Fifth National Conference "The Holy Quran; The ship of salvation of our time "with the subject of" Quran and narrations and the issue of applied ethics and practical ethics ", اردیبهشت ماه ۱۳۹۲

Fifth National Conference "The Holy Quran; The ship of salvation of our time "with the subject of" Quran and narrations and the issue of applied ethics and practical ethics "

Fifth National Conference "The Holy Quran; The ship of salvation of our time "with the subject of" Quran and narrations and the issue of applied ethics and practical ethics "

Poster of Fifth National Conference "The Holy Quran; The ship of salvation of our time "with the subject of" Quran and narrations and the issue of applied ethics and practical ethics "

Fifth National Conference "The Holy Quran; The ship of salvation of our time "with the subject of" Quran and narrations and the issue of applied ethics and practical ethics " In date 2013-04-28 by Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University,دانشگاه شهيد مدني آذربايجان in City Tabriz was held. please refer to the following link to download all the papers of conference proceedings: Proceedings Fifth National Conference "The Holy Quran; The ship of salvation of our time "with the subject of" Quran and narrations and the issue of applied ethics and practical ethics "

Accepted papers in Fifth National Conference "The Holy Quran; The ship of salvation of our time "with the subject of" Quran and narrations and the issue of applied ethics and practical ethics "