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The 3rd International Conference of the Humanities and Educational Studies

The 3rd International Conference of the Humanities and Educational Studies In date 2018-05-06 by ,مركز توانمندسازي مهارتهاي فرهنگي و اجتماعي جامعه in City Tehran was held. please refer to the following link to download all the papers of conference proceedings: _PROCEEDINGS The 3rd International Conference of the Humanities and Educational Studies

Introducing the Congress
Culture as an independent and effective force in shaping the behavior,thoughts and ethics of people in the course of social reactions and reactions and communication structures. There is no society in which culture does not exist However,societies are different in form and culture.
It is a culture in which members of the community learn how to think and act. environment  is shaped by Culture  and is the basis of economic,political,social,and even technological change. 
Researchers believe that the growth of each society depends on its culture. Many of the good behaviors we see daily life come from the culture of that community 
In fact,reflect the constructive experiences of previous generations to future generation and 
Undesirable social behaviors are due to weakness in the process of culture
In fact,culture is a way of life in society,all of which mean its social experience.
When the process of transferring culture to people faces a problem to cause damage to some social behaviors. 
People of all cultures and societies (even in the most developed countries) Exposed to behavioral problems such as secrecy,lying,weakness of collective labor,rush,lawlessness,consumerism,timelessness,and so on.
In our country,in addition to good traits and behaviors,These cases exist. In recent decades,people"s daily behavior has been damaged And has been driven towards profitable and individualist behaviors. In fact,the damage that has been inflicted on Iranian culture in recent years can be studied. 
It is hoped that holding this Congress with an Islamic approach can examine the harm of society in the cultural and social aspects. Then,at other sessions,resolve these problems.



Empowering the Community in the Field of Humanities
Educational Sciences and Behavioral Studies
Psychology and Family Studies
Social and Cultural Studies
Accounting and Economical Sciences  
Theology and Islamic Sciences 
Islamic Philosophy and Wisdom 
Management and Human Resources 
Linguistics and Education 
Law and Political Science 
Persian Language and Literature
Empowering the Community in the Field of Educational Studies
Counseling and Guidance (job,family,rehab)
Management,Research and Educational Technology
Counseling and Curriculum planning
Islamic Ethics and Islamic Education 
Higher Education and Improvement of Human Resources 
Children and Teenager Psychology 
Psychology of Marriage and Family 
Psychology and Counseling
Pedagogy Philosophy

Important Information

  • Conference Date: 2018-05-06
  • Fulltext deadling: 2018-04-30
  • Holder: مركز توانمندسازي مهارتهاي فرهنگي و اجتماعي جامعه
  • City Conferences of : City Tehran
  • Province Conferences of : Province Tehran
Submit date: 2017-12-20 10:49:46 - View: 8305


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