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6th International Congress on Transport, Traffic and Safety Coatings

6th International Congress on Transport, Traffic and Safety Coatings In date 2019-12-14 by AmirKabir University,Iran Paint Industries Associationانجمن رنگ ايران -دانشگاه صنعتي اميركبير in City Tehran was held. please refer to the following link to download all the papers of conference proceedings: _PROCEEDINGS 6th International Congress on Transport, Traffic and Safety Coatings

We are pleased to invite you to the "Transportation, Traffic and Safety Coatings” congress scheduled from 17 December 2019 in Tehran, Iran.

This congress will be a joint effort of the Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic) and the Iranian Color Society (ICS), where will examine academic research and industrial development both locally and internationally.

It is an honor and privilege to invite you to participate in this conference on the following topics based on your expertise and preference;

We look forward to your contribution, an honor for us indeed!

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Submit date: 2019-09-22 11:37:44 - View: 6252


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