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Number of Articles: 71Number of Proceeding pages: 794
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Language Studies & Cultural Social Political Academic Scienific Occupational Development
Language Studies & Cultural Social Political Academic Scienific Occupational Development In date 2017-02-23 by Islamic Azad University of Maraghe,دانشگاه آزاد اسلامي واحدمراغه in City Maragheh was held. please refer to the following link to download all the papers of conference proceedings: Proceedings Language Studies & Cultural Social Political Academic Scienific Occupational Development
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Accepted papers in Language Studies & Cultural Social Political Academic Scienific Occupational Development
Translation of Bahraini Uprising in English and Persian News Media FromAn Ideological Perspective
A Quest to Develop, Test, and Refine Theories: The Building Blocks of an History Long Procedure
Classroom Interaction and Classroom Talk
How does learning English language affect cultural identity among Iranian EFL learners
The Role of English Language in Communication Skills
How linguistics facilitates social development; A case study on sign language
On the Relationship between Personality Traits and Burnout among Iranian EFL Teachers
Impoliteness strategies used in the English-speaking Cartoons and movies and its cultural effect for under twenty-year-old children from year 2000 to 2015
The effect of professional learning conversations on Iranian teacher trainers’ professional development
The Effect of Language-focused Tasks and Metacognitive-based Instructions of Requesting and Apologizing on Developing Pragmatic Competence of Iranian EFL Intermediate Level Learners
Cultural Intelligence and Language Learning
An investigation into code-switching among multicultural learners interactions
Discourse analysis of SLA in three different contexts
Translation of Metadiscourse in Scientific Texts: A Case Study of Stephen Hawking’s Prose
A Cultural Semiotic Approach to Study Mina Sarabi’s Persian Translation of Thomas Hardy’s Tess of D’Urbillvilles
The relationship among the Use of Metacognitive strategy, Learner Autonomy and Self-efficacy among Intermediate EFL Learners
The Impact of Content – Based Instruction (CBI) on Iranian High school Students’ Reading Comprehension
Acquiring Intercultural Communicative Competence through English Language Learning Textbooks: An Analysis of the Learning Tasks in Textbook series American English File Used in Iranian Language Schools
A Semiotic Approach to the Numberical Signs of Quran
A Semiotic Analysis of Interpretation of Quran
On the feasible bond between language learning strategies and vocabulary size of EFL learners
The Relationship between EFL Learners Attitude and their Writing Performance in an EFL Context
Cultural Semiotics: Signs, Messages and Interpretations
A Critical Discourse Analysis of Power and Ideology behind Translation of Headlines in the Media and Press between English and Persian Languages
The Effect of Team Game Tournament (TGT) on Iranian EFL Learner’s Motivation in Learning English
The Comparative Effect of Teaching Reading Comprehension Strategies and Collaborative Strategic Reading on EFL Learners Reading Comprehension
The Effect of Recast and Direct Focused Written Corrective Feedback on the Coherence of EFL learners Written Scripts
Promotion of Self in an Other-Oriented Academic Sub-Genre: The evolutionary study of Self-mentionin Acknowledgments (1985-2013)
A Historiographical Approach towards the English Translation of Constitution Museum of Tabriz
Translation and Literature of Constitution; A Look at the Prominent Literary Figures Represented in Tabriz Constitution Museum
Directed Reading-Thinking Activity and Reading Comprehension (Graded Reading)
A Comparative Review of Two ESP Books
The Effect of Infantalization Aids on Iranian EFL learners Oral Interaction
Exploring Iranian EFL learners Perception of the Effect of Infantilization Aids on their Oral Interaction
Assessing the Authenticity of Conversations in Iranian High School ELT Materials: Prospect Two in Focus
Brainstorming in First and foreign Language: Which One Will Improve Iranian EFL Learner’s Reading Comprehension Skills
Bilingual Code Mixing
The Effect of Explicit Instruction of Genre on the Argumentative Essay Writing Performance of Iranian Female EFL Learners
A Survey of the Persian Translation of the Animation The Croods , According to Vinay and Darbelnet s model
An investigation into Multiculturalism in a multilingual classroom curriculum
An Investigation of the Effect of Textual Input Enhancement and Lexical Elaboration on Learning English Idioms by Iranian EFL Learners
EAP or ESP: different pattern or the same perspective !
A Comparative Study of Discourse Markers in Four Corners and ILI English Series
An Analysis in the English Translation of the Key Term ‘Pir’ in one of the Sonnets from Divan-e Hafez According to Neo-Hermeneutic
A Study of the Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Translation Quality among Senior Students of Islamic Azad University of Tabriz and University College of Nabyi Akram of Tabriz
A Study of Relationship between Multiple-Intelligence and Translation Quality of Senior Students of Islamic Azad University of Tabriz and University College of Nabyi Akram of Tabriz
A Comparative Study of Iran and Thailand’s Tourist Brochures in ‘Describing the Attraction’ Move
Discourse Markers and the Effect of their Teaching in Developing the Writing Skill of Students in Iranian Culture
The effect of explicit strategies-based instruction on the speaking skill of Iranian EFL learners
Teaching Idioms and Proverbs in EFL Classes
A Post-Colonial Study of Four Persian Translations of William Shakespeare’s Othello in the light of Gayatri Spivak s Theory An Article Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts (M.A.) in Translation Studies
Memorization in Language Learning: Acquisitional significance, Strategic application and Cultural dependence
Comparing Two Pedagogical Approaches: Learner-Centered and Learning- Centered Methodologies in Language Teaching
The effect of Dialogic reading on Iranian young EFL learners’ reading comprehension
Developing educational tourism through social media and interactions
A Comparative Study of Project-based Learning versus instruction based on student textbook
The dual Meaning Potential of Prepositional Grammatical Metaphor in Prose Fiction
The Effect of Birth Order on Learning a Second or Foreign Language
Treatment of Culture-Specific Items of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince in Translation from English to Presian
Adaptations and Social Values: A Study of Tigers on the Tenth Day by Zakaria Tamer and Be Rang’e Sak’e Sarbazi by Parviz Sheikh Tadi in the light of Hutcheon’s Theory of Adaptation
Studying the Effect of Shoja Addin Shafa’s Political Ideology on Farsi Translation of Prometheus by Lord Byron in the Light of House’s Model
The Relationship between Behavioral Activation System and Behavioral Inhibition System (BIS/BAS) with Anxiety of Speaking among English Learners
A Sociological Approach towards Translation of Novels A Case Study of References to Russian Revolution in George Orwell’s Animal Farm and Its Persian Translation
بررسی رابطه بین زبانشناسی و حقوق و عناصر ساختاری زبانشناسی حقوقی
رهیافتی زبان جامعه شناختی بر بازیهای زبانی توسعه ژاپنی
تبیین گفتمان اقتصاد مقاومتی در پیامهای نوروزی مقام معظم رهبری (مدظله العالی)
شناخت رابطه میان نگرش درون گرایی و برون گرایی در یادگیری زبان انگلیسی و تاثیر آن برروی مهارت خواندن و درک مطلب
سوژه های گفتمانی در داستان پست مدرن
بررسی اهمیت اجتماعی و فرهنگی حفظ تنوع زبانها