Articles Stat:
Number of Articles: 14Number of Proceeding pages: 174
Papers View: 3335
Seventh International Conference on Current Issues in Languages, Linguistics, Translation and Literature
Seventh International Conference on Current Issues in Languages, Linguistics, Translation and Literature In date 2022-06-11 by ,مؤسسه پژوهشگران اندیشمند in City Ahvaz was held. please refer to the following link to download all the papers of conference proceedings: Proceedings Seventh International Conference on Current Issues in Languages, Linguistics, Translation and Literature
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Accepted papers in Seventh International Conference on Current Issues in Languages, Linguistics, Translation and Literature
واو الثمانیه بین الاثبات والنفی
التشبیه بین اللغه العربیه واللغه العبریه: دراسه صرفیه نحویه
الثوره الجزائریه فی الخطاب الشعری العربی المعاصر من الالتزام الی الادبیه
معجم الدوحه التاریخی، المنجز والمامول
الثقافه والایدیولوجیا: قراءه فی دیالکتیک الثقافه والهیمنه
المصطلح النقدی(الاحتذاء) والسرقات الشعریه فی کتاب(الوساطه) للقاضی الجرجانی وبعض کتب النقد الادبی الحدیث
علم الکلام الجدید وتجدید الخطاب الدینی دراسه فی المنهج (علم الدلاله انموذجا)
The Theme of Social Injustice in the Polish Translation of Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens
A little hope: Linguistically supporting Ukrainian refugees in their transition to host countries
An Investigation of Autonomous Learning Self-efficacy: A Case Study of GFP Learners at the University of Buraimi
The Language of Disney Songs: A Formalistic Analysis
Do not ask how? - A Critical Stylistic Approach to Sherko Bekas’ Poem 'The Martyrs’ Wedding'
Motivation and Demotivation for Learning English as a Foreign Language EFL: A Case Study of College Students of Tourism Sciences
The Study of Parallels in the Development of Persian and Russian Folklore