Download Conference Proceedings
9th Newly Constituted National Congress on Management and engineering industries Emphasizing Competence and intelligence of competition

9th Newly Constituted National Congress on Management and engineering industries Emphasizing Competence and intelligence of competition In date 2023-07-14 by Adiban Institute of Higher Education,Thermal Engineering Association of Iran، Indian Institute of Technology, Iran in City Tehran was held. please refer to the following link to download all the papers of conference proceedings: Proceedings 9th Newly Constituted National Congress on Management and engineering industries Emphasizing Competence and intelligence of competition
Important Information
- Conference Date: 2023-07-14 Fulltext deadling: 2023-02-09
- Holder:
- Association: : Thermal Engineering Association of Iran
Association: : Indian Institute of Technology, Iran - City Conferences of : City Tehran
- Province Conferences of : Province Tehran
Scientific Organization: Adiban Institute of Higher Education
- Management
- Industrial Engineering