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2nd International Conference on Building Architecture and urbanism

2nd International Conference on Building Architecture and urbanism In date 2017-12-21 by ,انجمن صنفي معماري و شهرسازي استان آذربايجان شرقي - كنسرسيوم نقش و طرح آنابافت شهر was held. please refer to the following link to download all the papers of conference proceedings: _PROCEEDINGS 2nd International Conference on Building Architecture and urbanism

2nd International Conference on Building Architecture and urbanism aims to bring together leading academic scientists,researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Building industry,Architecture and Urbanism. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers,practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations,trends,and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Building Architecture and urbanism.



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Architecture and Urbanism engineering :
Natural disasters
New energies
Modern in architecture
Environmental rights
Mans relationship with nature
Materials and technologies
Sustainable Architecture and Urbanism
Environment,urbanism and Architecture
Urbanism and sustainable environment
Environmental Assessment of Projects
Urbanization and its environmental impacts
Designing in harmony with the climate and energy
Sustainability in architecture,landscape and urbanism
Landscape architecture
Urban Economics
City and Politics
Interior Architecture
Urban Design
old Textures
Urban Geography
Architectural Engineering
Worn out tissues
Statistics in urbanization
Underground architecture
Urban planning
Analysis of urban space
Urban sociology
Understanding urban space
Rights and municipal laws
Urban Demography
Urbanism Challenges
Urban design
Understanding and expression of the urban environment
Urbanism quantitative models
Urbanism Mapping
Urban planning techniques
Iran and Turkey Architectural Studies
Islamic architecture,Iran and Turkey
Principles of Urban Design methods
Contemporary Islamic architecture of Iran and Turkey
Foundations of planning methods - Islamic urbanism
Civil engineering,traffic and Surveying Engineering :
Traffic Safety
Roads and Transport
concrete technology
Traffic Engineering
Public transport
Geotechnical and Mining
Geometric design of passages
Hydraulic,Water Resources
Construction Management
Transport and sustainable development
harmony of structures and architectural form
Structural safety in underground mines
Tunnel engineering for urban areas
Industrial and Non-building structures
Transportation and urban planning
topography and Geodesy and Geomatics
destruction Engineering in the building industry
The design of public transport networks
ntelligent and sustainable transport systems 
Numerical methods in Civil Engineering
Structural Dynamics and seismic strengthening
Underground structures - Value Engineering
Transport and traffic systems management.
Structural engineering,earthquake and Seismic rehabilitation
Traffic Engineering and Transport Planning
Retrofit and rehabilitation of urban structures
Introduction and evaluation of public transportation systems
Vital arterial system improvements,buildings and bridges
Ethics,challenges and values in Civil Engineering
Water resources engineering,hydraulic and marine structures
Safety,crisis management and passive defense in civil
Analysis and innovation in the design of concrete and steel structures
Fundamentals of Engineering destruction,management and monitoring of destruction
education and traffic regulations and Integrated management of traffic
GIS systems with emphasis on their application in civil engineering
Urban development and utilization of indigenous and new materials in structures
 Strengthening of structures against fire and expressing of architectural approaches
Application of Engineering Geology in civil engineering and Geophysics at the dam 
New technology in building materials and Industrialization of Construction
effect of the earthquake on Space Structures,Structural materials and special structures
structures  Seismic Troubleshooting  and their Retrofitting and rehabilitation methods
Application of new technologies (seismic isolators,damper and..) In structures seismic rehabilitation.
Mechanical,Electrical and Electronics Engineering :
Mechanics :
Solid Mechanics
Fluid Mechanics
Design and Manufacturing
Energy and Environment
Heat transfer and combustion
Dynamics,vibration and control
Composites materials
Biomechanics,micro and nano-mechanics
Electrical and Electronics :
electrical engineering
Industrial Electronics
Insulation and high voltage
Compensating devices
Electric machines
Power Systems Dynamics
Production systems,energy transmission and distribution
Electronics(signal processing- Digital Electronics-analog Electronic-production technology- semiconductor devices- integrated circuit and VLSI design - FPGA and VHDL Analog circuit design)
Control (linear and non-linear control - robotic - process control - systems identification - modeling - randomized control systems -Chaos - intelligent control and optimal control)

Important Information

  • Conference Date: 2017-12-21
  • Fulltext deadling: 2017-11-06
    Registration Deadline: 2017-11-16
  • Holder: انجمن صنفي معماري و شهرسازي استان آذربايجان شرقي - كنسرسيوم نقش و طرح آنابافت شهر
Submit date: 2017-06-21 12:36:10 - View: 12985


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