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13th International Conference on Sports Science
13th International Conference on Sports Science In date 2022-03-07 by Research Institute of Sport Sciences, in City Tehran was held. please refer to the following link to download all the papers of conference proceedings: Proceedings 13th International Conference on Sports Science
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Accepted papers in 13th International Conference on Sports Science
The Effect of Aerobic Exercise on Indicators of Preptin, Irizine and Insulin Resistance in Obese Women
The Effect of Social Capital Dimensions on Virtual Learning Intention of sport science students
Anti diplomacy of Sport; Iran Vs. Arab states of Persian Gulf
Branding of Equestrian Tourism Destinations In Iran: Identifying The Effective Potentials In Gonbad Kavous Equestrian Association
The effect of vitamin D supplementation on parathyroid serum changes, Calcium and biomotor components in elite futsal players
The effect of resistance training with blood flow restriction on static and dynamic balance in elderly with a history of falls
The role of managers strategic thinking and financial intelligence in the development of e-marketing for sport federations
General analysis of the status of public relations literacy and sports public relations Student Hoda Bozorgi is a large number of PhD and postgraduate students In media and sports media trends and comparisons with other trends
Effects of βeta-alanine and Creatine Supplementation on Exercise Performance in Taekwondo players
Investigating the effects of advertising features in sports video clips on social networks
Affecting of brand personality on the loyalty of Mazandaran Nassaji Football Club fans
Acute and chronic response of appetite indices, calorie intake and energy expenditure and body composition to High intensity interval training with green tea supplementation in overweight girls
Designing a sustainable tourism model for beach sports events Case study: Golestan Province Beach Volleyball World Championship
Development entrepreneurial sports opportunities based on third generation organizational structures
The Effect of Aerobic Training on Gene Expression of a Main Marker of Mitophagy (Parkin) in Old Male Rats
The Impact of Continuous Endurance Training and High-Intensity Interval Training on Fusion-Related Factors i.e. MFN۱ and MFN۲ in skeletal muscle of Wistar Rats
The Effect of High-Intensity Interval Training on Mitochondria Fission-Related Factors in Skeletal Muscle of Old Wistar Rats
Investigate the relationship between valuable viral marketing with the intention of buying customers for Online sports products and Services
The Relationship between Information Technology Attitude and the Use of Technological Services and Equipment in Football School Coaches in Tehran: The Role of Computer Anxiety Modulator
Sport startups: challenges of sport community and opportunities for startups
The role Studying of Iraqi Sports Science Students in Iranian universities on the relations and future cooperation of between the two countries sports
TRX suspension functional training on balance, mobility, lower limb muscle strength and fear of falling in older adult men
Effect of Thymus migricus Extract Supplementation on Endurance Exercise Performance, Liver and Oxidative Enzymes
Identifying ways to develop physical education for women in the Greater Tehran Police
The effect of eight weeks of aerobic training on the stress of male police officers in Greater Tehran
Study of the factors affecting the changes in people s tendency to online betting in sports during corona pandemy
The effect of Brain Gym exercise on children’s fundamental motor skills
Plasma lactate Response to Eight Weeks of Aerobic Exercise and Supplementation of L-Arginine
Investigation of acute pre-workout supplement ingestion with resistance exercise on the responses of Inflammatory muscle factors in athlete men
Evaluation of the predictive role of psychological factors in the incidence of sports (musculoskeletal) injuries of elite male volleyball players
Comparison of mental toughness and anxiety based on skill level of professional athletes
The effect of University Education of Students Parents on the Level of Students Participation in the Motor Literacy Plan of the Deputy of Physical Education and Health of the Ministry of Education
Investigating the relationship between social responsibilities of Mashhad water complexes and customers decision to return
The relationship between green marketing and the trust and loyalty of customers of sports goods in Mashhad
How to host major sporting events in a pandemic?
The Effect of Knowledge Sharing on Virtual Learning Intention of Sport Science Students
Representing the opportunities and challenges of virtual education in the primary school of Bonab and Shoush; A phenomenological study
Strategic Analysis of Employment and Entrepreneurship Development in the Sports Industry
Develop a paradigm model of the role of advertising On the desire of customers of sports products(With an emphasis on social media)
Credit and standardization of sports product advertising questionnaires using social media
The effect of Covid-۱۹ epidemic on product mix in marketing of sports products, with a special focus on bodybuilding and its accessories
Extrapersonal and Intrapersonal Factors Affecting the Migration of Elite Athletes
Effects of Whole-Body Electromyostimulation with two different frequencies and Combined Training on Lipid Profile and Body Composition in Overweight Women
Identifying the Effective Factors of Institutionalizing Sport in Leisure Time
The Effect of ESports and Sport Integrity on Future of Sport Events
The effect of two types of diet with high and low glycemic index on the immune and hormonal response of male athletes after intense endurance activity
Effect of Sports Tourism Motivation on Indigenous and Non-Indigenous People with an Emphasis on Active Sports Tourism Behaviors
The effect of eight weeks of aquatic therapy program on the balance of children with spastic diplegia
The effect of a HIIT workout with calorie restriction on body composition and aerobic capacity of overweight and obese women
The effect of volleyball specific fatigue on balance, proprioception and performance of volleyball players with high and low risk of anterior cruciate ligament injury
Presenting a model of the role of mass media on the sports culture of women athletes in the national futsal league
Effects of Hatha Yoga on Quality of Life in Women with Non-Specific Chronic Low Back Pain
A new indicator to evaluate the Heart Rate Resilience males and females using the analysis heart rate of Complement Plots during the physical activity
Effect of six weeks resistance training on fall risk and reaction speed in Multiple Sclerosis patients
Investigating The Effect of Education to Personnel on Create Effective Performance in Sport Boards
Brand attitude and word of mouth on consumers desire to buy sports goods with the mediating role of consumer brand identification
Provide a viral marketing model based on brand awareness and brand equity of fencing sports equipment
The effect of ۸ weeks of High intensity interval training with green tea supplementation on some cardiovascular indicators, Aerobic and anaerobic function, body composition and quality of life in overweight girls
Comparison of the effect of ۳ and ۶ sessions of aerobic training per week with basic football training on growth hormone concentration in adolescent football players in Ilam
The relationship between brain dominance quarter with leadership style and effectiveness of sport managers
Investigating the effect of family environment on the emergence of children s sports talents
MyomiR-OsteomiR Crosstalk Induced by Different Modes and Intensities of Exercise Training and its Role in Controlling Osteogenic Differentiation in Old Male Wistar Rats
An analysis of the expectations and requirements of moral values in the sports community
Effect of aerobic training on left ventricular apoptotic and antioxidant indices in high fat diet and streptozotocin induced diabetic rats
The relationship between knowledge management and the employee creativity of Youth and Sports General Directorate of South Khorasan Province
The Effect of Cognitive-Behavioral Stress Management Training On Competitive Anxiety, Sport Self-Confidence and Performance Teenager Female Volleyball Players
