Seventh Optometry Student Seminar

Seventh Optometry Student Seminar In date 2018-02-22 by Mashhad University of Medical Sciences,Optometry Association of Iranدانشگاه علوم پزشكي مشهدانجمن اپتومتري خراسان in City Mashhad was held.
Important Information
- Conference Date: 2018-02-22 Registration Deadline: 2018-02-21
- Holder: دانشگاه علوم پزشكي مشهدانجمن اپتومتري خراسان
- Association: : Optometry Association of Iran
- City Conferences of : City Mashhad
- Province Conferences of : Province Khorasan Razavi
Scientific Organization: Mashhad University of Medical Sciences
- Optometry