Articles Stat:
Number of Articles: 41Number of Proceeding pages: 410
Papers View: 80973
08th Iranian Statistics Conference
08th Iranian Statistics Conference In date 2006-08-21 by Shiraz University, in City Shiraz was held. please refer to the following link to download all the papers of conference proceedings: Proceedings 08th Iranian Statistics Conference
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Accepted papers in 08th Iranian Statistics Conference
An alternative approach to least squares estimators for time dependent AR(p) errors, using regression quantiles
Estimation using ordered data in a moxture of Normals based on evidential analysis
On the dynamic information measures
On the discrete mean past lifetime
Assessment of adiposity by triceps skinfold thickness (TST) in school children of Shiraz, Iran
Parameter estimation for the heavy tailed distributions with the empirical distribution
Time series discriminant analysis of AR (p) plus noise processes: a time domain approach
Smooth estimation of uniformly stochastically ordered surviaval functions
A family of multivariate distributions with given bivariate marginals
Bayesian change-point problem in stochastic volatility models
Univariate continuous distributions with skewness; a brief survey
Dynamic of future price models in mathematical finance
Data mining & official data
A class of selection procedures based on 2-stage selection procedure for selecting the population with least dispersive distribution
Generalized order statistics: dependence and stochastic orderings
Application of statistical methods in quantitative chemistry
Minimax estimation of the scale parameter in a transtormed Chi-Square family under squared log error and MLINEX loss functions
On nonnegative garrote estimator in a linear regression model
Properties and characterization results based on discrete normal and discrete laplace distributions
Estimation of a ratio for general inverse sampling designs
An alternative method to fit a distribution and the use of mathcad
Gauss-Hermite quadrature: numerical or statistical method?
The Choice of sample size; a fully bayesian approach
The determinants of birth interval in Ahvaz-Iran: a graphical chain modelling approach
Asymptotic distribution of the points in branching random walk
A closed form for the density of the sum of independent and non-identical uniform random variables
A new approach for simulation of random sample from continuous distribution
Is label switching problem a problem?
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