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3rd international conference & 4th national conference on Law and Political Science

3rd international conference & 4th national conference on Law and Political Science In date 2021-11-11 by University of Applied Science,دانشگاه علمي كاربردي پارس آبادجهاد دانشگاهي پارس آبادمركز بين المللي توسعه صلح،فرهنگ و عقلانيت in City Tehran was held. please refer to the following link to download all the papers of conference proceedings: _PROCEEDINGS 3rd international conference & 4th national conference on Law and Political Science

Important Information

  • Conference Date: 2021-11-11
  • Fulltext deadling: 2021-11-10

    Scientific Organization: University of Applied Science
  • Holder: دانشگاه علمي كاربردي پارس آبادجهاد دانشگاهي پارس آبادمركز بين المللي توسعه صلح،فرهنگ و عقلانيت
  • City Conferences of : City Tehran
  • Province Conferences of : Province Tehran
Submit date: 2021-05-23 13:26:25 - View: 10688


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