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The 7th National Conference and the First International Conference on Renewable Energy and Scatter Generation of Iran

The final spritzer

The 7th National Conference and the First International Conference on Renewable Energy and Scatter Generation of Iran In date 2019-06-11 by Shahid Beheshti University, in City Tehran was held. please refer to the following link to download all the papers of conference proceedings: Proceedings The 7th National Conference and the First International Conference on Renewable Energy and Scatter Generation of Iran

 The 7th National Conference and the First International Conference on Renewable Energy and Scatter Generation of Iran with the participation of foreign researchers and foreign companies on February 26th-28th 2019 at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Energy of Shahid Beheshti University, with the support of universities and organizations associated with this The field will be held under the clean energy slogan for Iran.


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Submit date: 2018-11-10 10:52:26 - View: 16618


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