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Eighth International Congress and Student Festival of Reproductive Medicine
Eighth International Congress and Student Festival of Reproductive Medicine In date 2019-04-19 by Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences,پژوهشكده علوم توليد مثل دانشگاه علوم پزشكي يزد in City Yazd was held. please refer to the following link to download all the papers of conference proceedings: Proceedings Eighth International Congress and Student Festival of Reproductive Medicine
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Accepted papers in Eighth International Congress and Student Festival of Reproductive Medicine
The application of stem cell biotechnology based therapeutic in Asherman Syndrome
The use of advanced genetic technologies in the diagnosis of reproductive disorders
Platelet-rich plasma in poor responder management
ART for infertile patient with endometriosis: A case review and a debate on optimal management
ART outcomes in endometrioma patients undergoing sclerotherapy versus laparoscopic cystectomy: A clinical trial
Effect of progesterone level in ART
Laparoscopic myomectomy, Result of baseball suture
Diagnosis and treatment of uterine Isthmocele
Oocyte like cells derived from embryonic stem cells (New insight in reproduction and regenerative medicine)
The effect of endometrial injury on pregnancy rate in frozen-thawed embryo transfer: A randomized control trial
Management of endometriosis; past, present, future
Effects of Chlamydia trachomatis infection on sperm chromatin condensation and DNA integrity
Does Time lapse monitoring (TLM) improve assisted reproductive outcomes
Fertility preservation in patients with cancer
Fifteen years experiences of genetic evaluation of recurrent pregnancy loss and infertility
Impact of intra-cytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm injection on ART outcome
Cleavage-stage embryo micromanipulation in the ART program
Potential of human twin embryos generated by embryo splitting in assisted reproduction and research
Obstetrics and perinatal complications in Frozen Embryo transfer Versus Fresh transfer
Adenomyosis: a neglected disease
The webs we don t know we weave : Sex therapy protocol in infertility settings
Epigenomic study of early mammalian development
Assisted reproduction and sperm DNA integrity, how can we obtain sperm with better DNA quality
LED irradiation and male gametogenesis
Reproductive medicine in female reproductive system
Surgical or non-surgical treatment of uterine fibroids That’s the question
Imaging findings in Adenomyosis (MRI and Ultrasound)
Usage of human endometrial mesenchymal stem cells in in vitro implantation model
Using human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) as a new therapeutic agent for the treatment of infertility: Current progress, future perspectives and challenges
Knowledge of fertility decline in women via natural pregnancy and Assisted Reproductive Technologies
Thin endometrium and treatment modalities
Marine stem cells: A new approach for human reproductive tissue regeneration
Effects of the hydroalcoholic extract of the Psidium guajava fruit on osteoporosis prevention in ovariectomized rats
Successful laparoscopic treatment of Chylous Ascites after pelvic lymphadenectomy: A case report and peanut oil application
Indovidualization of controlled ovarian Stimulation
Optimized oocyte numbers
Spermatogenesis after allotransplanting of adipose tissue-derived and bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells in seminiferous tubules of azoospermic mice
ER-mediated actions, even in the absence of AR actions, can induce reproductive features of PCOS
Creating a sustained release of clomiphene citrate upon administration in nano phosal-based formulation (PBF) and assessment of endometrial receptivity genes by influence of Nano clomiphene citrate
Association between early embryo morphokinetics plus cumulus cell gene expression and assisted reproduction outcomes in polycystic ovary syndrome women
Genotype-phenotype correlation of morphological abnormalities of the sperm flagella (MMAF) in infertile men by Whole exome sequencing
The tissue engineered uterus by 3D printing
Evaluation of the structure and ultrastructure of fresh and frozen/thawed ovarian tissue in cancer patients, after chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane
Investigation of stemness state in human amniocytes
Clinical outcomes of IMSI and embryo morphokinetics in patients with male factor infertility
Medium containing different concentrations of catalase as a strategy for optimizing sperm parameters and chromatin in normospermic persons
The effect of air dust pollution on semen quality and sperm parameters among infertile men in west of Iran
Comparison of oocyte maturation trigger using follicle stimulating hormone plus human chorionic gonadotropin versus hCG alone in ART cycles
Outcome of assisted reproductive technology in different subgroups of poor ovarian responders fulfilling the POSEIDON criteria
One-carbon cycle support rescues sperm damages in experimentally induced varicocele in rats