The relationship between the body characteristics of male teenage taekwondo players participating in the top talent competitions in Isfahan province with their success
Identify the effect of four weeks of aerobic exercise with two simple and complex patterns on cognitive function in female students
Investigation of Developmental Coordination Disorder Prevalence Children ۷-۹ years old from Mashhad with emphasis on some demographic characteristics
Executability the family education curriculum in increasing physical activity and health of students
Integrative Analysis to discover the association between physical exercise and COVID-۱۹: Molecular signaling pathway analysis
The Effects of Proximal and Distal Knee Kinesio Taping on ۲D Knee Kinematics in Female Athlete with Dynamic Knee Valgus
Prediction of Flow Experience and Mental Well-Being Based on Somatotypes of Athletes in Different Sports
Application of neuroscience in the Transformation of sports organizations (Case study: professional sports clubs in Iran)
Analysis of working conditions and professional conditions of professional athletes in sports clubs
The Effect of a combat exercises course on the scores from a functional movement screen test among the Esfahan’s police special staff
Effect of Resistance Training along with Electrical Muscle Stimulation on Serum Levels of Some of the Molecular Markers of Muscle Hypertrophy in Male Athletes after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Surgery
Physical activity protects and manages heart dysfunctions by modulating the mRNA expression profiles: A bioinformatics analysis
The effect of a period of resistance training and cross-fit on muscle strength and body composition of overweight girls
Effect of Blood Flow Restriction Training Versus Electrical Muscle Stimulation on Muscle Atrophy Signaling Pathway in Elite Male Athletes Following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Surgery
Comparison of personality traits among entrepreneurs in sports and industry
Identifying and prioritizing the obstacles and problems of women s professional sports in Hormozgan province due to the corona virus
Paradigm model of professional development of Iranian Premier League clubs based on the use of sports marketing
The Role of Exercise Protocols and Steroid Supplementation in Predicting the Psychopathological Profile in Elite Female Bodybuilders in Isfahan
The effect of backpack carriage in different weights and gradients on ground reaction force parameters of ۱۰-۱۲ year old schoolboys walking on instrumented treadmill
Designing a chess management model based on the thinking of the world s top women chess players
The effect of ۱۲ weeks of exercise training on TGF-β۱ levels in patients with MS
Effect of a ۸-Week High Intensity Aerobic Exercise Training on Appetite-Regulating Hormones in Obese Adolescents
Strategies for maintaining women s participation in sports activities
The effect of eight weeks of resistance training and vitamin D supplementation on the levels of antioxidant enzymes in the hippocampal tissue of old male Wistar rats
Investigating the impact of social environment on participation in sports activities
Evaluation of the effect of eight weeks of HIIT training on physical fitness factors of mentally retarded men in Torbat-e Heydarieh
Effect of four weeks of high intensity interval training and vitamin D۳ supplementation on physical fitness and performance of young boy futsal player
Comparison of leisure time of the elderly in Tehran before and during the COVID۱۹ pandemic
Effect of acute sodium bicarbonate ingestion on anaerobic performance and fatigue indexes during high-intensity anaerobic training
Corona and the limitations of football fans: Motivations and barriers to attending with an emphasis on virtual reality
Determining the effect of frankincense extract supplementation on delayed onest muscle soreness markers following a high-intensity interval training session in inactive girls
The effect of a period of resistance training and guarana supplementation on liver markers in inactive obese women
Effect of Carrying Two Types of Pack in Two Heights of Placement (Lumbar and Thoracic) on Some of Kinematic Variables of Primary Schoolboys
The effect of electrical muscle stimulation system on correct gait and balance pattern in healthy individuals
Determining the effect of Nigella sativa supplementation on the symptoms of delayed muscle onest soreness following an extrovert activity session in inactive girls
Relationship between Selected Serum Metallic Elements and Obesity in Obese Boys after Arginine Supplementation and High Intensity Training
The effect of an extroverted activity session and consumption of Calendula supplementation on the symptoms of delayed onest muscle soreness in karate girls
Thematic analysis of marketing services based on sports services through social networks
A study on Iran’s public policy in sport
Analysis of politics and policy procedures in women s sport: Reflection on micro, meso and macro levels
Investigate physical activity, body composition and obesity in students during Covid-۱۹ outbreak
Study of the effect of ۶ weeks of ۱۱ plus training on balance, strength and endurance lower extremity of football players in Tabriz
Long-term effect of ۱۱ Plus training on performance indicators of futsal players in Tabriz
The effect of aerobic exercise in water and land on inflammatory factors and its relationship with pain and function in overweight women with osteoarthritis of the knee
Evaluation of resting levels of inflammatory indices, oxidative stress, aerobic and anaerobic power of players during beach soccer Premier League season
The effects of eight weeks core stabilization exercises on low back pain, lumbar lordosis and quality of life in women with cesarean delivery
Evaluation of KATP response on protection of heart tissue in male rats after resistance training
Effect of Mirror Therapy on Gait of Subacute and Chronic Stroke Patients
Identify the perceived risks of managers from the presence of women in sports stadiums
Identifying the Challenges of Women s Sports in Covid ۱۹
Identifying obstacles to women cycling from the sports experts
Prioritizing the motivations and constraints of Iranian gamers
The effect of acute noise stress on coagulation responses in trained rats with intermittent and continuous exercise training
Comparison of the effect of ۸-week Pilates and chair exercise on severity of pain and functional disability of female staff with chronic low back pain
Evaluation of the effect of selected cross-fit exercises on balance, trunk endurance and kyphosis of firefighters
Effect of Neuromuscular Training combined with Neurofeedback Training on the Ankle Joint Proprioception: A Double-Blind Randomized Clinical Trial
The Effect of Parental Involvement in physical activity on the enjoyment of physical activity: The mediating role of parental support of physical activity in junior high school students in Ardabil City
the role of entrepreneurial marketing on innovative performance in sports businesses in South Khorasan province
The effect of eight weeks of aerobic exercise with ginger supplementation on serum TNFa and IL-۶ levels in diabetic women
The investigation interactive effect of saffron supplementation and high intensity interval training on antioxidant levels and lipid profile of obese women
A Comparison of the effect of HIIT, resistance and parallel training on C-reactive protein and some body composition components in Pars-e-Jonoubi firefighters
The effect of ۳ months of home-based exercise and diet on body composition of overweight and obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome during the COVID-۱۹ Pandemic
Effect of aerobic exercise training on plasma lipocalin-۲ and insulin resistance among normal and overweight females
Presenting a model of strategies for implementing economic democracy in sports in Iran
Relationship between sagittal hip angle and premenstrual syndrome in ۱۵-۱۸ year old girls
The effect of fatigue on the lower extremity joint angle(knee and ankle) and pain in the soles of the feet climbers before and after mountaineering
The effect and maintenance of six weeks wobble board training on balance in Athletes with Functional Ankle Instability
Is Schroth Exercise Method Effective in Correcting Idiopathic Scoliosis in Adolescence? A Systematic Review
Comparison of the selected Vertebral Column deformities between adult men in two age groups
