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2nd International Personalized Medical Congress
2nd International Personalized Medical Congress In date 2018-01-13 by Bagiyatallah University of Medical Science,دانشگاه علوم پزشكي بقيه الله(عج)دانشگاه علوم پزشكي ايران و پژوهشگاه ملي مهندسي ژنتيك in City Tehran was held. please refer to the following link to download all the papers of conference proceedings: Proceedings 2nd International Personalized Medical Congress
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Accepted papers in 2nd International Personalized Medical Congress
Predictive role of genetic variants in neoadjuvant chemotherapy of breast cancer
miRNAs in pathogenesis, prognosis, and directed therapies of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)
Most used microRNA in inflammatory bowel disease
Groth hormone and cancer risk
Interaction between obesity-related MC4R (Rs17782313) gene, associated to an increase of Breast Cancer risk.
Mir-21 is a New Biomarker for Personalized Oncology
Proteoglycans and Colorectal Cancer: A review Study
Proteoglycans in Gastric Cancer: A review Study
The impact of health information technology in promotion of personalized medicine
The therapeutic application of lipase, as an effective drug in the prevention, treatment and improvement of cancer progress
Association Micro-RNA 125 and Micro-RNA 152 Polymorphisms with Long Cancer Risk in Iranian Patients
Effect of Fucoidan Extracted from Algae on Colon Cancer
Multi-dimensional model of hospital and healthcare environment for patients with cancer and their family
AKT2, miRNA and Tumorogenesis
Tumor associated macrophages (TAMs) target for cancer treatment: new promising route in cancer immunotherapy
Apoptosis assessment of the essential oil from the fruits of Pycnocycla bashagardiana Mozaff. in HT-29 cells: Association with expression Bcl-2 and Bax
Nutrigenomics and Breast Cancer
Progress in human tumour immunology and cancer immunotherapy
The Effect of Thymoquinone on Level of FOXM1 mRNA in Glioblastoma
Topology of personalized opsonization: revealing a pattern of cancerous differential geometry
Study of BMI-1 gene expression in breast cancer tumor tissue and its relationship with cilinopathological markers
Investigation of rs 515135 and rs 639 varation in APOB gen in Familial hypercholesterolemia patients with comparison to the healthy controls
Investigating the concomitant expression alteration of long non-coding RNAs GNAS-AS1 and BLACAT1 of breast cancer specimen
Investigation of DLEC1 gene methylation pattern in the human colorectal cancer cell line HT29 engineered by E- cadherin stable down regulation
The role of personal medicine in the diagnostic and treatment of cancer
Association of Genetic polymorphism in estrogen metabolism and susceptibility to Breast cancer
Cervical cancer, HPV and personalized medicine
New challenges in cancer personalized medicine: from identifying mutation to precise modification
Study expression balance of miRNA‐196a‐2 tumor marker in ovarian cancer patients by Real Time PCR:
Compare the Effectiveness of Group Logo therapy and Solution- Focused Brief Therapy in the Quality Life of women with Breast Cancer
Gynecomastia, as an extremely rare presentation of chest wall lymphoma, a case report and review the articles
Exosome based Technology in Personalized Cancer Medicine
MicroRNAs expression signatures as a novel approach in cancer detection
Personalized forensic toxicology: the promises of pharmacogenomics in the interpretation of drug poisonings
Cell-based drug delivery; a new trend in personalized medicine
Majority of TP53 signaling pathway related genes are up-regulated in Tamoxifen-treated MCF-7 human Breast adenocarcinoma cell line
Evaluate of influential factors affecting survival of patients with Leukemia cancer using Logistic Regression model
Expression evaluation of cell cycle regulatory genes (P27, P21, P14) in AML patient
Melanoma and microRNAs; remarkable relationship
Can seasonal Variations affect breast cancer (Review)
Personalize medicine: New epigenetic mechanisms of differentiation umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells to neural stem-like cells
Association of body mass index and waist circumference with bone metabolism markers in Iranian elderly
CRISPR/Cas9-mediated Genome Editing
A meta-analysis on vitamin D level and vitamin D deficiency with risk of preeclampsia: an approach to individualized therapy
Limitations and solutions in precision medicine for Breast cancer
Personalized medicine in treatment of prostate cancer
Biomarkers for the management of Prostate cancer
MicroRNA-based therapies: Small biomarkers with big clinical application
Classifying the Evolutionary and Ecological features of Neoplasms
A novel stop-gain mutation in the MSH2 gene among a Persian family fulfilling classic Amsterdam criteria for Lynch syndrome
MicroRNAs: New Powerful Weapons in Personalized Colon Cancer Treatment
Targeted therapy in metastatic differentiated thyroid Carcinoma (DTC)
Inhalation exposure of Biological barrier nanoparticle induced oxidative stress in Au
