباره آینده صنعت بیمه ایران پس از الحاق به سازمان جهانی تجارت
بررسی آثار الحاق چین به سازمان جهانی تجارت بر بخش بیمه این کشور
تاثیر الحاق به سازمان جهانی تجارت بر تحول قوانین و مقررات بیمه