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Number of Articles: 82Number of Proceeding pages: 462
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1st international Power Electronics, Drive Systems and Technologies Conference
1st international Power Electronics, Drive Systems and Technologies Conference In date 2010-02-17 by Iran University of Science and Technology,دانشگاه علم و صنعت ايران in City Tehran was held. please refer to the following link to download all the papers of conference proceedings: Proceedings 1st international Power Electronics, Drive Systems and Technologies Conference
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Accepted papers in 1st international Power Electronics, Drive Systems and Technologies Conference
Solution of the State Equations of a Helical Flux Compression Generator Using Dynamics Matrix Concept
A Supplementary Neural Controller for Novel Modeling of VSC HVDC toEnhance Dynamic Stability in a Power System
Design and Construction of a Bus Bar for Spike Reduction in an Industrial Inverter
Review and Comparison of Control Methods for Uninterruptible Power Supplies
An Optimum Control Strategy of the STATCOM for Electrified Railway Systems Using PSO
A Study of Modeling and Simulation for Interleaved Buck Converter
A New Method for Calculation of Impedance in Various Frequencies
A New Isolated Bidirectional Buck-Boost PWM Converter
EMI Evaluation in Hard Switching and Soft Switching PWM Flyback Converters
48-Pulse GTO Interline Unified Power Flow Controller
Influence of Nonsinusoidal Flux Waveform on Transformer Design Methodology
Model-based direct control of PWM converters with an LCL filter
A New Zero-Current-Switching Bridgeless PFC
Pole-Placement Control Strategy for 4-Leg Voltage-Source Inverters
A Half Bridge Inverter with Soft Switching Auxiliary Circuit for Induction-Cooking Applications
A Novel Predictive Approach to Direct Power Control of a Grid Connected Multilevel Converter
Stability Analysis of a Peak and Deep Current Mode Buck-Boost Converter
A UPFC Based on Matrix Converter
A Novel Topology of Solid State Transformer
Stationary Frame Current Regulation of Indirect Matrix Converter with Power Factor Correction under Distorted Supply Voltage
PV Power System Based MPPT Z-Source Inverter to Supply a Sensorless BLDC Motor
A Novel Control Strategy for Power Factor Corrections Based on Predictive Algorithm
Control of Series Resonant Converter with Robust Performance against Load and Power Circuit Components Uncertainties
New Transformerless Medium-Voltage STATCOM based on Half-Bridge Cascaded Converters
Neural Networks Controlling for Both the DC Boost and AC Output Voltage of Z-Source Inverter
A Novel Fuzzy Logic DC Bus Voltage Balancing Controller for a D-SSSC Cascaded H-bridge Converter
A New Simple Method for Capacitors Voltage balancing in Cascaded H-bridge SSSC
A Novel AC/DC Converter for High Current and Low Voltage Applications
Adaptive and Fast-Response controller for Boost PFC Converter with Wide Range of Operating Conditions
A Novel Z-source Four-leg Inverter with two Independent Four-wire Outputs
Simulation of the PWM Rectifier Connected to a High Frequency Power Sources
Reducing Common-Mode Voltage and Power Dissipation in Cascaded Multilevel Inverters with Flexible dc Sources
Multi-Objective Optimum Design of Controller for PFC Rectifier Using NSGA-II Algorithm
Current-fed parallel resonant push-pull inverter with coil flux control for induction heating applications
A Series Active Power Filter Using a Flying Capacitor Multicell Inverter
New zero voltage switching PWM flyback converter
An Improved Vector controlled csi -fed induction motor drive using an active filter
Modeling and Vector Control of Unbalanced Induction Motors (Faulty Three Phase or Single Phase Induction Motors)
Common mode Voltage Reduction in a Flying Capacitor Inverter
Accurate Loss Modelling of Fuel Cell Boost Converter and Traction Inverter for Efficiency Calculation in Fuel Cell-Battery Hybrid Vehicles