The role of management based on human dignity and quality of work life on the creativity of swimming coaches
Investigating the relationship between creativity and personnel productivity in the staff of the general office of sport and youth in Sistan and Baluchestan province
The intermittent treadmill training with stem cells transplantation improves axogenesis and promotes muscle plasticity in contusion spinal cord injury
Identify the causes and areas affecting the development of infrastructure of of Green Sports Facilities
Comparison of Skeletal Muscle Mass (SMM) difference between two groups of ۳۰ male athletes with RR & XX genotype of ACTN۳ gene
The effect of COVID-۱۹ epidemic on mental health and quality of life of physical education students
Serious Leisure as a predictor of place attachment of sport tourists (Case study: Tochal Mountain trekking)
The effect of fatigue due to a mountaineering program on the upper body and body core stability of professional mountaineers
Consumer Law: Prioritizing the affecting factors on consumers tendency to buy Iranian sports goods
The Relationship between Personality Traits with the Performance of Swimmers in Hormozgan Province
The role of advertising in promoting the special value of the Adidas brand in the customers of Karaj
Acute Effects of Different Warm-up Methods on Physical Performance of Elite Female Taekwondo Players
Comparison of the effect of a period of resistance, aerobic and combined training on serum levels of irisin and C-reactive protein in obese women
Comparing the effect of square stepping exercise with resistance training on Brain-derived neurotrophic factor in elderly woman
Effect of square stepping exercise and combined training on balance, falling, fear of falling in elderly woman
The Relationship between Coaching Efficiency and Sports Commitment and Team Performance (Case Study: Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province Boys Basic Basketball Teams)
The effect of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) with ginger supplement on liver enzymes in women with NAFLD
The effect of plyometric training on the explosive power of elite judokas
Design and development of students motor literacy development based on SOAR strategic model (Case study of Golestan province)
Identifying the dimensions of the development of mountaineering sport in promoting the physical and combat fitness of the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran
The use of sports jewelry as a growing business in the sports industry
The effect of ۸ weeks of plyometric exercises with and without electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) on strength in athletes with ankle instability
Presenting strategies and consequences of developing mother and child sports clubs in order to empower the community
The effect of home exercise with virtual education on the quality of life of women with knee osteoarthritis during the COVID-۱۹ pandemic
Manuscript title: The effect of aerobic exercise with ginger supplementation on oxidative stress and antioxidant capacity in diabetic women
Sociological analysis of human rights studies in major sporting events
Effect of ۸ weeks of Proprioceptive training on motor function, fatigue and quality of life in women with Multiple Sclerosis
Evaluation of architectural principles of Iranian standard squash courts
Effects of aerobic exercise intensity on glucagon-like peptide-۱ (GLP-۱) and insulin resistance (IR) in obese rats
The effect of resistance exercise on motor performance in women with multiple sclerosis
International marketing strategies in the franchise internationalization process
Analysis of factors affecting the creation of brand equity of sports clubs
The negative effects of mega-sporting events on the Environment
The Prevalence of Emotional Abuse Among Young Male Football Players and Its Relationship with Age and Sports Experience
The Impact of Organizational Intelligence on the Effectiveness of Sports Organization and Boards
The effect of comprehensive corrective exercises with and without posture training on forward head posture (FHP) in female students
Effect of forgiveness training program on perception of failure in terms of internal-external attributional style
Social aspects of marketing and attracting citizens ongoing sports participation
Changes in the amount of physical activities due to the corona, in different continents
Thematic analysis of marketing services based on sports services through emotional intelligence
The Role of Human Dignity Management on Job Motivation of Physical Education Teachers in Tehran
Identify and rank the best places for advertising in TV sports events: an eye-tracking study
The role of urban management in the development of beach sports tourism in Bandar Emam Khomeini
Online-supervised Exercise at Home, Physiotherapy and Hydrotherapy for Non-specific Chronic Low Back Pain: A Randomized Clinical Trial
The effect of eight weeks of TRX training on the pain, quality of life and core muscle endurance and quality of life in patients with chronic non-specific low back pain
The effect of ۶ weeks of resistance training with vitamin D supplementation on Bax and Bcl-۲ values of pancreatic beta cells in STZ diabetic mice
The effect of ۸ weeks of resistance training on increasing the quality of dynamic balance in karate adolescents ۱۳ to ۱۷ years’ old
Comparison of the effect of ۴ weeks of polarized and traditional training on ۲۰۰۰ m performance and physiological indicators in elite rowers
The Effect of Intervention Programs on Balance in People with Multiple Sclerosis (MS): A Systematic Review
The relationship between club social media interaction and customer loyalty of bodybuilding and aerobics clubs
The effect of a ۲ weeks Taurine supplementation on liver damage indices, URE and lactate following a simulated volleyball test in female volleyball players
Comparison of premenstrual syndrome outbreak, life quality and sleeping quality between yoga athletic women and their inactive peers
Effect of Pilates training and ginger supplementation on body composition and physiological parameters of inactive overweight women
The effect of ۱۶ online corrective training sessions on depression and anxiety female students of Payam-e Noor University with late complications of covid-۱۹
Inhibitory effect of one period of sub-maximal swimming Exercises in cell cycle stimulating genes(STAT۳) in the pathways leading to the tumor in Lung tissue of Wistar Rats exposed to tobacco-derived carcinogens (NNK)
The effect of ۱۶ online corrective training sessions on lung function on female students of Payam-e Noor University with late complications of covid-۱۹
The effect of TRX suspended resistance training on liver enzymes in obese women
The effects of swimming exercise and Nepeta menthoides on obsessive-compulsive disorder induced by reserpine in male rats
The effect of market orientation on loyalty and trust from the perspective of customers of bodybuilding clubs in South Khorasan province
The effect of exercise on metabolic syndrome and related diseases
The effect of causal marketing relationship related to customer loyalty in the collections of Tehran Municipality Sports Organization
The effect of plyometric training on the agility of elite judokas
The relationship between coping variables and anxiety and the rate of sports injuries in football player
Corona and the need for adjustment in sports club marketing programs with a transformational approach
Changes in intrinsic dynamics of the learner by using nonlinear pedagogy in sports skills: The role of degeneracy
The Effect of COVID-۱۹ Pandemic on Physical function, Quality of life and Balance of Women with knee Osteoarthritis with Knee Instability
Thematic Analysis of the Development and Implementation of Motor Literacy Plan in the Country s School Sports
The relationship between moral orientation with gender role and quality of life of girls futsal players in Iran
The relationship between young- adult participation in public and professional sport clubs and COVID-۱۹ pandemi effects; social distancing policies, strict return-to-play protocols, and COVID-۱۹ specific training
Determining the level of sports justice and its dimensions in athletes of national teams
Analysis of the superstitions of football and futsal athletes in Kerman
The effect of gamification on the participation of employees of startup companies in sports activities
