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Second National Conference on Sports Science, Physical Education and Strategic Management in Sports

Second National Conference on Sports Science, Physical Education and Strategic Management in Sports In date 2020-11-29 by ,انجمن علمي پژوهشي دانش پژوهان بوعلي سينا با مشاركت مركزهمايش ها و كنفرانس هاي فرازانديشان بوعلي سينا in City Hamadan was held. please refer to the following link to download all the papers of conference proceedings: Proceedings Second National Conference on Sports Science, Physical Education and Strategic Management in Sports
Important Information
- Conference Date: 2020-11-29 Fulltext deadling: 2020-11-26
- Holder: انجمن علمي پژوهشي دانش پژوهان بوعلي سينا با مشاركت مركزهمايش ها و كنفرانس هاي فرازانديشان بوعلي سينا
- City Conferences of : City Hamadan
- Province Conferences of : Province Hamedan
- Sport