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2nd International Congress of Climate Change & vector borne Diseases and 4th National Congress of Medical

2nd International Congress of Climate Change & vector borne Diseases and 4th National Congress of Medical In date 2019-11-13 by ,دانشگاه شيراز in City Shiraz was held. please refer to the following link to download all the papers of conference proceedings: Proceedings 2nd International Congress of Climate Change & vector borne Diseases and 4th National Congress of Medical
Arthropods and disease vectors are one of the most important health problems all over the world including Iran. Authentic scientific research on epidemiology,bio-ecology and etiology of these diseases and the development of effective mechanisms based on these research can lead to the promotion of community health burden and secured public health particularly in remote regions. The incidence and distribution of newly emerging and re-emerging diseases,especially arboviral diseases,in a region and its neighboring countries alarmingly necessitates awareness and perfect readiness to control these very insidious diseases. On the other hand,the expanding dispersion of urban pests with pathogen passing potential,which affects the well-being of urban residents,make the duties of specialists and researchers greater in these disciplines. The Medical Entomology department of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences (SUMS) is embarking on its educational and research mission to launch:”2nd. International Congress of Vector-Borne Diseases and Climate Change”,in conjunction with: 4th. National Congress of Medical Entomology,Iran” in the capital city of Shiraz,the cradle of Persian civilization,literature and science. It is honorable to be the host to respectful lecturers,researchers,and students in this and other disciplines,so that as a result of mentoring,view-exchanges,and precious experiences of all of you with respectable executive staff,effective steps could be taken in the optimal advancement of national health system. I,therefore,invite your excellency to participate in this congress,ensuring that the responsible colleagues at SUMS would endeavor to do their best to host the honorable guests among the guest-loving Shiraz people. Attempts to present expert opinions,active panels of discussion with audience and field specialists,up-to-date and applied workshops,and various issues will be interchanged. Your valuable presence would enrich the scientific arena of congress. It is ensured that visiting the beautiful city of Shiraz in the elegant season of fall will bring you lots of excellent and perpetual memories.
Congress Topics:
- Vector-Borne Diseases& Climate Change.
- Vector-borne Diseases (Pathogens,Reservoirs,Diagnosis,Epidemiology).
- Arboviral Diseases.
- Leishmaniases.
- Malaria.
- Urban Pests.
- Biotherapy (Challenges & Threats).
- Re-emerging & Newly-emerging Diseases.
- Pests and Vectors Control.
- Resistance to Pesticides.
- Venomous Arthropods.
- Forensic Entomology.
- Interdisciplinary Studies on Medical Entomology.
Important Information
- Conference Date: 2019-11-13 Abstract deadling: 2019-09-06
- Holder: دانشگاه شيراز
- City Conferences of : City Shiraz
- Province Conferences of : Province Fars
Abstract Review Date: 2019-10-07
Registration Deadline: 2019-10-17
- Medicine
- Diseases
- Entomology