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National Conference on New Approaches in Applied Linguistics and Translation Studies

The final spritzer

National Conference on New Approaches in Applied Linguistics and Translation Studies In date 2019-02-21 by Sheikh Bahaei University, in City Isfahan was held. please refer to the following link to download all the papers of conference proceedings: Proceedings National Conference on New Approaches in Applied Linguistics and Translation Studies

Conference Theme
Facets of Interculturality in Language Teaching and Translation Studies

Conference Topics
Interculturality, Globalization, and Superdiversity
Intercultural Competence and Cross-Cultural Issues in ELT
Interculturality and Materials Development
Interculturality and Translation Pedagogy Intercultural Knowledge and Translation Competence

  About Conference

Researchers, practitioners, and scholars in the fields of Applied Linguistics and Translation Studies are invited to submit their paper to the conference and seek the opportunity to share perspectives and exchange ideas on aforementioned topics.

Important Information

Submit date: 2018-06-11 08:33:12 - View: 12264


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