
2nd annual international clinical oncology congress

2nd annual international clinical oncology congress In date 2017-12-13 by ,انجمن كلينيكال آنكولوژي ايران was held.

2000s, and since then, by joining more than 170 new members, it has played an important role in treating and controlling cancer in Iran. ISCO organizes an annual national clinical oncology congress, in which distinguished Iranian and international guest speakers present the latest updates in oncology. Furthermore, each year, ISCO organizes several seminars and meetings on various topics in the fields of cancer prevention and treatment. The Society also supports local oncology meetings held in other cities of the country and the participation of its members in different international congresses of oncology.                                                                                                                                                                               

Important Information

  • Conference Date: 2017-12-13
  • Holder: انجمن كلينيكال آنكولوژي ايران
Submit date: 2017-11-12 14:31:10 - View: 9082


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