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26th national and 4rd international Iranian Conference on Biomedical Engineering

26th national and 4rd international Iranian Conference on Biomedical Engineering In date 2019-11-27 by Iran University of Science and Technology,Iranian Biomedical Engineering Societyدانشگاه علم و صنعت ايران -انجمن مهندسي پزشكي ايران in City Tehran was held. please refer to the following link to download all the papers of conference proceedings: Proceedings 26th national and 4rd international Iranian Conference on Biomedical Engineering
Aims and Scopes
One of the aims of the 26th National and 4th International Conference of Biomedical Engineering is to bring together experts and researchers. The organizer and host of this conference are the Electrical Engineering Department of Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST) with the guidance of the Biomedical Engineering Society. The main topics of the conference are as follows:
- Sport Biomechanics
- Biomechanics of Biological Fluids
- Robotics
- Biological System Modeling
- Bioinformatics and Telemedicine
- Cardiac and Respiratory Engineering
- Neurology and Rehabilitation Engineering
- Nanomaterial
- Biomaterial Engineering
- Molecular and Cellular Engineering
- Tissue Engineering
- Biological Engineering Measurements
- Biomedical Image Processing
- Biological Signal Processing
- Biochemical Engineering
And the other related fields
Important Information
- Conference Date: 2019-11-27 Fulltext deadling: 2019-09-06
- Holder: دانشگاه علم و صنعت ايران -انجمن مهندسي پزشكي ايران
- Association: : Iranian Biomedical Engineering Society
- City Conferences of : City Tehran
- Province Conferences of : Province Tehran
Scientific Organization: Iran University of Science and Technology
- Medical Informatics