Download Conference Proceedings
The 7th International Conference on Agricultural, Animal, Natural Resources, Medicinal Plants and Rural Tourism

The 7th International Conference on Agricultural, Animal, Natural Resources, Medicinal Plants and Rural Tourism In date 2024-12-11 by ,دانش بنیان داده پرداز آرین با همکاری دانشگاهها معتبر ایران in City Mashhad was held. please refer to the following link to download all the papers of conference proceedings: Proceedings The 7th International Conference on Agricultural, Animal, Natural Resources, Medicinal Plants and Rural Tourism
Important Information
- Conference Date: 2024-12-11 Fulltext deadling: 2024-12-10
- Holder: دانش بنیان داده پرداز آرین با همکاری دانشگاهها معتبر ایران
- City Conferences of : City Mashhad
- Province Conferences of : Province Khorasan Razavi
Registration Deadline: 2024-12-10
- Agricultural Science
- Travel and Tourism Management
- Veterinary Science
- Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics