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Second International Conference on Applied Research in Physical Education, Sport Science and Championship

Second International Conference on Applied Research in Physical Education, Sport Science and Championship In date 2017-11-16 by Institute of Higher Education righteous,دانشگاه صالحان in City Tehran was held. please refer to the following link to download all the papers of conference proceedings: _PROCEEDINGS Second International Conference on Applied Research in Physical Education, Sport Science and Championship

Conference Topic

A: sports management

Management facilities and sports - recreational sports and leisure management - strategic management and sports organizations - sports media management - management of sporting events - sports marketing management

B: Exercise Physiology

Cardiovascular and respiratory - Biochemistry and Exercise Metabolism - physiology of muscle - physiology,physical activity and health - exercise physiology - physiology,clinical exercise - exercise physiology soon - Applied Exercise Physiology

C: sport injuries and corrective actions

Corrective Exercises - Sport Relief - Physical Education Special

D: Motor Behavior

Motor development - motor learning - teaching physical education

Special Topics

Islam and Physical Education - Culture Sports - Sports ethics - Biomechanics Sports - Sports Psychology

Important Information

Submit date: 2017-05-31 11:41:16 - View: 14928


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