Intra-testicular injection of autologous extracellular vesicle from adipose tissue mesenchymal stem cell (EV-ADMSC) in non-obstructive azoospermia Mice
The effect of myo-inositol on the oocyte quality, fertilization rates and signaling pathway of steroidogenesis in PCOs women undergoing ART cycles
Profile of apoptotic and cell cycle genes in the follicular fluid of patients with the empty follicle syndrome who is treated by GnRH antagonist protocol
Sperm DNA damage have an effects on embryo aneuploidy in ICSI-CGH array cycles
The effect of neonatal maternal separation on the gelatinases activity of mouse ovarian follicles during in vitro culture
Effects of dietary approach to stop hypertension diet on androgens, antioxidant status, and body composition in overweight and obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome: A randomized controlled trial
Composite PU/SF hybrid tubular scaffolds for fabrication of engineered neovagina in-vivo explants in a 3D-culture perfusion bioreactor
Gene expression profiling of cumulus cells isolated from MII oocytes of Iranian patients with polycystic ovary syndrome
KHDC3L frame-shift mutation causes recurrent pregnancy loss and infertility in an Iranian family
Evaluation of novel mouse specific germ cell gene expression in embryonic stem cell- derived germ cell-like cells in vitro with retinoic acid treatment
Carob promotes spermatogenesis in infertile mice model via inducing the self-renewal process in spermatogonial stem cells
Duphaston for preventing premature luteinizing hormone surges in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome undergoing controlled ovarian hyper stimulation: A randomized clinical trial
An investigation of the cell stemness of the human ovarian derived epithelial-like cells
Women s satisfaction with modern contraceptive methods utilization and associated factors in Bishoftu, Ethiopia, 2016
Detection of hyaluric acid synthesis 2 (has2) and gremlin 1 (grem1) gene expressions in human cumulus cells of IVF patients as oocyte quality indicator
Optimizing the cell seeding protocol to human decellularized ovarian scaffold: application of dynamic system for bio-engineering
Sperm DFI affects growth factors expression: as a consequence of fallopian tube and spermatozoa interaction
Determination of the prevalence of cytomegalo virus, papilloma virus and herpes simplex virus in infertile men referring to IVF center, Afzalipour Hospital in Kerman in 2017
Impact of vitrification on human oocytes before and after in vitro maturation (IVM): A systematic review and meta-analysis
Different sperm DFI induced fallopian tube response by chemokines
Reactive oxygen species by fungicide mancozeb in Sertoli- germ cell co- culture
Effects of canthaxanthin on sperm parameters during human sperm freeze-thaw process
Assessment of oxytocin level, glucose metabolism components and cutoff values for oxytocin and anti-mullerian hormone in infertile PCOS women
Evaluation of decellularized ovarian scaffolds by triton, ammonium hydroxide and SDS
Comparison of pre and postnatal rat model of polycystic ovary syndrome
Morphological, ultrastructural, and molecular aspects of in vitro mouse embryo implantation on human endometrial mesenchymal stromal cells in the presence of steroid hormones as an implantation model
Effect of catheter rotation during its withdrawal on frozen thawed embryo transfer cycles outcomes; case-control study
Comparison of Notch1-3, genes expression and Jagged-1,2 proteins in cumulus cells of PCOS and healthy women’s and their correlations with oocyte, fertilization and embryo
The effect of pharmacological and combined psychological approach in the treatment of unconsummated marriage secondary to vaginismus
Evaluation of Toll-like receptor 3 (TLR3) signaling pathway genes and its genetic polymorphisms in ectopic and eutopic endometrium of women with endometriosis
Correlation between sperm motility and sperm chromatin/DNA damage before and after cryopreservation and the effect of folic acid and nicotinic acid on post-thaw sperm quality in normozoospermic men
The effects of hydrocortisone on tight junction genes in an in vitro model of the human fallopian epithelial cells
Frequency of AZF microdeletions in azoospermic men candidate for micro TESE
Overexpression of STAT3 gene in women with endometriosis
The effect of medium on the rate of chromosomal instability in human amniotic fluid cells
The relationship between the expression levels of miR-135a and HOXA10 gene in the eutopic and ectopic endometrium
Supplementation of sperm freezing medium with Myoinositol improve human sperm parameters and protects it against DNA fragmentation and apoptosis
Aneuploidy screening of arrested embryos derived from in-vitro matured oocytes
A novel mutation found in a patient with congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Fluorescence in-situ hybridization detects increased sperm aneuploidy in men with recurrent pregnancy loss in the Iranian population
Increased expression of BCL6 gene in endometrial tissues of women with endometriosis
