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The First Asian Hypnosis Congress

The First Asian Hypnosis Congress In date 2019-10-15 by Mashhad University of Medical Sciences,Iranian Scientific Society of Clinical Hypnosisانجمن علمي هيپنوتيزم باليني ايراندانشگاه علوم پزشكي مشهد in City Mashhad was held. please refer to the following link to download all the papers of conference proceedings: Proceedings The First Asian Hypnosis Congress
Dear Colleagues:
The idea of organizing a First Asian Hypnosis Congress was developed in a discussion with colleagues at one of the International Hypnosis Congressesat Mashhad Medical University organized by the Iranian Hypnosis Society 2015. It was first suggested by Kris Klajs,the director of the Polish Milton Erickson Institute,Kris Klajs. His idea was to interconnect the colleagues of Asian countries such as China,Japan,Korea,India,and Iran,with colleagues from former Russian Soviet Republics living in the neighborhood of Iran,such as Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan. Also,many who could not afford long distance travel to Montreal or Paris could meet more easily in Iran. At that time,we decided to plan this for 2019.
The pre-planning is now in an advanced state; the First Asian Hypnosis Congress webpage is ready. Many international colleagues from Asia,but especially also from non-Asian countries,have express a strong interestin coming to this congress as well as experiencing the cultural treasures and beauty of Iran.
This will be 5th International Hypnosis Congress that the team around Prof. Mehdi Fathi,University of Mashhad,has organized since 2012. I participated in 3 of the 4 congresses as a teacher and later also as an advisor/co-organizer. This organizing team is very well organized and all the congresses have been excellent. The traditional warm hospitality of Iranian people is famous.
Out of all of the Asian Countries,Iran probably has the most active hypnosis society. The Iranian Hypnosis Societies has trained around 7000 colleagues in 400 workshops in many cities of the country. Also,the spectrum of hypnosis applications is impressive. The range is from using hypnosis instead of opioids and anesthesia during surgeries,hypnotic painless child birthing, in medicine and dentistry to the whole field of psychotherapeutic applications.In addition,the use of hypnosis for mental training for peak performance in is known in Iran. The reputation of Iranian Hypnosis has also benefited from the active participation of Enayat Shahidi,MD from Teheran. He is currently on the Board of Directors of the International Hypnosis Society,and in accompany with Mehdi Fathi among the most prominents of the Iranian colleagues who have been invited to teach outside Iran throughout the world,including in Europe,Asia,and North America.
Please register for this congress as early as possible and also submit proposals for workshops and lectures. My prognosis: given the limited availability of parallel rooms in the congress center,the congress committee will have to make the final decisions on which presenters can be included in the program. Taking into account that in 2016,for the First World Congress of Dental Hypnosis in Iran,around 50 international dentists attended (we expected less than half that number),we can imagine that there will be a significant amount of interest in this historic landmark congress of a First Asian Congress.
Early registration also is highly recommended because of the need for invitation letters and visum. Foreign visitors also now can get a visum directly at the border,but in case of the arrival of dozens of colleagues at the same time,it is highly advisable to have the visum in advance.
With all such questions our tour coordinator Najmeh Kazemi has experience in organizing and guiding tours around the congresses in these the last years.
On the webpage you will find different options for tours. Please pre-register as early as possible. As soon as there are enough colleagues for a tour,the detailed organizing will start. Then you will need to update your registration to ensure you have a place in the tours. Iran is very popular at the moment for tourism. Even major places like Isfahan or Shiraz short-term in high season do not have endless capacities of hotel beds at affordable rates and the most popular categories. The earlier you register,the better the choices of hotels you and the organizers will have to book at good prices. Also,the experienced organizers will be able to see very early via the incoming pre-registrations which tour formats are most popular,so early planning of final tour plans including blocking rooms in hotels can take place.
Having already organized in 1989 a workshop with a cultural journeys across Turkey and later from 1990-2011 several congresses and tours in Nepal with up to 260 colleagues from Western countries,I know this Mashhad congress 2019 plus the tours before and after will be something absolutely unique and special.
Of course,I again will support the Iranian team with my experience of organizing congresses and tours.
Congress Topics
History of Hypnosis
Hypnosis: Theories & Applications
Hypnosis in Psychotherapy
Hypnosis in Medicine and Dentistry
Hypnotic Anesthesia and Analgesia
Cultural Aspects of Hypnosis
Neuropsychophysiology of Hypnosis
Neuroscience: Perception,Cognition & Models of Brain Mapping
Hypnosis and Technology (e.g.,Brain Stimulation,Neurofeedback)
Hypnosis and Philosophy of Mind
Important Information
- Conference Date: 2019-10-15 Fulltext deadling: 2019-06-05
- Holder: انجمن علمي هيپنوتيزم باليني ايراندانشگاه علوم پزشكي مشهد
- Association: : Iranian Scientific Society of Clinical Hypnosis
- City Conferences of : City Mashhad
- Province Conferences of : Province Khorasan Razavi
Registration Deadline: 2019-10-07
Scientific Organization: Mashhad University of Medical Sciences
- Clinical Neurology