The first international conference on management, accounting and economics with a forward-looking approach, شهریور ماه ۱۴۰۲

The first international conference on management, accounting and economics with a forward-looking approach

The first international conference on management, accounting and economics with a forward-looking approach

Poster of The first international conference on management, accounting and economics with a forward-looking approach

The first international conference on management, accounting and economics with a forward-looking approach In date 2023-09-22 by ,موسسه چندمنظوره فرهنگی هنری بام پژوهش پرواز جنوب in City Bushehr was held. please refer to the following link to download all the papers of conference proceedings: _PROCEEDINGS The first international conference on management, accounting and economics with a forward-looking approach

Accepted papers in The first international conference on management, accounting and economics with a forward-looking approach