Changes in GDF-۱۵ Serum Levels in Response to the Interaction of Aerobic Training with Green Tea Extract Supplementation Reduce Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Obese Men with Type ۲ Diabetes
Prevalence of musculoskeletal pain and its relationship with Body mass index ( BMI ) in master swimmers
The Effect of Swiss Ball Training and Ear Acupuncture on Pain and Functional disability in people with Chronic Low Back Pain
Effect of Eight Weeks Stabilization Exercise on Neck Proprioception, Function and Muscle Endurance in Volleyball Athletes with Upper Cross Syndrome: A Randomized Clinical Trial Study
The comparison of the effect of the PNF and Thera-Band training on control posture and function on inactive women in Qazvin province
The Effect of Swiss Ball Exercises and Ear Acupuncture on Pain and Central Muscles Endurance of people with Chronic Low Back Pain
Relationship between the dimensions of self-determining job motivation and job motivation of physical education teachers in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad provinces
The effect of aerobic exercise on the capacity of working memory after olfactory sensory destruction
Indirect cellular damage responses following short-term silymarin supplementation and one- bout resistance exercise in young male soccer players
Coach’s eye” as talent identification tool in Iranian Schools sport
The effect of market orientation on the development of Nike brand marketing strategy in Shiraz
The major problem of retired Iranian athletes and developing a plan to prevent it
Physical activity improves sleep quality in women
Comparison cardiovascular endurance, postural control and quality of life between active and inactive elderly women during In Corona Crisis (COVID-۱۹)
The Relationship between Serum Vitamin D۳ with Daily Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior in Adult Women
Developing a Model of Factors Affecting Participation in Cause-Related Marketing: A Case Study of Sport Products Consumers
Investigating the effect of strengths use in training on sports success of football players
The effect of functional exercises and rice bran consumption on lipid factors and body weight in overweight and obese women
Electronic Sports and Sporting Through a Multifaceted View Toward Sports
Optimism and anxiety of the Corona virus in the athletics Premier League
The Effect of Biofeedback Training On Range of Motion, Pain in People with Shoulder Impingement Syndrome
Effect of Lumbar Kinesio Taping on Poor Lumbopelvic Control among Professional Athletes with Recurrent Landings
A Critical Review of Sports Management Research Based on Grounded Theory
Identifying the effective factors on quitting sports activities of veteran and disabled athletes
injuries to Iranian polo players : risk perception, mitigation and risk factors
role of social networks in detection opportunities sports entrepreneurship in the corona era
The effects of endurance swimming and silymarin supplementation on structural remodeling and apoptotic index of adrenal cortex in pregnant rats exposed to cadmium toxicity
Effects of ۶ Months Home-Based Neurofunctional vs. resistance training on physical performance and cognitive function in MS patients with mild cognitive impairment: A randomized controlled trial
Investigating the relationship between media literacy and willingness to buy online from sport websites
The Role of Mental Toughness and Perfectionism in the use of Banned Ergogenic Substances
Identifying the factors of adherence to exercise during the Corona virus pandemic: A qualitative study
Investigating the Developmental Dimensions of Delays in Sports Development Projects
Comparison of Traband and Dynamic Exercises on Balance, Proprioception, Range of Movement and Neck and Elbow Muscle Strength in Blind Children
Effect of Eight-Weeks of Selected Corrective Exercises on Disability and Shoulder Pain of Carpet Weavers
The Effects of ۱۰ Weeks of Selected Cyclic Yoga Exercises on Hyper lordosis Abnormality and Some Anthropometric Indices of Middle-Aged women
The effect of flat foot complication on selected biomechanical variables of landing-jumping-landing skills of young women
The Effect of Neuromuscular Training with pelvic clock device on Static and Dynamic Balance in middle-aged women with Non-Specific Chronic Low back pain
The Effectiveness of Cyclic Yoga Exercise on Some Glycemic Index and Sleep Quality of Type ۲ Diabetic Middle-Aged Women
The effect of kinesio tape on proprioception and landing mechanics in football players with high riskk of anterior cruciate ligament injury
The effect of aerobic exercise on glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP), body composition and lipids profile in type ۲ diabetes woman patients
The effect of four weeks of aerobic and resistance training on the levels of apoptotic proteins in the heart tissue of diabetic rats
Achievements of a successful coach in the positive youth development: a combination of theory and practice
impact of currency fluctuations on the sports business cycle
The Effect of Detraining on Beta-endorphin, Pain, and Functional disability of Men with Low Back Pain Following Two Types of Core Stability and suspension Exercises
Investigating the role of social media in the development of sports culture in Yazd province
The Mediating role of Organizational Commitment on the Relation between Leisure Involvement and the Well-Being of Fans of Iranian Football Premier League Clubs
The relationship between health literacy and physical activity in adolescent
The Development Model of Digital Sports Businesses
Monitoring Training Load in sports activities using GPS
Can a neuromuscular training program change landing kinematics in young soccer players with dynamic valgus deficiency?
The relationship between SES status and perceptual -motor development in primary school students
Changing the paradigms of strategic planning, a new approach to the development and promotion of sports activities in society
The Role of Human Resource Management on Organizational Performance mediated by Intellectual Capital and OrganizationalEntrepreneurship of South Khorasan Sports and Youth Administration Staf
Content analysis of sports club performance management studies
Comparison of the effect of socio-economic status on the tendency to bodybuilding and tennis among women in Tehran
Why Athletes bet on Sport competitions ?
Customer Satisfaction Survey (Athletes, Coaches, Referees, Spectators) From services in sports venues of Golestan province Community Verified icon
Investigating the factors affecting the intention of customers to use virtual services using the social networks of private sports clubs in the outbreak of coronavirus
Analysis of the effective trends on the national championship sport with a visual horizon of ۱۴۱۴
Identifying and prioritizing the factors affecting the development of the share of sports activities in the student’s leisure time of theUniversity of Art
The Comparison of physical activity level and academic achievement motivation of talented male students before and one year after covid-۱۹ quarantine
Comparision the Effects of Exercise in Shallow and Deep Water on Risk of falling and Quality of life in Elderly Women with KneeOsteoarthritis
Comparison of Executive Functions in Some Athletes, Musicians and Ordinary People
The relationship between motivation to participate in sports activities and the use of social networks in students of Bu Ali Sina University in Hamadan
Investigating the factors on the occurrence of irregularities in physical education classes from the perspective of physical education teachers in Gorgan
Determining the effect and comparing incentive patterns of physical activity with social marketing approach on participation in physical activity among the ۱st grade high school students of Tehran
The role of policy development in the management of a sports or recreation organization
The effect of mindfulness – based balance exercises on working memory of female atheles
Effect of ۱۰ Weeks Continuous and Interval Moderate-Intensity Endurance Training on Serum Levels of Glial Cell-Derived Neurotrophic Factor and Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor in Overweight Children
Factors of sports tendency during coronavirus epidemic (with emphasis on the role of mass media)