A Fuzzy – Genetic Algorithm Approach for Finding a New HEV Control Strategy Idea
Metaheuristic Algorithms for Optimization of Regulator Parameters in the Variable speed DC motor Drives
Special Proposed Hysteresis Control Method of Current Source Inverter Asynchronous Drives
Speed Sensorless Hybrid Field Oriented and Direct Torque Control of Induction Motor Drive for Wide Speed Range Applications
Maximum Torque per Ampere (MTPA) Control of Dual Mechanical Ports Electric Machine
DTC Drive of Induction Motor using Three- Level Inverter with Optimized Switching Table and Minimizing the Deviation of Neutral Point Voltage
Torque Ripple Reduction in Direct Torque Control of Induction Machines by Use of all Voltage Vectors of Matrix Converters
Direct Torque Control of Induction Motor by Active Learning Method
Model-Based Loss Minimization of Direct Torque Controlled Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors
Torque Ripple suppression of Surface Mounted Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Using Harmonic Injected Currents
Magnetostatic Analysis of a Novel Switched Reluctance Generator
Airgap Eccentricity Fault Diagnosis in Switched Reluctance Motor
Vector Model Utilization for Nested-Loop Rotor Brushless Doubly-Fed Machine Analysis, Control and Simulation
Minimizing Thrust Fluctuation in Linear Permanent- Magnet Synchronous Motor with Halbach Array
Improved Average Modeling of a Converter Connected Synchronous Machine
Effects of Static Eccentricity in Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Machines
Dynamic Model for Brushless Doubly-Fed Machine with Stator Winding Faults
Effect of Air Gap Variation on characteristics of an Axial Flux Hysteresis Motor
Optimum Design of high speed Single-Sided Linear Induction Motor using Particle Swarm Optimization
Estimation of Insulation Life of Inverter- Fed Induction Motors
Design and Built of on - Load Fully Electronic Tap-Changer with Triac Switch: Simulation and Practical Results
Design, Implementation and Comparison of Two Wavelet Based Methods for the Detection of Broken Rotor Bars in Three Phase Induction Motors
Self Tuning Fuzzy PI Controller for Active Filter Optimized by Ant Colony Method
A Comprehensive Comparison between Three Practical Topologies of the Load-Balancing Transformers
Dynamic Voltage Restorer Using Direct ac/ac Converter with Fictitious dc Link
Transient Stability Improvement Using Non-superconducting Fault Current Limiter
Transformerless DVR Topology Based on Multilevel Inverter with Reduced Number of Switches
DSP-Based Digital Control of a Single-Phase Shunt Active Power Filter under Distorted Voltage Source
Reduction in VA Rating of the Unified Power Quality Conditioner with Superconducting Fault current Limiters
Voltage Flicker Mitigation with Dynamic Voltage Restorer
Optimal Design of SSSC Damping Controller to Improve Power System Dynamic Stability Using Modified Intelligent Algorithms
Classification of Wide Variety range of Power Quality Disturbances Based on Two Dimensional Wavelet Transformation
Z-Source Inverter based Dynamic Voltage Restorer
Power Quality Improvement at the Point of Common Coupling Using On-board PWM Drives in an Electrical Railway Network
A Practical Approach to Measure Battery’s Internal Impedance
Harmonic Elimination in Single Phase Systems by Means of a Hybrid Series Active Filter (HSAF)
An adaptive hysteresis band current controller for inverter base DG with reactive power compensation
Stationary Frame Current Control of Single Phase Grid Connected PV Inverters
Applying Passivity-Based Control for the DC/DC Converter of PEM Fuel Cell
An Improved Predictive Current Control Method for Grid-Connected Inverters
Performance Enhancement of Indirect Matrix Converter Based Variable Speed Doubly-Fed Induction Generator
Quasi Z-source Inverter for Photovoltaic System Connected to Single Phase AC Grid