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Number of Articles: 4Number of Proceeding pages: 39
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11th International Virtual Conference on Contemporary Developments of Iran and the World
11th International Virtual Conference on Contemporary Developments of Iran and the World In date 2016-10-01 by ,تارنماي همايش مجازي بين المللي تحولات جديد ايران و جهان in City Qazvin was held. please refer to the following link to download all the papers of conference proceedings: _PROCEEDINGS 11th International Virtual Conference on Contemporary Developments of Iran and the World
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Accepted papers in 11th International Virtual Conference on Contemporary Developments of Iran and the World
بررسی حضور آمریکا در خلیج فارس و تأثیر بر امنیت ملی ایران از سال ٢٠٠١ تاکنون
ژئوپلیتیک خطوط لوله انرژی در خلیج فارس
مسئله حجاب و مشارکت سیاسی زنان در دوره پهلوی اول
Space symmetry of the Universe as a symbolic form in the art of Ancient Iran and Ancient China