Investigating the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction and loyalty of Shiraz Municipality sports facilities (Case study: Shiraz Municipality sports facilities) Reza jalili۱. Iman Asadollahi*۲
Assessment of the Brain Cortical Activity of Professional Cavers
Investigation of Research Service Quality of Physical Education Departments in the Islamic Azad University
Analysis of the performance of the Iranian sports caravan in the ۲۰۲۰ Tokyo Paralympic Games
Identifying strategies to promote the personal brand value of Iranian elite athletes
Swimming in cold water reduces the volume of fat cells, through the increase of FGF۲۱ and UCP۱ in adipose tissues
The effect of consumption of industrial and traditional drinks on performance indicators, perception of activity difficulty and blood lactation of female athletes
The effect of Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in the DLPFC area on visual attention of sitting volleyball players under physical pressure conditions
Comparison of the Effect of Patellar Taping on Knee Joint Proprioception in Patients with Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome and Healthy Athletes and Non-athletes
The impact of sports policies on the development of sports management thinking
The effect Pilates Training with celery seed supplementation on Levels Antinuclear Antibodies (ANA) in middle aged Women with rheumatoid arthritis
Challenges of Financial Management in Iranian Premier League clubs
Smart Workout System Based on Augmented Reality Technology, Artificial Intelligence, and Internet of Things(IOT)
The role of social support and its effect on job search for female students in vocational schools in Sari
Content analysis of championship sports performance studies
Investigating the effective factors on the approach of sports managers to environmental issues in sports venues with the approach of structural equations
The effects of Dual-Task Training versus Single-Task Training on Information processing speed and speed walking in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis
The effects of interval resistance training on serum CTRP۳ and CTRP۹ in obese men
investigate the effect of yoga and Pilates exercises on the static balance of the elderly in the Covid-۱۹ pandemic situation
investigate the effect of yoga and Pilates exercises on the balance of the elderly in the Covid-۱۹ pandemic situation
An Analysis of the Study of Social commerce as a New Approach to the Growth and Development of the Sporting Products Business (Content Analysis of Scientific and Media Resources)
The Effect of Core Stability and Pilates Exercises on Central Stability, Upper and Lower Extremity Function Before and After Core Muscle Functional Fatigue in Non-Athletic Men
The effects of Circuit resistance training on serum CTRP۵ and CTRP۱۲ in obese men
Comparison of Principal Anthropometric, Biomechanical, Physiological, and Psychological in Adolescent and Young Male Volleyball Players
An Investigation on the Relation of Physical Activity and Loneliness with Internet Inclination Possibility among the Female Students of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz
Investigating the factors affecting the development of sports tourism in Iraqi Kurdistan
The Effects of Aerobic Training and Omega-۳ Intake on Aβ۴۲, Neprilysin and γ- Secretase in the Hippocampus of Male Rats Alzheimer s model
The comparison of effect of high intensity interval and continues training on skeletal muscle sestrin۲ in old rats
Comparison of exercise with different intensities on CBP gene expression in the liver tissue of male Wistar rats
Investigating the role of social networks on service quality and customer satisfaction of sports clubs in Corona
Covid ۱۹ Pandemic; Alert for Obesity and Musculoskeletal Disorders in Housewives
Development of sports tourism in international sports events
The effect of emotional intelligence on learning volleyball set skill by the Cooperative learning method
Recognition and Prioritization the standards for Selecting Coaches of Basic Basketball Teams by Using Dematel Integrated Model and Analytic Network Process (ANP) in Fuzzy Condition
Comparison of profile structure of erectile structure of individuals with athlete and non-athlete mental retardation
The effect of ۶ weeks of Powerball resistance training with PNF pattern on pain, disability and shoulder joint function in women with shoulder impingement syndrome
Modeling the experiences of leading countries, an intelligent approach to the development of physical activity of the elderly in Iran
Validity and reliability of the Persian version of the Constant Murley Score
Investigating the relationship between individuals personalities and investment behaviors in support of private football clubs
Comparison of the prevalence, severity and disability caused by nonspecific low back pain in men and women of the country’s elite karate (kata)
Traveling Strategies for Elite athletes during pandemic Covid-۱۹
Identifying the Challenges of Women s Fitness Clubs in the Post-Corona
Comparable effects of two types of interval and traditional resistance exercise on lipolysis and glycolysis in healthy young men
Immediate Effect of Lower Limb Kinesiotype on Static and Dynamic Postural Control in Athletes with Chronic Ankle Instability
Identifying effective management barriers in the country s sports talent identification process
The effect of kinesio taping on post Stroke balance deficit: A narrative review
Comparison of the difference between in sports justice between male and female athletes national teams
The Analysis of Violence in Teen Sports and the Use of NOVIS Training Model
Determining the factors related to the occurrence of crime and sports violence in sports science students
Comparison of Exercise Addiction, Competitive Anxiety and Aggression in Athletes in Collision and Non-Collision Fields
Creating a real-time automated coach assistance for shooting sports by using image processing techniques and making EMG signal detection device
The effect of ۱۰-session of exercise training on neurological deterioration in rat stroke model
The effect of three selected training on HOMA-IR and erythrocytes parameters in patient with T۲DM
The relationship between perceived motivational climate and Achievement motivation with observational learning functions
Observation of a progressive novice model is a good alternative to physical practice in learning dart-throwing skill
Plyometric training alters lower leg electromyography activity patterns in female athletes with dynamic knee valgus
The evaluation of forces and torques applied to the spine in different mental statuses during deadlift movements by using a low-cost video analysis package: findings from a case study
A comparison of hip adduction to abduction strength ratios in professional soccer players with athletic groin pain and healthy ones
The effect of aerobic exercise on Hba۱c in people with non-alcoholic fatty liver )systematic review and meta-analysis)
Analysis of the policy-making process of sports organizations based on a policy cycle
Validity and Reliability of Sitting Star Excursion Balance Test in People with Spinal Cord Injury
The effect of eight weeks of yoga intervention and relaxation massage on controlling mental fatigue and risk factors in lower limb injuries in physical education students
Effect of Coronavirus Outbreak on Selective Physical Fitness Components of Athlete Students: From Lockdown to Reopening of Schools
The Effect of a Central Muscle Fatigue Training session on Dynamic Postural Control in Femail Basketball Players
The effect of the & quot;Stop-X& quot; training program on lower extremity injury rates in military cadets
The effect of CHAMP intervention on gross motor skills and social interaction in children with Autism disorder
Investigating the relationship between organizational effectiveness and knowledge management and organizational intelligence of Alborz sports staff
Effectiveness of eight-week schroth exercises on position and flexibility of the scapulae and quality life in teenage girls with nonstructural scoliosis
Identifying and analyzing the role of exploitation of renewable energy sources in the green marketing of Iranian football stadiums
A combination of physical and observational practice in gymnastics improves mental rotation of children as effective as physical practice
Determining the effect of perceived stress and loneliness on death anxiety with the mediating role of psychological hardiness in athletes with COVID ۱۹.