High incidence of sperm aneuploidy revealed by array CGH in oligoasthenoterato-zoospermic (OAT) patients
The relationship between mutation in CPS1 gene and pregnancy loss
Assessment of genetic variations of exons 8-13 of SUN5 gene and its protein expression in men with acephalic spermatozoa syndrome referring to Royan institute
Myoinositol can improve freeze sperm parameters in patients with Oligoasthenoteratospermia
Cryoprotective effect of sericin supplementation in freezing and thawing media on the outcome of cryopreservation in human sperm
Study of Nrf2 antioxidant gene in testicular tissue of Wistar male rats induced by varicocele
Protective effect of combined pumpkin seed and ginger extracts on sperm characteristics, biochemical parameters and epididymal histology in adult male rats treated with cyclophosphamide
Evaluation of ART devices toxicity with human sperm motility assay
The efficiency of daily intake of selenium, vitamin E and folic acid on the sperm parameters: A blinded clinical trial study
The effects of FSH, LH, Testosterone on DFI in oligospermia
Effect of co- administration of pentoxifylline and zinc on sperm parameters and DNA fragmentation in idiopathic male infertility
Association between body mass index and sperm miR-34c transcript content
Is there any relationship between human sperm parameters and protamine deficiency in different groups of infertile men
The impacts of cell phone radiation on human sperm parameters, chromatin quality, and apoptosis in normozoospermic samples
Sperm PTEN transcript content in normozoospermic fertile and infertile men
Human semen hyper viscosity and sperm motility
Evaluation of genetic variations in exons 1-7 of SUN5 gene and its protein expression in men with acephalic spermatozoa referring to Royan Institute
The effect of L-carnitine on sperm DNA structure, chromatin quality and apoptosis in BALB/C mice treated with formalin
Evaluation of sperm parameters, chromatin quality and apoptosis rate in men with a history of morphine abuse
MSOME detected fine sperm abnormalities in infertile men with high BMI
Effects of vitamin D supplementation on semen quality and reproductive hormones: A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial
Relationship between micro-particle contaminations with semen quality and assisted reproductive outcomes
The effect of Inofolic on intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reduced glutathione (GSH) levels in the MII oocyte of DHEA-induced PCOs mice
The effect of non-essential amino acid supplementation on the parameters and DNA fragmentation index of cryopreserved sperm
The effect of vitamin C on gene expression of protamine 1 and 2 ejaculated sperm in male partners of couples experiencing recurrent spontaneous abortion
Sperm parameters, DNA integrity, and protamine genes expression, in patients with diabetes mellitus
Sperm HSP90 transcript content in normo- and asthenozoospermic men
Evaluation of TNP1 gene and the neighboring lncRNA (lnc-AC007557) expression levels in the testicular tissue from azoospermic men
Study of side effects of biolozax-H on testis tissue and epididymal sperm of adult rat following treatment with clinical dose
Wnt signaling pathway in uterus of normal and seminal vesicle excised mated mice during pre-implantation window
The protective effects of long term NaHS administration on sperm parameters, testicular morphometry, testicular H2S levels and oxidative stress markers in varicocele male rats
Evaluation of semen sampling container toxicity with human sperm motility assay and mouse embryo assay
Improvement of sperm parameters in old mice with low doses of estradiol and Sesame oil
Pentoxifylline increase sperm motility in devitrified spermatozoa from asthenozoospermic patient without damage chromatin and DNA integrity
The ratio of Protamine 1 to Protamine 2 gene expression in sperm chromatin of varicoceles
Assessment of beneficial effects of methionine loaded zinc oxide nanoparticles on mice semen quality
Histomorphometric evaluation of mice testicular tissue following administration of Methionine loaded zinc oxide nanoparticles
The effects of lycopene supplement on the spermatogram and seminal oxidative stress in infertile men; A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial
Effect of diet contains Sesame seed on adult Wistar rat testis
Sperm epigenetic features and a methyl donor: a randomized control trial study
Relation of sperm protamine transcripts content with global DNA methylation and DNA methyltransferases mRNA in men with severe sperm abnormalities
ICSI outcome in infertile males with round headed sperm who referred to Royan institute
Effect of Carbamazepine and Oxcarbazapine on chromatin quality, Malondialdehyde and parameters in sperm of epileptic-mice
Relationship between sperm progressive motility and DNA fragmentation in fertile and infertile men
Iranian temporal changes in semen quality during past 25 years: report from tertiary infertility center
The effect of L-carnitine on sperm parameters in adults BALB/C mice treated with formalin
