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First National Conference on International Transit and Transport on the Economic Development Pathway

First National Conference on International Transit and Transport on the Economic Development Pathway In date 2019-12-19 by ,انجمن صنفي شركت هاي حمل و نقل بين المللي خراسان رضوي با مشاركت اتاق بازرگاني ،صنايع و معادن و كشاورزي خراسان رضوي in City Mashhad was held. please refer to the following link to download all the papers of conference proceedings: Proceedings First National Conference on International Transit and Transport on the Economic Development Pathway
Important Information
- Conference Date: 2019-12-19 Fulltext deadling: 2019-11-21
- Holder: انجمن صنفي شركت هاي حمل و نقل بين المللي خراسان رضوي با مشاركت اتاق بازرگاني ،صنايع و معادن و كشاورزي خراسان رضوي
- City Conferences of : City Mashhad
- Province Conferences of : Province Khorasan Razavi
Registration Deadline: 2019-12-05
- Transportation