The effectiveness of targeted sensorimotor intervention on motor skills of girls with attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder comorbid with developmental coordination disorder
Evaluation of Individual Behaviors of Employees for Energy Saving in Sports Facilities (Case Study: Sports Facilities of Tehran Municipality)
The Effect of Biofeedback Training On Pain and Functional Disability in People with Shoulder Impingement Syndrome
Comparison of Physical fitness levels in Athletes and non- Athletes adolescent’s female diagnosis Covid ۱۹
providing a model of effective and preventive factors of corruption in the sports industry
The effect of attentional focus and implicit/explicit learning instructions on retention and transfer basketball free throw
Electro-physiology Activity of Quaderceps and Hamestraing Muscles after Concentric and Eccentric Strength Training
Hamstring Muscles EMG Activities during Knee Flexion in the Women with and without Knee Osteoarthritis
Investigating the factors affecting aggression and violence in football spectators
The Effect of PILATES Exercise on Spatiotemporal Parameters of Gait in Patients with Parkinson’s disease
providing a model for the development of sports tourism with an effectuation entrepreneurial marketing approach in the Mako Free Trade and Industrial Zone
The effect of selected core stability exercises session on functional stability of amateur basketball players with with functional ankle instability
Investigate the effect of eight weeks of upper quadrilateral training on chronic middle-age men s headache
Blended teaching: impact of teacher’s autonomy support on students perceived autonomy and physical activity
The effect of attentional focus and implicit or explicit learning instructions on retention and transfer basketball free throw
The Effect of Sports-Metrics Soccer Training (SMST)on Core Muscle Endurance (CME) in Female Soccer Players with Dynamic Knee Valgus (DKV)
Evaluation of the relationship between flat foot severity and lower limb function in women karate athletes with flat foot disorders
The Role of Elementary School Physical Education Teacher on Developmental Coordination Disorder and Its Components in High School Students in Isfahan
Comparison of ۸ Weeks of National Academy Sport Medicine exercises (NASM) and Mckenzie exercises in chronic low back pain in Women
Investigation of the relationship between genu-varum abnormality and sports injuries; a systematic review
Comparison of lower limb performance and postural control in different types of the feet posture
The effect of a horse therapy training program on some psychological indicators in aggressive children
The effect of ۸ weeks of aerobic exercise on cardiorespiratory fitness and pulmonary function in men with Covid-۱۹
Estimation of compressive stress in intervertebral disc using finite element analysis
The Effect of Household Income on Participation in Canoe sport: An Econometric Estimate of Iranian Provinces (۲۰۱۰-۲۰۱۷)
Comparing the Effects of Fatigue derived from the Running on different surfaces on the template of Plantar Pressure Distribution
Comprehensive analysis of Hogam sport in Iran
sleep disturbances Based on degree of non-specific chronic low back pain severity
The effect of e-sports and non-e-sports on the quality of life and indicators related to physical fitness skills (Case : Adolescent female students in department education of Shahrerey region)
does SMVT improvement knee alignment during DVJ and Vertical Jump in Volleyball Players whit Knee Valgus? A Randomized Controlled Trial
The Effect of Eight Weeks Aquatic and Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization Exercises on Postural Sways and Foot Pressure Distribution Symmetry in Patients with Nonspecific Chronic Low Back Pain
Develop a strategic marketing plan for the Badminton federation leagues
Personal branding, better performance in sports services
The Effect of Perceived Physical Fitness on Acquisition of Volleyball Claw Skill in Girls ۱۰ to ۱۳ years old
Persian Gulf Football ProLeague Branding: Prerequisites Related to Football League Organization
Identifying the Role of Sport in the Cultural Development of Iranian Society
Identify Potential Sports jobs in Iran: A Comparative Study
The Effect of a Specialized Karate Corrective Exercise Program on Flat Feet and Foot Indices in Karatekas
How Students Sport Participation Before and During the Corona Pandemic Determines Their Mental Health State?
Designing an Optimal Management Model for the Online Education Class of Practical Courses in the Field of Physical Education and Sports Sciences
Impact of high-intensity interval Training workout on Perceptual motor performance of taekwondo girls in Tehran province, Iran
Develop a strategic plan for the development of public sports in Sari athletic students
Designing a Model for Sustainable Security in Major Sports Events in Iran
The Effect of Increasing Running Speed on Kinetic Ratio of Lower Limbs in Closed Kinetic Chain
The effects of ۸ weeks of yoga therapy on the visual field and color perception of a male with bilateral optic neuritis disorder related to the AstraZeneca Covid-۱۹ vaccine: A case report
The impact of gamification on increasing motivation to exercise in sports clubs
Investigating the effect of physical education e-learning management on the effectiveness and job performance of physical education teachers
Investigating the relationship between Lifestyle promoting-Health and Corona anxiety in Middle-aged active women
Comparison of the effect of acute consumption of energy drink and grape juice solution on anaerobic performance indices in elite adolescent karate athletes
Identifying the factors affecting the sport tourism economy of Iran (with data foundation approach)
Analyze the factors affecting on women s health development
The Effect of Sports-Metrics Basketball Training (SMBT) on Athletic Performance in Female Adolescent Basketball Athletes with Medial Knee Displacements (MKD)
Concurrent effects of working memory components task on postural sway during quiet standing in brain Stroke survivors
Investigating the effect of personality traits of sports equipment consumers on virtual shopping
Relationship between changes in blood glucose and body composition during different weeks of exercise in diabetic women
The effect of self-talk and mental imagery on self-efficacy in performing volleyball serving skill
The moderating role of coping resources and social support in the life stress – sport injury relationship
The effect of increasing running speed on three-dimensional changes of lower limb joint kinematics in open kinetics chain and swing phase
Transformation of factors preventing corruption in the country s sports
Provide a model for managing startup businesses in sports with a data foundation approach
Provide paradigm of the effect of social networks on creating sports businesses
The effectiveness of mental imagery on cognitive factors and motor performance of adolescent basketball players
The role of health principles, healthy eating and regular exercise program in professional athletes during the outbreak of COVID-۱۹
A review of assessment methods for cervical joint position sense
Comparison of the effect of aerobic exercise and green coffee on oxidative-nitrous stress markers in male C۵۷BL / ۶ prediabetic mice
Analysis of strategic factors in the development of sports diplomacy in Iran with an interpretive structural modeling approach
The mediating role of attachment to place and quality of services in the relationship between aesthetic dimensions and satisfaction of sports venues in Tehran
The effect of social underminingon on quality of work life of employees with the mediation of organizational health in sport and youth departments of Bushehr province
The effect of endurance training, consumption of green coffee and chlorogenic acid on glutathione, glutathione peroxidase and malondialdehyde
Effect of a period of Post-Activation Potentiation on Muscle Power and Torque, Agility and Speed in Elite Youth Soccer Players
Effects of a period of small-sided games + high-intensity interval training versus high-intensity interval training on physical Performance of youth soccer players
Content typology of the Official Account of the Tokyo ۲۰۲۰ Olympic Games on Twitter
The effect of ۱۲ sessions of combined rehabilitation training on Anthropometric indices and blood pressure of men s heart to myocardial infarction
Improvement of systolic function indices in men with myocardial infarction after a period of rehabilitation training
The effects of aerobic training on bone mineral density in type ۲ diabetic rats
Comparison of external and internal Focus of Attention During ACL Injury Prevention Exercises on dynamic postural stability in Soccer Players
Comparison of glycemic and neuropathic indices of active and inactive people with type ۲ diabetes
Comparison of Effects of Three Rapid Weight Loss Methods on some Indices of Physical and Motor Fitness in Elite Male Wrestlers
Comparison of postural control between female athletes with and without ACL reconstruction during landing
Exercise and cardiomyopathy: A study of cellular and molecular mechanisms
Comparison of different intensities of exercise on IP-۱۰ gene expression in the male adult rats
The effect of eight weeks of rebound therapy on balance and quality of life in patients with Parkinson s disease
Comparison of Mental Health between Active and Non-Active Students: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
The effect of linear versus undulating combination of traditional strength and blood flow restriction training on strength and serum hormone levels in relation to muscle size in active girls
