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3rd Iranian Conference on Innovation Management

3rd Iranian Conference on Innovation Management In date 2010-10-27 by ,پژوهشكده علوم خلاَقيت شناسي و مهندسي و مديريت نوآوري و TRIZ in City Tehran was held. please refer to the following link to download all the papers of conference proceedings: Proceedings 3rd Iranian Conference on Innovation Management
Important Information
- Conference Date: 2010-10-27 Fulltext deadling: 2010-08-11
- Holder: پژوهشكده علوم خلاَقيت شناسي و مهندسي و مديريت نوآوري و TRIZ
- City Conferences of : City Tehran
- Province Conferences of : Province Tehran
fulltext final revision: 2010-10-02
Full Text Review Date: 2010-09-11
- Business
- Management
- Psychology
- Social and Behavioral Sciences