The effect of buffering leasing on parameters, chromatin and human sperm DNA
Semen preparation methods and PLC-ζ expression
Identification of new mutations in mitochondrial ATPase6 and ATPase8 genes in asthenospermic infertile men and investigation of protein structure using molecular dynamics simulation
The effect of endometrial injury on VEGF gene expression in patients with repeated implantation failure: A randomized control trial
Taurine improves the function of mice ovary grafts through reducing oxidative stress
L-carnitine could suppress cyclophosphamide induced oocyte apoptosis in mice
Decreased expression of ADAMTS-9 and ADAMTS-5 associated with impaired oocyte maturity in PCOS patients
Associaton of androgen receptor CAG polymorphism with idiopathic male infertility
Analysis of olfactory receptors expression in cumulus cells as predictor for maturation level and fertilization outcome of oocyte
Metabolome mapping of day 3 and 5 embryo culture medium using MALDI-TOF-MS
Morphometric analysis of human oocytes does not predict embryos developmental outcomes: a time lapse study
Is there any correlation between embryo morphokinetics development and maternal age in an intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection program
Effect of GDF9 and CCs supplementation in IVM culture media on viability of blastocyst generated from vitrified clavage embryos
The effects of chronic administrations of Niacin on the anthropometric and ovarian morphological changes PCO rats
The effects of Sitagliptin on the serum and ovarian inflammatory mediators of rats with polycystic ovary syndrome
The effect of cytoplasm microinjection in embryo development and expression of HOXA10 in mouse
Is there any correlation between sperm parameters and chromatin quality with embryo morphokinetics in patients with male infertility
Effect of estradiol on oocyte qualitative and quantitative parameters and embryo formation following IVF in mice
Evaluation of maternal diet effects on body and ovary of female mouse offsprings
Aberrant expression of Igf2 imprinted gene in mouse blastocysts following vitrification at 2-cell stage
Reporting experience on more than 100 blastomeres for diagnosing X-linked disorders
Vitamin D3 regulates mtDNA copy number, mitochondrial biogenesis and membrane integrity in granulosa cells through mitogen activated protein kinase-extracellular signal-regulated kinase (MAPK-ERK1/2) pathway in a mouse model of polycystic ovary syndrome
L-Carnitine reduces the adverse effects of ROS and up-regulates the expression of implantation related genes in in vitro developed mouse embryos
The effect of encapsulating the ovaries with alginate hydrogels on the expression of caspase3 gene in the vitrified ovaries of mice
Zona pellucida birefringence and meiotic spindle visualization are not related to the time-lapse detected embryo morphokinetics in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome
Assessing ICSI outcome by combining non-invasive indicators: Early time-lapse morphokinetics and apoptosis in associated cumulus cells among women with the polycystic ovarian syndrome
Serum anti-Mullerian hormone and embryo morphokinetics detecting by time-lapse imaging: A comparison between the polycystic ovarian syndrome and tubal factor infertility
Fluctuations between estradiol level and cumulus oocyte complex (COC) count: Does it predict the outcomes of ART cycles
Generation of viable blastocysts from discarded human cleavage embryos
Fertilization failure following ICSI
Effective dosage of GDF9 in folliculogenesis and angiogenesis in the sheep ovarian tissues grafted onto chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane
Evaluation of the association between promoter polymorphism of Fas gene with POF
Identification of circular RNA hsa_circ_0060927 and CYP24A1 ectopic expression in uterine leiomyomas
Comparing developmental competence of mature and immature oocyte in PCOs patients and mRNA levels of AMHR gene as biomarker
Different expression of MUC1, FGF2, HBEGF, CSF1, VEGFA in the female reproductive tract in women with and without ectopic pregnancy
Aberrant expression of microRNAs 16 and 21 and gene targets in women with unexplained recurrent miscarriage: A case-control study
Association of rs2234693 polymorphism with idiopathic male infertility
Identification of a novel mutation in MT-TC gene in patients with idiopathic recurrent miscarriage
The frequency of rs14035 polymorphism of RAN gene and its association with unknown recurrent pregnancy loss in women referred to Yazd Reproductive Sciences Institute
Chromosomal aberrations in pregnancy loss: insight on the effect of consanguinity, review of 1625 cases, comparison with karyotype
Investigation of mitochondrial tRNA leucine (UUR) gene mutations in Iranian patients with idiopathic repeated pregnancy loss
Study the association of two key polymorphisms in H2BFWT gene with idiopathic male infertility
The prevalence of common mutations in thrombophilic patients in Iranian population with recurrent abortion
Exome sequencing reveals SYCE1 mutation associated with autosomal recessive azoospermia in an Iranian family; the second report in the worldwide
