Iranian Conference on Medicine and Decades of Academic Activity: The Past Criticism, The Future Horizon, بهمن ماه ۱۳۹۷

Iranian Conference on Medicine and Decades of Academic Activity: The Past Criticism, The Future Horizon

Iranian Conference on Medicine and Decades of Academic Activity: The Past Criticism, The Future Horizon

Poster of Iranian Conference on Medicine and Decades of Academic Activity: The Past Criticism, The Future Horizon

Iranian Conference on Medicine and Decades of Academic Activity: The Past Criticism, The Future Horizon In date 2019-01-23 by Mashhad University of Medical Sciences,دانشكده علوم پزشكي مشهد،دانشكده طب ايراني و مكملوزارت بهداشت و درمان و آموزش پزشكي دفتر طب ايراني in City Davarzan was held. please refer to the following link to download all the papers of conference proceedings: Proceedings Iranian Conference on Medicine and Decades of Academic Activity: The Past Criticism, The Future Horizon

Accepted papers in Iranian Conference on Medicine and Decades of Academic Activity: The Past Criticism, The Future Horizon