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8th International Management Review Conference in the Third Millennium
8th International Management Review Conference in the Third Millennium In date 2021-02-28 by ,انديشكده ضدبازاريابي in City Tabriz was held. please refer to the following link to download all the papers of conference proceedings: _PROCEEDINGS 8th International Management Review Conference in the Third Millennium
Anti-Marketing Research think tank with the support and cooperation of domestic and international universities and scientific centers, support of leading organizations and companies in the field of science and industry with regard to the scope of scientific fields and the growing need to critique and analyze the performance of systems and managers to exchange views. And to improve affairs and solve problems and solve the problems ahead in various areas of management, the 8th International Conference on Criticism and Management Analysis will be held in the third millennium.
Important Information
- Conference Date: 2021-02-28 Fulltext deadling: 2021-02-23
- Holder: انديشكده ضدبازاريابي
- City Conferences of : City Tabriz
- Province Conferences of : Province Eastern Azarbayjan
Registration Deadline: 2021-02-27
- Management