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INTERNATIONL SYMPOSIUM ON SEISEMIC REHABILATION FOR IRANIAN HERITAGE STRUCTURES In date 2019-02-24 by Research Institute of Cultural Heritage & Tourism,پژوهشگاه ميراث فرهنگي و گردشگري in City Tehran was held. please refer to the following link to download all the papers of conference proceedings: Proceedings INTERNATIONL SYMPOSIUM ON SEISEMIC REHABILATION FOR IRANIAN HERITAGE STRUCTURES
Owing to various geographical and climatic conditions, Iran suffers high risk of different levels of natural disasters. According to registered reports of 40 well-known calamities in the world, 31 cases have occurred in Iran. Harshness and expansion of these accidents often result in severe loss and damages. An appropriate response for reducing their effects, requires scientific studies and constant actions.
Iran is one of the most seismically active countries in the world, being crossed by several major faults that cover majority of its territories, where to be found normally heritage structures. Apart from historic earthquakes, the terrible quakes since 1900, such as the north of Khorasan (1929), Salmas (1930), Buinzahra (1962), north of Qaen (1997), Rudbar and Manjil (1990), Bam (2003) and Kermanshah (2017), caused significant damages.
From the 5 major earthquakes in the world since 1990, two cases (Rudbar and Bam) that had the most casualties, occurred in Iran. The Bam earthquake with a magnitude of 6.6 on the Richter scale in 2002, bring about 26,000 deaths and 30,000 injuries and 45,000 homeless people. The seismic activity also demolished the historic citadel of the city and the nearby monuments.
Iran is also home to one of the oldest world civilization, which has continuously suffered from Tremor. To protect this vast and valuable cultural heritage, the Iranian Research Institute for Cultural Heritage and Tourism (IRICHT), as a scientific center, aims to contemplate this problem in full-scale. In first step, a scientific symposium was held at Tehran University, in January 2016. Thanks to achievement of this conference, the IRICHT decided to hold the 2nd symposium in a larger scale with the scientific contribution of Iranian educating and research institutions and also the International Scientific Committee on the Analysis and Restoration of Structures of Architectural Heritage (ISCARSAH), in Iran on February 2019.
1- Theory and Principle
1-1- Monuments conservation principles and seismic retrofitting
1-2- Seismic retrofitting methods, criteria, and standards
2- Crisis Management and Earthquake Risk
2-1- Vulnerability of monuments and earthquake
2-2- Conservation management of monuments after the earthquake
3- Technology and Materials
3-1- Understanding and applying new technologies
3-2- Traditional material and technology in seismic retrofitting
4- Structural Analysis and monitoring
4-1- Vulnerability assessment of monuments
4-2- Analysis of historical buildings behavior in earthquakes
4-3- Monitoring methods of historical structures
4-4- Geotechnical rehabilitation and analysis
5- Seismic risk assessment
6- Experiences & Case studies
6-1- Traditional techniques and earthquake
6-2- Seismic rehabilitation experiences and lessons learned
6-3- Architectural conservation experiences after earthquake
Important Information
- Conference Date: 2019-02-24 Abstract deadling: 2018-11-22
- Holder: پژوهشگاه ميراث فرهنگي و گردشگري
- City Conferences of : City Tehran
- Province Conferences of : Province Tehran
Abstract Review Date: 2018-11-28
Fulltext deadling: 2019-01-14
Full Text Review Date: 2019-02-02
Scientific Organization: Research Institute of Cultural Heritage & Tourism
- Earth-Surface Processes
- Geology
- Geophysics
- Structural Engineering
- General Engineering