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1st international conference on law, political science, Islamic politics and Islamic jurisprudence

1st international conference on law, political science, Islamic politics and Islamic jurisprudence In date 2024-05-17 by Adib institution of higher education in Mazandaran,مرکز علمی تقدیس in City Sari will be held.Since the conference held officially, all of this Conference paper and proceedings will be indexed in the Civilica database and Iranian Consortium of National Content (ICNC) and you can have full confidence.

Important Information

Submit date: 2022-10-11 04:25:06 - View: 20461


Conference contact information

Conference tel: 09215848636
Postall Address: مازندران - ساری - کیلومتر ۷ جاده دریا - موسسه آموزش عالی ادیب مازندران
Website: Conference website

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