
21th annual research congress of iranian medical sciences student

21th annual research congress of iranian medical sciences student In date 2020-08-11 by Babol University of Medical Sciences,كميته تحقيقات دانشجويي دانشگاه علوم پزشكي بابلوزرات بهداشت، خدمات درمان و آموزش كشور in City Babol was held.

special topic
elderly health 
pharmaceutical sciences
Persian medicine
nusing& midwifery
hematology & cancer
non- communicable diseases
neuroscience and mental health
medical sciences technology& innovations 
infectious diseases& immune disorder
pathology, genetics and stem cells


Important Information

  • Conference Date: 2020-08-11
  • Fulltext deadling: 2020-05-20
    Registration Deadline: 2020-08-11

    Scientific Organization: Babol University of Medical Sciences
  • Holder: كميته تحقيقات دانشجويي دانشگاه علوم پزشكي بابلوزرات بهداشت، خدمات درمان و آموزش كشور
  • City Conferences of : City Babol
  • Province Conferences of : Province Mazandaran
Submit date: 2020-02-29 23:57:11 - View: 11744


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