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International Conference on the New Horizons in the Educational Sciences, Psychology and Social Damagesa

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International Conference on the New Horizons in the Educational Sciences, Psychology and Social Damagesa In date 2017-02-09 by ,انجمن افق نوين علم و فناوري in City Tehran was held. please refer to the following link to download all the papers of conference proceedings: Proceedings International Conference on the New Horizons in the Educational Sciences, Psychology and Social Damagesa

The Conference Topics:
A: New Horizons in the Educational Sciences Field
Islamic Ethics and Religious Education
Curriculum planning and Academic Progress
Educational Management and Researches – Educational Planning
E-Learning – Adult Education - Educational Technology
Education and Training (initial,Comparative,pre-school - elementary)
Education and Improvement of human resources - management and planning of higher education
B: New Horizons in the Psychology Field
School Consultant,Organizational Health,Education and Training Philosophy
Training Psychology,Cultural Psychology,Islamic Psychology
Health Psychology,Public Psychology,Personality Psychology
Clinical Psychology,Industrial and Organizational Psychology,Assessment and Measurement (Psychometric)
Youth Clinical Psychology,Consultant and guidance (Occupational,Family,Rehabilitation)
C: New Horizons in the Social Damages Field
Social Growth,Demographics,Youth Studies
Marriage and Family,Social Compatibility,Social Service
Social Sciences Philosophy,Islamic Bioethics,Social Sciences Researches
Women and Family Studies,Social Communication Sciences,Social Services Management
Advertisement and Social Communication,Social Welfare Planning,Sociology of Iran Social Issues.
D: Special Topics:
Healthy Lifestyle,Ethics and Culture in the Research
Strategies of Islamic-Iranian Culture Promotion,Development and Promotion of Islamic Culture in the Families
Strategies of Cope with Social Damages in the Society,Cultural Studies and Media Management

Important Information

  • Conference Date: 2017-02-09
  • Fulltext deadling: 2017-01-27
  • Holder: انجمن افق نوين علم و فناوري
  • City Conferences of : City Tehran
  • Province Conferences of : Province Tehran
Submit date: 2016-11-15 07:23:48 - View: 16581


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