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Eighth International Congress and Student Festival of Reproductive Medicine

The final spritzer

Eighth International Congress and Student Festival of Reproductive Medicine In date 2019-04-19 by Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences,پژوهشكده علوم توليد مثل دانشگاه علوم پزشكي يزد in City Yazd was held. please refer to the following link to download all the papers of conference proceedings: Proceedings Eighth International Congress and Student Festival of Reproductive Medicine

  1. Andrology
  2. ART
  3. Cloning
  4. Diagnostic Methods
  5. Epidemiology
  6. Epidemiology of Infertility
  7. Fertility Preservation
  8. Gamete & Embryo Donation
  9. Genetic of Reproduction
  10. Physiology of Reproduction
  11. Immunology of Reproduction
  12. Nursing Role in ART
  13. Psychological Aspects of Infertility
  14. Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
  15. Reproductive Endocrinology
  16. Reproductive Health
  17. Stem Cell
  18. Surrogacy

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Submit date: 2018-07-31 19:33:03 - View: 20423


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