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The 16th International Conference of the Iranian Association of Securities

The final spritzer

The 16th International Conference of the Iranian Association of Securities In date 2019-08-28 by Ferdowsi University of Mashhad,Iranian Society of Cryptology in City Mashhad was held. please refer to the following link to download all the papers of conference proceedings: Proceedings The 16th International Conference of the Iranian Association of Securities


Foundations of cryptology
Foundation of cryptology
Symmetric cryptographic algorithms
Asymmetric and cryptographic algorithms and digital signatures
Hash functions
New methods in cryptography (post-quantum cryptography, functional cryptography, homomorphic cryptography, …
Information theoretic security
Implementation of cryptographic algorithms and related attacks
Software and hardware implementation of cryptographic algorithms
Side channel attacks and countermeasures
Embedded cryptographic systems
Hardware tampering and countermeasures
Cryptographic hardware accelerators
Verification and fault detection of implementations
Network security
Wireless and mobile network security
Security of network infrastructures
Security of network protocols and layers
Intrusion detection and prevention systems
Security of critical infrastructures
Cryptography and security protocols
Authentication and identification protocols
Anonymity, privacy and trust management
Cryptanalysis of security protocols
Trust and security models
Formal methods in information security
Security of computation
Security in computer architecture
Operating system security
Database security
Analysis of security and vulnerability of software and application programs
Security and privacy in mobile devices
Security of cloud computing
Access control
Security of data, systems and applications
Social engineering in security
Information security management system (ISMS)
Information security training
E-business and e-service security
E-health security
E-banking security
E-learning security
Information hiding
New algorithms in steganography and watermarking
Attack modeling and watermarking
Applications of Information hiding
Digital forensics
Digital forensics methods
Database and network forensics
Fraud detection
Tamper detection and prevention
Special topics of ISCISC2019 conference
Security for industrial control systems
Cyber security master plan for critical infrastructures (Electricity, Water, Oil & Gas, Transportation)
Common threats and vulnerabilities of industrial control systems
Cost analysis on security of industrial control systems
Native products for securing industrial control systems
Security architecture of industrial control systems
Security of SCADA systems
Standards and best practices in various industries
Security for the Internet of Things (IoT)


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Submit date: 2018-12-10 12:40:39 - View: 13589


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