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15th International Industrial Engineering Conference

15th International Industrial Engineering Conference In date 2019-01-23 by Yazd University,Iran Institute of Industrial Engineering in City Yazd was held. please refer to the following link to download all the papers of conference proceedings: _PROCEEDINGS 15th International Industrial Engineering Conference


The indigenous knowledge which is the result of datum and experience collection of local folks and societies in successive generations is a valuable body that should be considered for getting to sustainable development.
Recently the perpetual cooperation of indigenous knowledge and modern academic knowledge has been considered by researchers,managers and plan makers of countries,for comprehensive advancement of human beings,as well as food supply,welfare and security.


Conference Topic
-          Indigenous Knowledge and sustainable use of nature
-          Indigenous Knowledge and biodiversity conservation
-          Indigenous Knowledge; religions,sects and biodiversity conservation
-          Converging of Indigenous Knowledge and modern sciences for conservation of biodiversity

Important Information

Submit date: 2018-06-17 13:22:55 - View: 21639


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