International Conference on Arts and Humanities with an Iranian and Islamic Approach and Sustainable Development

International Conference on Arts and Humanities with an Iranian and Islamic Approach and Sustainable Development In date 2019-02-21 by ,مركز تحقيقات هنراسلامي نگاره in City Tehran was held.This conference is held by Civilica Sponsoring and articles and will be indexed in CIVILICA
Important Information
- Conference Date: 2019-02-21 Abstract deadling: 2018-06-20
- Holder: مركز تحقيقات هنراسلامي نگاره
- City Conferences of : City Tehran
- Province Conferences of : Province Tehran
Abstract Review Date: 2018-07-21
Fulltext deadling: 2018-12-21
Registration Deadline: 2019-02-19
- Arts and Humanities