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The first international conference on energy resilience and sustainability

The first international conference on energy resilience and sustainability In date 2024-04-18 by Sharif University of Technology, in City Tehran was held. please refer to the following link to download all the papers of conference proceedings: _PROCEEDINGS The first international conference on energy resilience and sustainability

Energy Policy and Planning
Energy Policy and Decision Making
Energy Policy and International Relations
Energy Policy and Regional Cooperation
Energy Policy and Geopolitics
How Governments follow environmental policies
Regulatory and Energy Policy
Tax, Subsidies, and Energy Governance
Future Studies and Energy Policy
Scenario Planning as a tool for Energy Policy
Energy Security
Diversification and its role on Energy Security
The impacts of Russia-Ukraine War on World Energy Security
Cartels and the Energy Markets
Political Risks in Energy Production
The Impacts of Natural Disasters on Energy Security
Pipelines and Energy Security
Climate Change, Global Warming, and their    role on Energy Security
The Security of SWAPs of Crude Oil, Natural Gas, and Electricity
The Future Of OPEC & OPEC Plus
Vulnerability of Energy Infrastructure
Emerging Technologies
Renewable Energy
Machine Learning
Energy Resources
Ocean Energy
Nuclear Energy
Energy Financing and Investment
Clean energy finance and investment
Renewable energy finance
Sustainable solutions for green financing
Guide to energy financing
Tax credit and other mechanism in energy finance
Risk assessment in energy financing and investment
Financial instruments foe energy financing
Sustainable solutions for green financing
Innovative ideas in energy investment
Energy Governance and Management
Energy and future of the global order
Good Governance in energy issues
Regional cooperation on energy issues
International cooperation on energy issues
Smart energy management system
Energy governance toward sustainable development
Sustainable management in the field of energy
International cooperation to face climate change
Smart city management
Energy and Environment
Climate Change
Energy Saving
Green House

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Submit date: 2023-11-26 07:49:00 - View: 4047


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