Y chromosome microdeletion in infertile men with nonobstructive azoospermia (NOA)
The role of circle RNAs (circRNAs) in male fertility
Multiplex PCR screening of Y-chromosome microdeletions in azoospermic ICSI candidate men
Evaluation of serum levels and genetic variation of soluble leptin receptor (GLN223ARG) in patients with unexplained infertility and fertile women
Amniocentesis following positive first trimester combined screening: A comparative study
Identification of mitochondrial tRNA leucine (CUN) gene mutation in Iranian patients with idiopathic recurrent miscarriage
Protective association of -308G/A transition in TNFa gene with azoospermia
Effects of flavonoid Genistein on liver enzymes and ovary tissue modification in the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome
Assisted reproductive technology (ART) and birth weights
The risk of hypertension in polycystic ovary syndrome: long-term population-based cohort study
Comparison of sitagliptin and metformin on the anti-mullerian hormone level in infertile women with polycystic ovarian syndrome in IVF cycle
Sitagliptin ameliorates anti-mullerian hormone level in infertile women with polycystic ovary syndrome
Investigating the toxicity of carbon nanostructures on reproductive systems: A systematic review
Molecular evaluation of endometrial receptivity in women with congenital malformations of genital tract
A randomized comparative study of three different educational interventions prior to ovarian puncture, measuring preoperative anxiety
Effects of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) on response of ovarian stimulation in IVF cycle in infertile women with diminished ovarian reserve: Before and after clinical trials
The effect of anti-mullerian hormone for prediction of oocyte and improving pregnancy under ART
Effects of hydro-alcoholic extract of VAC on OHSS complication in a rat model
Review of human rights, legal, ethical and religious aspects of surrogacy in Iran with an emphasis on its counseling issues
Role of imaging tools in breast screening of women undergoing ART treatment: All things that a midwife should know
Eugenol recovers some endocrine and histological changes in a rat model of polycystic ovary syndrome
Predictors of teenage motherhood
Consequences of Teenage Motherhood
Comparison of pregnancy outcomes in patients undergoing frozen embryo transfers with or without depot gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist pretreatment
Assisted reproductive outcomes in women with different polycystic ovary syndrome phenotypes
An epidemiologic survey on the causes of infertility in patients referred to the Majesty of Maryam Infertility Center, Beheshti Hospital, Isfahan
Association between metabolic syndrome and polycystic ovary syndrome among adolescents: A review article
The effectiveness of lifestyle modification on women with polycystic ovary syndrome: A scientific review
Levothyroxine treatment and pregnancy outcome in women with subclinical hypothyroidism: A systematic review and meta-analysis
The effect of vitamin D supplementation on the androgenic profile in atients with olycystic ovary syndrome: A systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical trials
The relationship between hyperlipidemia and maternal and neonatal outcomes in pregnant women admitted to Al-Zahra Hospital in Rasht
The relation between free testosterone and components of metabolic syndrome in women with polycystic ovary syndrome
Comparison of free Beta-HCG and PAPPA in single normal and under IVF pregnancy at 12 weeks of gestational age
Survey of fertility motivations and some related factors in women of reproductive age who referred to health centers in Sabzevar in 2016
From physical to financial infertility: A grounded exploration of consequences of infertility among infertile female
Associations between clinical and biochemical hyperandrogenism and quality of life in patients with PCOS
Sexuality and infertility
Infertile couples’ needs after unsuccessful fertility treatment: A qualitative study
A qualitative study of the experiences of Iranian infertile couples after unsuccessful assisted reproductive technologies
Infertile couples decision for re-treatment after unsuccessful treatment with assisted reproductive techniques
Comparison of adaptation of pregnancy and prenatal self-evaluation in women with and without experience of infertility
Sexual satisfaction in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: A review article
The effect of preconception care education of health volunteers based on the Health Belief Model on knowledge and attitude of women
The relationship of the psychological coping and adjustment strategies of infertile women with the success of assisted reproductive technology
Evaluating the effectiveness of group and telephone counseling on sexual function after childbirth
Comparing the effects of nursing versus peer-based education methods on the pre-operative anxiety in infertile women: A randomized clinical trial
