Download Conference Proceedings
The first international conference on borderline issues and applications
The first international conference on borderline issues and applications In date 2018-04-18 by University of Tabriz,دانشگاه تبريز in City Bandar Abbas was held. please refer to the following link to download all the papers of conference proceedings: _PROCEEDINGS The first international conference on borderline issues and applications
Main Topics:
Hamiltonian Systems
Fractional Differential Equations
ODEs and Applications
Delay and Difference Equations
Modelling and Math Biology 5
Stability Theory 6
Control and Optimization
Scientific Computation and Numerical Algorithms
Topological Methods and Fixed Points
PDEs and Applications
Bifurcation and Chaotic Dynamics
Free Boundary Problems
Stochastic Differential Equations and Applications
Integral Equations and Applications
Important Information
- Conference Date: 2018-04-18 Fulltext deadling: 2018-03-16
- Holder: دانشگاه تبريز
- City Conferences of : City Bandar Abbas
- Province Conferences of : Province Hormozgan
Scientific Organization: University of Tabriz
- Mathematics