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5th Conference on Sustainable Architecture and City
5th Conference on Sustainable Architecture and City In date 2020-02-29 by Shahid Rajaee Teacher Traning University,دانشگاه تربيت دبير شهيد رجايي in City Tehran was held. please refer to the following link to download all the papers of conference proceedings: Proceedings 5th Conference on Sustainable Architecture and City
Conference topics
Coverage will include but is not limited to:
Architectural Topics:
Architecture and Sustainable Development
Renewable energy in architecture
Culture, Art and Architecture
Restoration of textures and monuments
Islamic Architecture and Urbanism
Theories and new technologies in architecture
Decorative architecture
Interior Architecture
Conceptualism in architecture
Aesthetics in architecture
Urban planning Topics:
Sustainability in Urbanism
Sustainability and environment
Sustainable development and urban density
The potentials of urban development
Transportation systems
Regional and Urban Planning
Urbanism and Urban development
New cities and sustainable development of cities
Demolition Engineering in the construction industry
Social interactions in urban spaces
Planning, management, and urban design
Resistance and refurbishment of urban buildings
Basics and principles of demolition engineering, management, and demolition monitoring
The role of the substitution of commercial centers in urban traffic
Urban Management
Car-free cities
Environmental Topics:
Waste and environmental pollution
Solutions for consumption reduction and management
Green space and urban environment
Landscape Topics:
Landscape and aesthetics
Road landscape
Healing landscape
Treatment landscape
Landscape of Educational Spaces
Urban landscape
Urban, local, and regional gardens
Historical landscape
Cultural landscape
Industrial landscape
Agricultural landscape
Landscape and Tourism
Environmental Graphics Topics:
Environmental Art (Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Urbanism)
Conference message:
After holding successful 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th National Conference on Sustainable Architecture and City hosted by the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University in Tehran, the university is hosting the 5th International Conference on Sustainable Architecture and City. This international conference will be held with the aim of bringing together the knowledge as well as introducing new and innovative findings in various fields of Sustainable architecture and city, Urbanization, Islamic architecture, Sustainable landscape and Environmental arts. Providing opportunity for interacting with professors, researchers, experts, and policy makers in the mentioned areas, reviewing scientific and practical challenges are among other aims of the conference. In this regard, the scientific and executive committee of this conference invites all professors, researchers, and authors to submit their researches and achievements in the form of scientifically and applied papers to the secretariat of the conference in the key topics of the conference.
Important Information
- Conference Date: 2020-02-29 Fulltext deadling: 2020-01-25
- Holder: دانشگاه تربيت دبير شهيد رجايي
- City Conferences of : City Tehran
- Province Conferences of : Province Tehran
Registration Deadline: 2020-02-04
Scientific Organization: Shahid Rajaee Teacher Traning University
- Architecture