Legal issues related to embryo donation and In vitro fertilization
Resilience as the predictor of quality of life in the infertile couple as the most neglected and silent minorities
Evaluation the effect of the conditioned medium from human testicular sperm extraction cell cultures on in vitro maturation in mice
Stem cells: A novel hope in cell-based therapy of infertility
Fabrication and characterization of decellularized placenta-derived 3D bio-scaffolds for spermatogonial stem cells culture
Ovine endometrial cell culture on nanofiber scaffold: an approach for uterine tissue engineering
Improvement of primordial germ cells derivation from embryonic stem cells and conduce them to enter meiosis: An engineering approach
Influences of mesenchymal stem cells differentiate to bone, cartilage and fat cells after knocking down of Toll-like receptors
Human amniotic membrane successfully decellularization using of SDS
Human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells in vaccine production: The role of TLR4-LPS axis
Amniotic fluid derived mesenchymal stem cells and their potential applications in regenerative medicine
The effect of 3D Scaffold and microfluidic culture system on spermatogonial stem cells proliferations
An investigation of the effect of the human cumulus cell conditioned medium on mouse oocytes in vitro maturation
An investigation of the effect of the human embryonic stem cells conditioned medium on mouse oocytes in vitro maturation
Chondrogenesis of human embryonic stem cells using a sequential 3D and 2D culture
Study of main genes involved in apoptotic pathway in testicular tissue of Wistar male rats induced by varicocele
Investigation the effects of Irisin on proliferation, invasion and apoptosis of ovarian cancer cells
Comparison between gene expression SPAG11A in process of spermatogenesis in infertile men who suffering from varicocele (grade 1-2) pre- and post-treatment
Evaluation of expression level of DGCR8 gene in non-obstructive azoospermic patients in compare with obstructive azoospermic patients
Curative treatment options for men with non-obstructive azoospermia
Overexpression of c-Maf gene in women with endometriosis
Reanalyzing discarded blastocyst embryos for autosomal aneuploidy after sex selection in cleavage stage
Quantitative evaluation of HILS1 expression and its potential interaction with regulating microRNAs in testicular tissue of infertile men
Investigation of epigenetic factors involved in male infertility
Ultrasensitive biosensor for breast cancer screening
The importance of amnioMAX medium in the recovery of human amniotic fluid cells from freezing at -80oC
Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase C677T polymorphism and its association with recurrent pregnancy loss in South-Eastern Iranian population
Mitotic arrest deficient 1 like 1 (MAD1L1) gene variations in products of conception with aneuploidy
Investigation of changes in expression level of XRCC2 gene in obstructive azoospermia and nonobstructive azoospermia patients
XO expression among healthy vs. oligospermia affected men before and after treatment with the palm pollen: in vivo research
Determination of Chlamydia trachomatis incidence and its role on recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL)
Overexpression of CREB gene in endometriotic biopsies of women with endometriosis
Mir-147 act as a tumor suppressor in ovarian cancer with targeting the ZEB1 and ZEB2 genes
Detection of 4977-bp deletion of mitochondrial DNA in in vitro fertilization failure women
Evaluation of QF-PCR in simultaneous detection of trisomy 21 and monogenic diseases in PGD
The effect of preincubation time on oxidative stress and mitochondrial alteration of mouse MII oocytes in the simple and myo-inositol supplemented media
mRNA level of FSHR gene as a biomarker in PCOs patients
Diagnostic value of FTS and QUAD tests in detecting chromosomal abnormalities compared to FISH and KARYO tests (as gold standard)
Isolation, characterization and multilineage differentiation potential of Wharton s jelly mesenchymal stem cells
Association of the folate metabolizing pathway polymorphisms with male infertility susceptibility
Association between G1691A factor V Leiden mutation and idiopathic RPL in the Iranian population of Yazd province
Assessment of the circulating mir-218 expression level in under treatment epileptic patients as a noninvasive biomarker of PCOs
Evaluating expression level of the circulating mir-146 in under treatment epileptic patients as a noninvasive biomarker of PCOs
Smoking have a genetic predisposition and effect on infertility in women
Investigation the association of SLC22A1 gene variants and efficiency of metformin on fetal development
Association of BRCA1 mutations with serum anti-mullerian hormone levels: Connection
Association between G20210A prothrombin mutation and recurrent pregnancy loss in Iranian population of Yazd province
Comprehensive study of chromosomal abnormalities in infertile patients referred to Cytogenetic laboratory of abortion research Center, Yazd Reproductive Science Institute; From March 2013 to January 2019