Inhalation exposure of diamond nanoparticle induced oxidative stress in melanoma
Inhalation exposure of Graphene nanoparticle induced oxidative stress in Melanoma
Role of radiation oncology in precision medicine
The role of Precision Medicine in controlling of OSCC according to ethnicity
miRNA Antagonists: a new strategy to cancer and other diseases treatment
Human Cancer Modeling: effects of tumor heterogeneity on personalized medicine
Down-regulated MicroRNA 148a expression as predictive biomarker in lung cancer
Reciprocal relationship between epi-miRNAs and Epigenetic Modifications in cancer
Exosomal proteins as a new approach in cancer diagnosis
The role of personalized medicine in Head and Neck cancer
Use of the next-generation functional diagnostics in cancer precision medicine
Personalized sequencing for Treatment of colorectal cancer, forward personalized medicine: recent advances and future challenges
Studying the relation of blood lead level with the thyroid hormone concentrations and blood cell count
Personalized medicine in breast cancer
The effect of personal medicine with analysis epigenetics biomarkers and changes of miRNA expression profile in diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer
Genetic polymorphism of CENP-E and susceptibility colorectal cancer in Ahvaz
Frequencies of common CYP2D6 alleles and genotypes within Isfahan population of Iran
Bioinformatics study in personal medicine of medulloblastoma
study of prostate cancer metastasis in bone
The exosomal microRNA as reliable biomarker to early detection of pancreatic cancer
Genetic Variations of CHRNA5 Gene Correlated to High Risk of Lung Cancer in Iranian Patients
A novel mutation in pkhd1 gene in an Iranian family with an abortion affected with Autosomal Recessive polycystic kidney disease
The anticancer activity of metformin through microRNAs modulation
Breast Cancer During Pregnancy:
A genetic polymorphism in rs1801133 in MTHFR, rs10811661 in CDKN2A/B genes associated with breast cancer
Circulating miRNA-containing Exosomes as potential biomarkers for diagnosis and monitoring of breast cancer
Organoids transplantation, the new model to speed up personalized medicine researches in Colon cancer and metastasis
Tissue Engineered Cells in Breast Cancer
Concentration of CEA, CA-125 and CA19-9 tumor markers in sulfur mustard exposed veterans
Can sulfur mustard effects on Alpha fetoprotein and β-human chorionic gonadotropin tumor markers in exposed veterans
Diagnosis of Circular Cancer Stem Cell by Microfluidic System
challenges and opportunities of Breast cancer personalized medicine
Circulating tumor cells in individualized cancer treatment
Oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunctions in personalized cancerous signalling pathway
Cancer Stem Cell
Effects of Vasectomy on Prostate Cancer Rate (Review)
Methodology of paradigm shift towards personalized medicine
A novel approach to personalized cancer treatment with electricinduced field emission materials
Evaluation and comparison of the effect of anti-SALL4 siRNA on growth and sensitivity of the colorectal cancer cell line
Cancerous Women Personal Health Record
Microfluidic approaches for separation of Mouse Tumoral Cells from Neonate Spermatogonial Cells Suspensions
Role of Micro-RNAs in Growth Hormone Deficiency: the Current Evidence
The emergence of micro-isolator devices for high throughput exosome analysis: A technological leap towards personalized cancer treatment
Metabolomics and Personalized Medicine: Benefits and Challenges in Undeveloped Countries
The interaction between Berberine chloride with complex Histone(H1)- DNA by multi spectroscopic and molecular modeling
Expression of micro RNAs implicated in left ventricular hypertrophy; a systematic review
A comprehensive model for cancer prevention and early detection
Personalized micro-RNA profiling and their individualized theranostic applications in cancer treatment
Personal tumor neoantigens and cancer immunotherapy
Producing Taxol from Iranian Yew
Epigenetic alterations in hematologic malignancies
Effect of mutation in exon.4 of the LDL Receptor gene (LDLR) in familial hypercholesterolemia
The cytotoxicity effect of Nigella Sativa extract and Thymoquinone on SW480 human colon cancer cell line
Molecular Genetic of Familial Hypercholesterolemia and Personalized Medicine
Gene Expression Profiles in Radiation Workers Occupationally Exposed to Low Levels of Ionizing Radiation in Al-Tuwaitha Site in Baghdad
Recent update on checkpoint inhibitors for cancer immune therapy
Summary of topics provided in the panel
Personalized medicine in hematologic malignancy
Impact of microsatellite status ( MSI ) with KRAS/NRAS and BRAF mutations for a colorectal cancer, a case report
The effect of naturally-occurring dietary compounds on Cancer Stem Cells
The Effect of CXCR4-siRNA Nanoparticles on serum ALP and LDH levels in a mouse model of colorectal cancer Metastasis to the liver
Probiotics and suppression of cancer
Cell therapy in diabetic foot ulcer
Epigenetic modifications by dietary polyphenols in cancer
Application of personalized medicine to chronic disease: Metabolic syndrome