The effect of interval aerobic training and resveratrol supplementation on serum irisin, visfatin and insulin resistance in diabetic rats
Effects of two selected training methods on some physiological and performance variables of youth table tennis players
Immediate effects of using antipronation insole in taekwondo players with anterior cruciate ligament injury
Design and construction of an upper limb rehabilitation pedal for elderly
The Effectiveness of six weeks of hydrotherapy on pain, disability and dynamic balance in women with chronic low back pain
The effect of acute aerobic exercise combined with vitamin D supplementation on serum levels of ۲۵ hydroxyvitamin D, insulin and glucose in overweight girls
Design and manufacture of an elbow-rehabilitation device for patients with tennis elbow syndrome
The Effects of Grape Seed Extract Consumption on hs-CRP and Lipid Profile in Young Men
Equal Opportunities and Social Inclusion through Volunteering in sport events
Physical activity participation in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders in Iran
Design and construction of a knee rehabilitation device for knee pain rehabilitation
The effect of eight weeks of resistance training and dark chocolate on the functional factors of female swimmers
Design and construction of a wrist rehabilitation device for people with carpal Tunnel syndrome
Acute Effect of Knee Eccentric Contraction with Blood Flow Restriction on Corrected QT Interval During Repetition and Recovery in Healthy Men
The Effect of a period of Post-activation Potentiation on Peak torque and average power in Squat, Deadlift and Chest Press exercises in Bodybuilding athletes
The effects of increasing running speed on the displacement and Velocity of the center of pressure
NFT: Applications in professional sport
The investigating of sport role on social integration
Resolving international disputes in sport: with an emphasis on Arbitration
The effects of a specific exhaustive wrestling exercise session on physiological and Hematological parameters among elite adult wrestlers
The Effects of Forward Head Posture deformity on Athlete’s Performance; a Systematic Review Study
Dynamic Balance Alterations In Adolescent Male Volleyball Players After Six Week Modified FIFA ۱۱+ Warm-up Training
Effect of a Yoga exercises on the Fatigue and Balance of women with Multiple sclerosis
Effectiveness of the Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention on Reducing Competitive Anxiety and Cognitive Emotion Regulation in Female Martial Artists
Discourse Analysis of the Migration Phenomenon in Iranian Sports Heroes
Investigation of non-contact injuries prediction by parameters related to internal and external loads in a Premier League team
The effect of ۸ weeks of foot reflexology massage on balance, plantar flexion and pain in young people with flat feet
Comparison of Electromyographic Activity and onset time of Selected of Lower Limb Muscles in Active and Inactive old Women
The Effects of Increasing Running Speed on Three-Dimensional Peak Angle of the Lower Limb Joints in Stance Phase
Some parameters of intestinal barrier damage response to high-intensity intervals in comparison to continuous moderate training
A comparison of Mental Health of wrestler male students and non-athlete students
The effectiveness of table tennis and aerobics exercises on the balance performance of deaf children
Design and development of public sports development strategies in Qom province
The effect of ۱۱+ kids and ۱۱+ kids modified program on the strength and electromyography of knee muscles of ۱۱-۱۲ years old male football player
The effect of psychological skills training on acquisition and learning of simple volleyball service in High school girl students
Explaining the effective factors in the commercialization process of sports club services in Khorramdareh city
The Effect of ۸-Week Aerobic Training on TRPC۶, PMCA۴b levels and Pathological Cardiac Hypertrophy in Middle-Aged Wistar Rats
The effect of jujube extract supplementation during intense endurance training on endurance performance in male rats during puberty
The Effect of ۸ weeks of High Intensity Interval Training on Gene Expression of Some Hepatokines in Rats with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver
The Effect of purposeful rhythmic active games on adolescents’ mental health indicators
Sportization of Iranian Traditional, Indigenous, and Local Sports and Games: Pros and Cons
Effect of high intensity interval training on oxidative stress status and Total antioxidant capacity in Liver tissue of male rats during puberty
Body Image Concern in male Bodybuilders: The Role of Perfectionism and Narcissistic Personality
Assessing physical fitness age in elderly based on physical fitness Components
Investigating the relationship between somatotype and second to fourth finger length (۲D: ۴D) of the hand in identifying talent for team and individual sports
The Relationship between Elderly s Frailty and Quality of Life
Compiling Benevolent Marketing Model in Sports Producers with Data-Based Approach
Sports Talent Identification in Schools Using SWOT Model (Case Study: Fooman City)
Training Intensity Parameters in Elite Soccer Youth Players: A Competition Season Study
The effect of local indigenous games on reducing social harms and physical social anxiety of high school students in Tuyserkan
Exercise Addiction in Athletes
The effect of a selected exercise program on improving the sleep quality of children with autism
Physiological effects of various types of exercise training on the indicators of NAFLD: A review study
Social Responsibility in Football Business Suppliers
Surveying the Role of Social Media in the Development of Sports Tourism in Tehran
Evaluation of ligament sprint in sports (systematic review study)
Identification and prediction of psychological indicators (personality, motivation, cognition) in the process of adolescent sports talent identification
Sports celebrity and brand image: The impact of athletes brand image on fans purchase intention (case study: Vorya Ghafouri)
Effect of different intensities on muscle expression of Dcn muscle in rats
The Effects of ۸ weeks of HIIT and N-Chromosomes Royal Jelly on the Expression of NKX۲.۵ and GATA۴ Genes in the Heart Tissue of Type ۲ Male Diabetic Rats
The mediating role of self-perceptual ability in relation to causal motor skills with physical activity and fitness of ۱۰- to ۱۵-year-old trainers in Tehran
Design and manufacture of portable sport´s dynamometer
The Effect Aerobic Maximal Workload exercises on cardiac damage biomarkers of Irain football primier league players
The Effect of ۸ Weeks of TRX and Pilates Training on Serum Afamin Levels in Overweight Young Women
The effect of motivational self-talk on the athletics sprint record
Effect of the selected training program on perceptual-motor and cognitive performance of preschool children
Comparison of main anthropometric and biomechanical indices of elite fixed and clay target shooters
The effect of swimming exercise on memory impairment and inflmmatory eytokines TNF_ α and IL_۱ and induced by lipopolysaccharide in male mice
Relations of Sport Activities Tendency and Quality of Life During Coronavirus Pandemic
Modeling the severity of Covid-۱۹ disease based on all social components of health and the amount of sports activities using the Fuzzy Hierarchical Analysis Process Technique (AHP)
The Effect of ۱۰ Weeks of moderate intensity interval training at home On Apo-B, Apo-A-۱ sICAM-۱ and blood pressure in Women with Hypertension During Coronavirus Quarantine
Developing a sociological model of the severity of Coronavirus disease in athletes based on a Grounded Theory approach
The effect of physical activity on some immune and inflammatory indicators of blood in patients with coronavirus disease
Prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders and postural abnormalities in car repairmen and its relationship with work experience and body mass index
The relationship between mental health and overweight and obesity in the staff of the Department of Sports and Youth of Kurdistan Province
Relationship the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders With body mass index in car repairmen
Comparison the perceptions of football Referees in Iran and Iraq: Organizational support, violence, match fixing
Association between Upper Cross Syndrome and Remote teaching duration among Teachers during the COVID-۱۹ pandemic
Relation between the musculoskeletal disorders with physical activity and cellphone addiction among students in COVID-۱۹ pandemic
Physical activity during COVID-۱۹ pandemic in different regions of the country
Effect of Green Exercise on sleep quality, Melatonin and immune responses among inactive adolescent girls
Identifying effective factors in the management of sports fans based on a meta-synthesis approach
Physical activity among girl adolescents in Varamin City
Sedentary behaviors (screen time and sitting time) among boys aged ۷ to ۱۰ years in Pishva City
Impact of the COVID-۱۹ pandemic on physical activity and sedentary time in girl school students Pardis city
A review of the legitimacy of discrimination in international sports law
Providing the optimal model of student sports in the Corona pandemic period
Exercise and age-related disorders: move more and sit less guarantee old population to look younger with better physical and mental health ─ a systematic review
Smartphone and mobile usage to improve the lifestyle quality: What kinds of software are useful?
