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6th International Conference on Sustainable development & Urban Construction

6th International Conference on Sustainable development & Urban Construction In date 2016-12-08 by Daneshpajoohan Institute of Higher Education,موسسه آموزش عالي دانش پژوهان in City Isfahan was held. please refer to the following link to download all the papers of conference proceedings: _PROCEEDINGS 6th International Conference on Sustainable development & Urban Construction

Conference Topics
1. Challenges and Solutions of Sustainable Urban Development
1.1 Urban Figure 
2.1 Indicators of Urban Sustainability 
3.1 Urban Structures 
4.1 Urban Restoration 
5.1 Urban Landscape

2. Role of Architecture and Urban Design in Achievement to Sustainable Development
1.2 Patterns Of Sustainable Construction 
2.2 Patterns Of Construction Management 
3.2 Vernacular Architecture 
4.2 Sustainable Materials

3. Role of Civil Engineeringin Achievement to Sustainable Construction
1.3 Retrofitting of Urban Structures 
2.3 Seismic Rehabilitation of Urban Structures 
3.3 New or Vernacular Materials in Sustainable Structures 
4.3 Role of Environment in Sustainable Development 
5.3 Sustainable Transportation

4. Optimization of Energy Consumption in Sustainable Development
1.4 Clean Energies and Modern Technologies in Intelligent Construction Management Systems Development 
2.4 Monitor and Control of Energy Consumption and Return on Investment Strategies 
3.4 Outlook of Energy Technologies in Sustainable Development

5. Industry and Information Technology in Sustainable Development
1.5 Role of Industry in ُSustainable Construction 
2.5 Industry and Information Technology in Intelligent Construction Management 
3.5 Information Technology in Tourism Development

Important Information

Submit date: 2016-11-07 09:13:05 - View: 11184


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