Personalized medicine in acute leukemia
Circulating tumor cells as a novel cellular biomarker in breast cancer
Circulating tumor DNA as an early marker of therapeutic in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer
Using zebrafish models of rare diseases to accelerate orphan drug discovery
Personalized Care in Colorectal Cancer
Molecular signaling in nonfunctional pituitary adenoma
The importance of precision medicine for cancer patients
Advanced Differentiated Thyroid Cancer: Molecular Targeted Therapies
Personalized Medicine in Gastroenterology Disorders
Application of Network Science in Drug‐Protein‐Disease Interaction and Drug Repositioning
Drug resistance and personalized medicine
Personalized treatment in colon cancer
Immunotherapy in colon cancer
Guided management for Cancer
Clinical proteomics in cancer: a focus on personalized medicine
Genomic Diagnostics of Cancer
Recombinant Antibody and CAR‐T cell cancer Therapy
Molecular biology of colorectal cancer & Antiepidermal growth factor receptor therapies
Multiple myeloma -a heterogeneous challenge
A Novel Approach to the Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics of Breast Cancer
Nutrigenomics of Omega 3 fatty acids
Personalized Medicine in Pediatric Cancer
Rare genetic variants in DNA repair genes in BRCA1 mutation carriers with early and late age at onset of breast cancer
Mechanistic studies on ribonucleotide reductase regulation and DNA damage response-application in cancer research
Thwarting PTEN Expression by siRNA Augments HL-60 Cell Differentiation to Neutrophil-Like Cells by DMSO and ATRA
Autologous Targeted Exosomes as a Drug Delivery System
Personalized Cancer Medicine: a Future Direction of Personal Genomics
What are essential dimensions of personalized medicine which should be considered in policy making A comparative study
Assessment of micronuclei frequency in the peripheral blood lymphocytes in patients with gastric cancer before and after chemotherapy treatment
Prediction of drug sensitivity in AML subtypes in response to Mitoxantrone from global gene expression, an impact on personalized cancer chemotherapy
Altered expression of TGF-beta signaling pathway components contributes to acute myeloid leukemia
Targeting the core regulatory network of stemness in an in vitro AML model using a GRN approach
Hematopoietic Differentiation of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs) derived from Glioblastoma Cell Lines
The Effects of Anti-angiogenesis on Enoxaparin Cutaneous Emulsion on Induced Breast Cancer in Female Rats
Early cancer detection based on guanine oxidation consequent to the hybridization between miRNA-21 and it s inosine substitute capture probe
Use of Biomarker Assessment of Nicotine Metabolism in Estimating the Risk of Cancer in People Who Smoke Tobacco
Mutational Analysis of FLT3 Internal Tandem Duplication and D835 in De novo Adult Acute Myeloid Leukemia
MicroRNAs: Promising Molecules against Resistance to Breast Cancer Therapeutic Drugs
Inhalation exposure of Manganese Dioxide nanoparticle induced oxidative stress in Melanoma
A New Anti-Era36 scFv to diagnose the Tamoxifen Resistant Breast Cancer
Challenges and Limitations of Personalized Medicine in the Treatment of Breast Cancer
The new method of personalized chemotherapy with Notch inhibitor and mathematical model in melanoma mouse model
Comparing the concentration of tamoxifen and its metabolites between different genotypes of CYP2D6 gene
SOPHiA GENETICS: The AI Democratizing Data-Driven Medicine
Prostate specific antigen in sulfur mustard exposed persons
Personalized Medicine and Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Mutation in Non‐Small Cell Lung Cancer: A study from National Research Institute of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
Non-coding RNAs miR-20a and miR-145 could differentiate between colon and rectum tumors
New gene manipulation strategies against cancer stem cells
Familial Osteosarcoma in a large pedigree: A case report
Application of mesenchymal stem cell-based gene therapy in personalized treatment of gastrointestinal cancers
Identification of expressional signature of Iranian Gastric cancer patients by next generation sequencing
Palliative care for cancer patients
Precision Medicine for Endocrinology
Personalized lung cancer treatment
An update of personalized medicine issues in breast cancer
Personalized Medicine in Breast cancer: Where we are in practice
Personalized medicine in diabetes
Personalized Medicine In Metastatic Colon Cancer
Pharmacogenomic management of malignancies using Integrated Clinical Genomics (ICG)
Endocrinology and Precision Medicine
Posttraumatic stress and posttraumatic growth Simultaneously in patients with breast cancer
Ethics in Personalized Medicine
Measuring the Genetic Damage in Some Iraqi Breast Cancer Patients During Chemotherapy with Three Genetic End-Points
The effect of Conjugated linoleic acids on tumor cells suppression and probably mechanisms of their effect
Thyroid Cancer and Personalized Medicine
Early Detection of Breast Cancer using a Panel of Circulating miRNA