Investigating the relationship between sports justice and sports commitment with the hopes of national team athletes
The relationship between cultural capital and girl s participation in sports Case study of the second grade of high school in Sari (District ۲)
The Effects Of Mindfulness–Acceptance–Commitment Training On Gratitude, Coach–Athlete Relationships And Burnout In Elite Female Athletes
Comparison of the Effectiveness of Virtual and Face-to-face Corrective Exercises on Functional Movement Screening Scores of Male Students
Combining Eight Weeks of Neuromuscular Training with Dual Cognitive Tasks on Performance and Dynamic Knee Valgus and Knee Flexion angles in Futsal players with Ligament Dominance Deficit
Applying the Subscription Business Model as a Profitable Business in the Sports Industry in Iran
A review of the state of sports for the disabled during the COVID-۱۹ Pandemic
Analysis of factors affecting the organizational entrepreneurship of employees of the general department of sports and youth in Hamadan province
Resistance training improves pro-inflammatory cytokines (tumor necrosis factor-α and connexin ۴۳), in a rheumatoid arthritis rat model
The Relationship Between Climate Of Trust And Respect In Educational Optimism Of Physical Education Teachers With The Mediation Of Organizational Embeddedness
Bodybuilders moods with and without exercise during the lockdown
Inclusive and integrated physical education in the Iranian schools (exceptional and regular schools)
Lived Experience of Women s Sports Activities with Emphasis on the Discourse of Femininity
Leptin and ghrelin serum levels and pubertal signs changes-induced combined exercise in overweight and obese girls with precocious puberty
Compare and Evaluate Effect of One Session Wrestling Exercise on Some Indicators of Purine Nucleotide Cycle in Young Wrestlers
The effect of a plyometric and elastic-band resistance training program on physical fitness and performance of male preadolescence tennis players
Protective effect of two types of masks during exercise with two different intensities in the period of coronavirus and post-coronavirus outbreak in the expression of eNOS gene in middle-aged men
The effect of sales strategy on the performance of sports stores in Isfahan province
The Effect of Whey Protein Supplement on the Recovery of Muscle Damage in Young Men
Investigating the relationship between nutritional knowledge and level of physical activity with body measurement and physiological characteristics of male students of physical education and non-physical education of Kurdistan University
Analysis of Majid brand advertising photo (Explicit content analysis approach)
Emerging business model canvas in sport article
The Relation between Emotion Regulation Strategies with the Components of Selective Attention in Youth Athletes
Physical activity and mortality in COVID-۱۹ disease
Exercise training with blood flow restriction, application for health promotion
Exercise Training, Lactate Threshold and Type ۳ Diabetes
Effects of Regular Physical Activity and Functional Dietary Supplements on Immune Reponses against COVID-۱۹ in Cancer
Interaction between Exercise, Diet, and Gut Microbiota: Promising Approach for Weight Management
The effect of ۸ weeks of HIIT training and green tea catechin beverage on serum lipid profile and body composition in sedentary obese men
Investigating the effect of managers managerial skills on organizational performance with regard to the mediating role of emotional intelligence in Khorramabad Physical Education Organization
The Effect Of ۸ Weeks Aquatic Aerobic Training On Balance And Severity Of Fatigue In patients With Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Investigating the status of national physical education lesson plans in primary schools in the west of Mazandaran province
Investigation The Effectiveness Of Key Biomechanical Parameters As Determinants Of Vertical Jump Performance In Athletes Using A Force Platform
The effect of social support on the mental health of physical education teachers during the outbreak of Covid-۱۹ disease
Analyzing the relationship between Factors hindering the sports participation of Payame Noor University staff and philosophical mentality
Investigating the effective factors on the development and expansion of local indigenous games in Sistan and Baluchestan province and presenting solutions to solve its problems
Providing a model for locating sports companies using data envelopment analysis technique
Assessing the level of knowledge of sports science students about the moral responsibilities of human resources in sports
Manuscript title: The effect of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) on visfatin and HS-CRP levels in postmenopausal women with NAFLD
Identify and analyze the self-management indicators of sports managers on professional performance
Sport Nutrition against COVID-۱۹: Using Molecular Docking and Molecular Dynamics Simulations
The effect of direct brain electrical stimulation (tDCS) on maintaining and improving concentration in air pistol shooter
Sustained attention and brain-derived neurotrophic factor in in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder affected by a perceptual-motor training program
The effect of sensory marketing on promoting the brand image and customer satisfaction of water places in Mashhad
Analysis of the management and performance of fan channels in Iranian football
Identifying the components of organizational culture and its impact on the dimensions of social capital Staff and managers of the Ministry of Sports and Youth by presenting the model
Factors influencing the interest of community members in sports in the post corona era
Quality of life management with a special exercise program in the elderly with Parkinson s disease
The Relationship between Safety and Health with the Efficiency of Sports Facilities and Facilities from the Perspective of Physical Education Teachers and Instructors in Middle and High Schools in East Tehran Province
The relationship between game quality, service quality and team identity on the satisfaction and loyalty of male Samen Al-hujaj handball fans of Sabzevar team
Future Studies in Iran s Sports Economy (Case Study: Sport Events)
The effects of Otago exercise on balance and risk of falls women middle aged with balance disorder
The Effect of Physical Activity and Perceived Social Support on Psychological Well-being and Stress Caused by Covid-۱۹
Investigating the relationship between the effectiveness of physical education lessons in reducing social harms of Khorasan Razavi students
Evaluating the Validity and Reliability of Thoracic and Lumbar Curvature Measurements Using Image Processing Software (IPSO)
Effect of two-weeks coenzyme Q۱۰ supplementation on the exercise-induced response of oxidative, and inflammatory in male wrestlers
the effect of pre-pregnancy swimming exercise on anxiety behaviors and oxidative stress factors in female mice during pregnancy
Structural model of XRM system in Astan Quds Razavi sports complex from the perspective of employees
Foresighting Sports Law in Iran using Scenario Writing Method
Comparison of the effect of six weeks of virtual reality rehabilitation training and reflexology massage on fatigue in paraplegic athletes
Comparison of the effect of six weeks of virtual reality rehabilitation training and reflexology massage on the performance of wheelchair basketball players
The effect of ۸ weeks of sports activities on self-concept, perfectionism and self-differentiation of students
The effect of training with rhythmic auditory timing on the memory of the blind